Accidents made me accidentally have a crap Xmas eve!! Beat this.

Sep 20, 2006
#@+! was whack y'all.
Ight, i'm a regular poster, have been since '04 on a few different names. Everyone who knows me, knows I am a dumb +%$ (see freestyle thread). 

I'm home earlier, tryna create a nice Christmas ambiance in my room for the Xmas jumpoffs. So I string some Xmas lights on this ledge above my bed 

Lean back to see how it looks and DOUMP!!! Ceiling fan blade (on full speed) hits me in the head...i'm like damn 
. Touch the back of my head, there is blood so i'm like 

Go up to my mom, like "yo mom, my head is bleeding, can you fix me up?" she tells me to sit down n gets all the mom cleaning stuff. I ask her to get me a glass of iced tea cause I started feeling woozy.

Next thing you know I am on the ground and I wake up with her over me looking worried as #@+!. 

I guess I passed out, hit my head near my hairline on the side of the counter on the way back down and had a seizure! 

Crazy thing is I can remember being IN the seizure...all you see is like light fragments, and everything is wizzing around fast, but it feels comfortable too and like I had been there forever..hard to explain.

So, spent my day in the some stitches and a CAT scan. Luckily this little brain I have is working in its normal dysfunctional ways.

Will post pics of stitches tomorrow...not in the most photo friendly spot though.  Bout to relax, watch "The Wire" for the first time and schmoke some 

Anyway, just posting to see if anyone can top that lol.

Also, somedays I think life is just "meh" and it's either you stay or go one day, nothing too crazy. 

It's cool but it's not 
...but today I was like damb, I do not want to die anytime soon, I appreciate everything and everyone!

Hope y'all steer clear of ceiling fans and enjoy your holidays. Night!
came within maybe 4 inches of a drunk driver crashing into me and wrecking my car while i was parked. SMH
lmao! I spaced it nicely C, c'mon now.








Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

lmao! I spaced it nicely C, c'mon now.









Yo fam'... Copy and paste this list and post it in my "What did Santa bring you for Christmas" thread...

TroyMcClure wrote:

Crazy thing is I can remember being IN the seizure...all you see is like light fragments, and everything is wizzing around fast, but it feels comfortable too and like I had been there forever..hard to explain.

I know exactly what you are talking about. I hit the side of my head against a wall and I had a mild seizure and it was such a weird experience, but probably the most relaxing feeling I ever felt. I just remember being in this soothing state with bright green dots circling around the darkness. It felt like slightly waking up early in the cold winter morning while being under the warm blanket and all you want to do is go back to sleep because you're so tired...but it's this times 100!

I never want to experience that ever again.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

$+$% was whack y'all.
Ight, i'm a regular poster, have been since '04 on a few different names. Everyone who knows me, knows I am a dumb @$! (see freestyle thread). 

I'm home earlier, tryna create a nice Christmas ambiance in my room for the Xmas jumpoffs. So I string some Xmas lights on this ledge above my bed 

Lean back to see how it looks and DOUMP!!! Ceiling fan blade (on full speed) hits me in the head...i'm like damn 
. Touch the back of my head, there is blood so i'm like 

Go up to my mom, like "yo mom, my head is bleeding, can you fix me up?" she tells me to sit down n gets all the mom cleaning stuff. I ask her to get me a glass of iced tea cause I started feeling woozy.

Next thing you know I am on the ground and I wake up with her over me looking worried as $+$%. 

I guess I passed out, hit my head near my hairline on the side of the counter on the way back down and had a seizure! 

Crazy thing is I can remember being IN the seizure...all you see is like light fragments, and everything is wizzing around fast, but it feels comfortable too and like I had been there forever..hard to explain.

So, spent my day in the some stitches and a CAT scan. Luckily this little brain I have is working in its normal dysfunctional ways.

Will post pics of stitches tomorrow...not in the most photo friendly spot though. Anyway, bout to watch "The Wire" for the first time and schmoke some 

Anyway, just posting to see if anyone can top that lol.

Also, somedays I think life is just "meh" and it's either you stay or go one day, nothing too crazy. 

It's cool but it's not 
...but today I was like damb, I do not want to die anytime soon, I appreciate everything and everyone!

Hope y'all steer clear of ceiling fans and enjoy your holidays. Night!

