ACA: Affordable Care Act (better known as OBAMACARE) - Enrollment Starts October 1st - You In?

also who would get coverage without knowing or trying to find out about something as simple as knowing if emergency services is covered???

You read the Insurance Benefits booklet that is provided to you by your employer and/or insurance broker.

Hell before I go see a specialist or to the pharmacy, I call my insurance company to make sure what I am paying out of pocket. It's amazing to me that so many people don't even know what insurance coverage they have until an emergency happens.
before i sign the paper for my medical insurance......YES i do
because if they gonna take money out my check i need to know what EXACTLY its for
not to mention i have kids so i NEED to make sure benefits match mine and their needs
I can't believe people are still defending this law. The President bold face lied to the country for 3 years. Some people just don't need certain kind of coverage, simple as that. If they wanted a more comprehensive plan they would have had it. But for whatever reason they decided to go with something more bare bones. As an American consumer that IS THEIR RIGHT. Well at least it used to be. You are now less free than you were before this terrible law was forced down the throats of Americans. Enjoy it.
Heard a good point today from a guy that seemed to be in the middle, not taking one side or the other fully. 

He basically asked the question, "do opponents/Republicans even care about those that will benefit from this law?". 

All we hear them screaming about about is "healthy" people forced to get coverage, existing policies that have to be upgraded, etc etc.... what about all the people on the other side that will be able to get cheaper coverage and/or coverage they weren't able to get in the past? 

I get why some people are upset. But at the end of the day a) the policies being dropped were junk anyway ... and b) prices go up for pretty much everything we consume. People just don't like being told they HAVE TO. It's all a mind thing.

If our cable bill goes up, we complain, bite the bullet, and just pay it. But because you have the option to cancel your cable you don't feel forced to pay more. And realistically, how many people are really going to cancel? Same with gas, gas goes up like every day, but people act like it's a choice. Technically it is, but realistically it's not because you need to get your *** to work and if you didn't drive doing so would be quite the dilemma. The cost of groceries is steady going up too. Again, we're basically arguing over the phrase "HAVE TO". 
I can't believe people are still defending this law. The President bold face lied to the country for 3 years. Some people just don't need certain kind of coverage, simple as that. If they wanted a more comprehensive plan they would have had it. But for whatever reason they decided to go with something more bare bones. As an American consumer that IS THEIR RIGHT. Well at least it used to be. You are now less free than you were before this terrible law was forced down the throats of Americans. Enjoy it.
You're not "FREE". 

So let's please stop using that silly *** term. 

I defend THE CONCEPT.  Have not seen the law in play to know whether or not I defend the entire thing. 

Everyone should have health care coverage. 
In 2008 I was free to have whatever health insurance I wanted or not have it all. Now I can't. I am now less free. I don't see why you bothered to even argue this with me.

And shame on you for shrugging off the fact that your government is FORCING you to buy a product. An not even because it may benefit you but in order to foot the bill for someone else. I truly do not understand how people can't see why this whole law is a bad thing. It is baffling.
In 2008 I was free to have whatever health insurance I wanted or not have it all. Now I can't. I am now less free. I don't see why you bothered to even argue this with me.

And shame on you for shrugging off the fact that your government is FORCING you to buy a product. An not even because it may benefit you but in order to foot the bill for someone else. I truly do not understand how people can't see why this whole law is a bad thing. It is baffling.

You are not "FREE" ... and I'm not talking about your insurance choices --- I'm talking about the fact that we have laws restricting your so called "freedom".  People are picking and choosing like the government doesn't FORCE us to do a lot of things. 

I can't take a piss on the sidewalk if there's no bathroom in site. 

I can't turn my front lawn into a junkyard. 

And I'm not shrugging off anything. As I explained, we're backed into a corner on A NUMBER of things we consume. But y'all want to use a technicality to make this mandate seem so much worse, when it's really not. 
So because there are already restrictions in place on some actions and behaviors we should sit back and let the government create more? Great mindset champ.
that "if you like your plan you can keep it" is back firing like a motha ricker right now
Starting Jan. 1, 2014, all health insurance plans offered to individuals or through the small-group market to employers with 50 or fewer employees are required to provide coverage for an Essential Health Benefits (EHB) package.

1. Ambulatory Patient Services

2. Prescription Drugs

3. Emergency Care

4. Mental Health Services

5. Hospitalization

6. Rehabilitative and Habilitative Services

7. Preventive and Wellness Services

8. Laboratory Services

9. Pediatric Care

10. Maternity and Newborn Care
^ So if your insurance coverage doesn't provide all of these services to YOU, then yah you will be getting a cancellation letter. Imagine thinking you have health insurance, your child's fever is 100.4, but your health insurance doesn't even cover emergency care. What's the point in having insurance then? Thank goodness for this mandated coverage.
So if I'm a male, & don't have a kid, why do I need to pay for these services? I even know middle age couples whose kids have moved out that are forced to have these two in their plans. Seriously... when are we going to figure out that this isn't going to do ANYTHING except get us closer to universal healthcare?