, Anyway glad to hear you're okay, enjoy your Christmas Question though, Why set an ambiance for jumpoffs?
lol, she isn't really a JO...just couldn't lose my masculinity on here and show that I actually like chicks.

and jehims - for sure man! When I woke up I thought damn...that must be what IT feels like. You know, losing your time. But, I was still "alive" so my body allowed me to "experience" it, you know?
it was like infinity man. I woke up so confused, cause where I just was...was pretty damn awesome. It made no sense, you had no thought process or control, but everything was wonderful lol.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Little more than half of us have been drinking. Cliffs son.
Smell the indonesia, he fell into a seizure
Help from his moms, preventing the amnesia
He dont remember %!+*, just the two hits
Him hitting the floor and later getting stitched.

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Little more than half of us have been drinking. Cliffs son.
Smell the indonesia, he fell into a seizure
Help from his moms, preventing the amnesia
He dont remember %!+*, just the two hits
Him hitting the floor and later getting stitched.


Please baby jesus don't let there be another freestyle thread.


with the pity titty i'll have the $@$#*+ beggin for the D!

Who got it goin' on!?!?
I can feel the upcoming freestyle battle
all the weak cats start to scidaddle
Its finally Christmas day
ina couple hours ill be watching kobe play
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Little more than half of us have been drinking. Cliffs son.
Smell the indonesia, he fell into a seizure
Help from his moms, preventing the amnesia
He dont remember %!+*, just the two hits
Him hitting the floor and later getting stitched.

Originally Posted by innovazn2

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Little more than half of us have been drinking. Cliffs son.
Smell the indonesia, he fell into a seizure
Help from his moms, preventing the amnesia
He dont remember %!+*, just the two hits
Him hitting the floor and later getting stitched.

And hereeeee we go . . . 
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Little more than half of us have been drinking. Cliffs son.
Smell the indonesia, he fell into a seizure
Help from his moms, preventing the amnesia
He dont remember %!+*, just the two hits
Him hitting the floor and later getting stitched.



Glad you made it OP.

IB4 MonStar1
Thread title lead me to believe
that you crapped yourself on christmas eve.
MonStar like errrbody rappin'
but I'm trashin' kids like fappin' in a napkin
Aint seen this much jackin since Wu was clappin
and rackin' up Lo on the island of Staten
imitation is the purest form of flattery
so I'm honored when ya'll try and battle me 
watch me casually turn NT into casualities
Hope ya asked Santa for some originality

Originally Posted by MonStar1

MonStar like errrbody rappin'
but I'm trashin' kids like fappin' in a napkin
Aint seen this much jackin since Wu was clappin
and rackin' up Lo on the island of Staten
imitation is the purest form of flattery
so I'm honored when ya'll try and battle me 
watch me casually turn NT into casualities
Hope ya asked Santa for some originality


... though its hard to look at you the same after boy hit you with that space jam line
Last year I was at the hospital by my gma's deathbed praying to God she'd pull through the heart surgery the surgeon promised her would go 100% fine.

Christmas will never feel the same for me, glad you're ok OP. Wouldn't want your mother to be mourning on Christmas too
Originally Posted by MonStar1

MonStar like errrbody rappin'
but I'm trashin' kids like fappin' in a napkin
Aint seen this much jackin since Wu was clappin
and rackin' up Lo on the island of Staten
imitation is the purest form of flattery
so I'm honored when ya'll try and battle me 
watch me casually turn NT into casualities
Hope ya asked Santa for some originality


Monstar you need to stop it , Pick up a trade and make a profit
You aint original, I drop criminal subliminals

I dont believe in Santa, You need to stop all the queso banter

I step up right to your campus, into the night with your girl like Jonathan Landis

You think you NT Jay-Z, but you just trace me

No Wu, You straight pop, and that's word to JC

My flow hot even when im lazy,but get lava when the shoes get lacy

Only fat n____ doin backflips, Im the king of this NT rap s____

- Shack

Originally Posted by MonStar1

MonStar like errrbody rappin'
but I'm trashin' kids like fappin' in a napkin
Aint seen this much jackin since Wu was clappin
and rackin' up Lo on the island of Staten
imitation is the purest form of flattery
so I'm honored when ya'll try and battle me 
watch me casually turn NT into casualities
Hope ya asked Santa for some originality


Hope you feel better OP.
The feeling after a seizure is the absolute best in the world, but I never want to experience that again because I like my brain cells. I cant even describe how it feels in words, but you kinda feel like butter melting on a stack of flapjacks while your favorite song ever is playing in the background.

As for smoking weed after a seizure, there are some benefits in this, and weed has been used as anticonvulsants in the past. The only problem is if you smoke too much or stop abruptly the siezures come back almost immediately.
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