The problem with the old system was that we are the most unhealthy nation in the world and the two government programs (Medicare & Medicaid) were only paying Dr's 20 cents on the dollar for services forcing all of us to pay more for our plans. Have we not noticed a trend with government subsidization of services and exponential price increases?

The main problems with the old system were rejection of payment for services rendered and not insuring pre-existing conditions. But instead, we essentially nationalized the whole system and levied a tax on everyone.
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In 2008 I was free to have whatever health insurance I wanted or not have it all. Now I can't. I am now less free. I don't see why you bothered to even argue this with me.

And shame on you for shrugging off the fact that your government is FORCING you to buy a product. An not even because it may benefit you but in order to foot the bill for someone else. I truly do not understand how people can't see why this whole law is a bad thing. It is baffling.


You are not "FREE" ... and I'm not talking about your insurance choices --- I'm talking about the fact that we have laws restricting your so called "freedom".  People are picking and choosing like the government doesn't FORCE us to do a lot of things. 

I can't take a piss on the sidewalk if there's no bathroom in site. 

I can't turn my front lawn into a junkyard. 

And I'm not shrugging off anything. As I explained, we're backed into a corner on A NUMBER of things we consume. But y'all want to use a technicality to make this mandate seem so much worse, when it's really not. 
but why cant u if its UR lawn
and whats wrong with using a technicality? Plenty of big businesses use technicalities all the time
You do know that Canadian medical schools are pumping out less doctors and those already practicing have left for countries where there is an incentive for them to practice? Been going on for a few years now.
You do know that Canadian medical schools are pumping out less doctors and those already practicing have left for countries where there is an incentive for them to practice? Been going on for a few years now.
isnt the incentive to help people? :smh:
So because there are already restrictions in place on some actions and behaviors we should sit back and let the government create more? Great mindset champ.
you keep ducking the basis of the argument, which is some of y'all are just cherry picking what to be all "upset" about... 

it's another law... simple as that. 

American laws are *** backwards across the board.... but now we gonna sit here and pretend this is the most freedom-restricting law in our lifetime 

what makes it even more absurd to me is that this law actually benefits people more than it hurts them... it's a law with great intentions. 
When you have six figures of debt, it's not high on a list of priority. The government providing debt forgiveness to those who serve the public sector for five years would a step in fixing the problem here.
So because there are already restrictions in place on some actions and behaviors we should sit back and let the government create more? Great mindset champ.
you keep ducking the basis of the argument, which is some of y'all are just cherry picking what to be all "upset" about... 

it's another law... simple as that. 

American laws are *** backwards across the board.... but now we gonna sit here and pretend this is the most freedom-restricting law in our lifetime 

what makes it even more absurd to me is that this law actually benefits people more than it hurts them... it's a law with great intentions. 
Most laws have good "intentions", but that doesn't make it a good law. Ultimately, it's human behavior laws are trying to fix. If we were really trying to allow uninsurable Americans to become insured, did it really take a War & Peace length bill passed with 48 hrs. notice with another 30,000 pages of regulations to solve that?
Most laws have good "intentions", but that doesn't make it a good law. Ultimately, it's human behavior laws are trying to fix. If we were really trying to allow uninsurable Americans to become insured, did it really take a War & Peace length bill passed with 48 hrs. notice with another 30,000 pages of regulations to solve that?
I defend THE CONCEPT.  Have not seen the law in play to know whether or not I defend the entire thing. 

Everyone should have health care coverage. 
  • Health insurance premiums have risen 196 percent since 1999, with worker contributions growing 182 percent. Meanwhile, wages have grown an average of 50 percent since 1999
So if I'm a male, & don't have a kid, why do I need to pay for these services? I even know middle age couples whose kids have moved out that are forced to have these two in their plans. Seriously... when are we going to figure out that this isn't going to do ANYTHING except get us closer to universal healthcare?

The problem with the old system was that we are the most unhealthy nation in the world and the two government programs (Medicare & Medicaid) were only paying Dr's 20 cents on the dollar for services forcing all of us to pay more for our plans. Have we not noticed a trend with government subsidization of services and exponential price increases?

The main problems with the old system were rejection of payment for services rendered and not insuring pre-existing conditions. But instead, we essentially nationalized the whole system and levied a tax on everyone.

Excellent question but wouldn't it be the same for every essential coverage... such as..

I am a healthy individual and never been to an ER my entire life.. why do I need Emergency Care?

I am a healthy young adult and never had mental illness... why do I need mental health coverage?

etc.. etc..

Most laws have good "intentions", but that doesn't make it a good law. Ultimately, it's human behavior laws are trying to fix. If we were really trying to allow uninsurable Americans to become insured, did it really take a War & Peace length bill passed with 48 hrs. notice with another 30,000 pages of regulations to solve that?

And how was Obama and the Democrats going to pass this legislation when we have a Republican base, whom won't ever compromise? Back alley deals with the Medical industry, funding deals to Congressional members, etc... was how they passed it. I mean we're talking about the United States Congress here where corruption runs rampant and members vote based of Party ideology instead of what's best for their constituents.

REGARDLESS though, it's law now so instead of wasting all this time crying, whining, and getting all angry, why not take advantage of what the Govt is providing and make the best out of it. I know I am educating everyone I know. :smokin
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You didn’t want to be the guy chosen to tell Stalin that the wheat crop failed or the production quotas on trucks and cars were not met. Why?

Because despots always blame people, not systems.

In the same way, you don’t want to be the guy chosen to tell Obama that his health care websites are a disaster. But that’s what they are, and he’s managed to blame everyone but himself.

At his hilarious and embarrassing press conference on Monday, the president first assured us that “no one is madder than me” about website failures. Then, of course, he lashed out at the critics and implicitly blamed them for technical failures.

“It’s time for folks to stop rooting for its failure, because hardworking, middle-class families are rooting for its success.”

Someone needs to explain to this guy that rooting one way or another does not cause a website to fail. Crop failures in Russia were not because of the enemies of communism, and the failure of Obama’s health care websites are not due to his political enemies, either. The problem is that government is a bad developer, even when it’s contracting out.

Then Obama said, “We did not wage this long and contentious battle just around a website. That’s not what this was about.”

There he goes again, defining his own reality. By plunging into direct provision of a commercial service and forcing people to cough up for it, Obamacare and its website must be prepared to be accessed just like any other private market service.

People don’t like it when websites are flaky and do not perform. By dismissing this feature — treating the website as if it is just a luxury feature that has nothing to do with the program itself — he reveals that he’s stuck in the past.

A website is not just a convenience. It is the heart and soul of a service that purports to serve everyone. In some ways, this is the most important website this government has ever produced. People don’t use the sites of the Pentagon or Housing and Urban Development. But this one people not only use, but are forced to use. Its failure is epic.

The president then made matters worse. He pointed out that people can download a form and mail it in. Also that people can go to centers where there are people who can help. Then he even rattled off an 800 number that people could call.

As The New York Times said with a funny blandness: “Several calls to the number immediately after he read it produced busy signals.”

Busy signals? I think the last time I heard one of those I was in seventh grade. No one under the age of 25 even knows what a “busy signal” is.

The terrifying thing is that all the troubles with foreshadow what’s coming with the new system of health care. Who can doubt it? It is going to be thrown back, inefficient, backward-looking, full of bureaucracy, insanely expensive, characterized by busy signals, and ultimately ending with a demand to come back another day.

Let’s talk about expenses. The website Digital Trends estimates costs between $500 million and perhaps as much as $2 billion before the end of 2014 just to operate the website. This is, quite frankly, unthinkably absurd:

“Facebook, which received its first investment in June 2004, operated for a full six years before surpassing the $500 million mark in June 2010. Twitter, created in 2006, managed to get by with only $360.17 million in total funding until a $400 million boost in 2011. Instagram ginned up just $57.5 million in funding before Facebook bought it for (a staggering) $1 billion last year. And LinkedIn and Spotify, meanwhile, have only raised, respectively, $200 million and $288 million.”

In short, this stuff redefines the word “boondoggle.” And it’s not like the typical Pentagon scandal because, again, this is a regular commercial webspace. Every business in America builds websites. The big difference is they do it with their own money. People know how much sites cost and how they are supposed to operate. That’s why this government website failure is so significant.

It is worth asking why a government with half a billion dollars and vast amounts of time and personnel to make a great site can’t actually manage to do it. It’s not as if the government didn’t have the incentive to do it right. The most powerful people on Earth wanted it to succeed — and in this respect, there is no question that Obama is telling truth. He really did wish upon a star.

The problem is that government is not the best means to do anything well. The problem is the absence of two crucial things: the knowledge to assemble the resources properly and the means to make the economic assessment of the value of competitive resources. This is what happens when you eliminate the profit-and-loss system. You can throw massive resources at a problem with the end result being disappointing.

Again, it is not just about the website. It is about the whole system. The fools who imposed this system had all the expertise, all the arrogance, all the money, and all the power, and they still couldn’t do it. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of workable and useful websites go up every day.

Has there ever been in our times a better symbol of the failure of government? The truth is this: Government doesn’t work. Here’s the proof. It’s just the beginning. If you want health care in the future, you are going to have to look outside the system. And plenty of people right now are working on that solution, which, unlike that which the experts create, will actually serve human needs.


Jeffrey Tucker
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  • Health insurance premiums have risen 196 percent since 1999, with worker contributions growing 182 percent. Meanwhile, wages have grown an average of 50 percent since 1999

wage growth hasnt caught up with inflation. this is the case with everything due to an expansion of credit
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