Acne Problems Vol. Waht do you use?

Dec 4, 2009
Hi NT. I've a predicament. Recently my face wash and overall acne fighting regime is lacking and  I need a new one since my acne is getting worse. Ever since I started bulking to put on some weight, I've started breaking out, which sucks because it just lowers down my self esteem and cramps up my style. I was using this 

along with their enhanced lotion and spf for sunlight exposure, but it just doesn't cut it anymore mayne. I'm also taking 2 pills of Pantethine to help fight teh acnes, again, it worked, but now it doesn't. I don't have pimples or anything super severe, just some bumps and stuff, but it still messes with my confidence (a bit). Oh yea, everytime I eat peanut butter I get bumps on my face.... lol. I still want to try something different tho

So NT, what do you use to fight back the acne?
if you have insurance go to the dermatologist if you find stuff always seems to stop working after a certain amount of time & stop eating peanut butter

I recently started eating much more and taking in more milk/whey protein and my face has been straight nasty since
I've been breaking out like hell, and nothing's working.

I just finished my "bulk" (I gained weight but not as much as I would have hoped), so now I'm going to eat much healthier, consume much less protein and use new facial wash, I got that Neutrogena Acne Stress Control the other day so let's see if this works.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I used acutane a year and a half ago. Havent had any since

same here, the once a month doctor visits for blood samples are annoying along with the extremely dry lips that you get as a side effect but other than that it worked to perfection
Originally Posted by Kramer

I used acutane a year and a half ago. Havent had any since

Acutane is god 
. OP if u do get Acutane buy Burts Bee's and Lotion by the bulk.
I don't think my acne is that sever to get acutane, even if I wanted to get on it. The issue is the scars man. I get bumps, probably an allergic reaction to peanuts, and just one pimple that leaves a scar

That's not cool at all.

scshift- tell me about it cuhz. Idk, I don't wanna sound like I eat super healthy, but I don't fast food at all and everything is cooked at home. Whole grains, soy milk, wheat bread etc... all part of the diet. As well as tons of water, so I don't know where the damb acne came from. Stress? Nah cuhz, too much carelessness to worry about anything else really.

VanillaGorillaDX- Where'd you get that benzoyl peroxide ointment?

this +%*% works wonder....I used to have horrible acne then i started using this....acne completely face is smoother then a babys butt now
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

scshift- tell me about it cuhz. Idk, I don't wanna sound like I eat super healthy, but I don't fast food at all and everything is cooked at home. Whole grains, soy milk, wheat bread etc... all part of the diet. As well as tons of water, so I don't know where the damb acne came from. Stress? Nah cuhz, too much carelessness to worry about anything else really.

Yeah I'll keep you posted, you too Sneaky.

Honestly, I was kind of stumped also, cause my acne flared up over the summer when I was stress free. I mean it was manageable during the school year when I was stressing out over tests, work, time, but the past 2 months I've been waking up whenever, doing whatever I wanted and now all these damn pimples are everywhere

I'm guessing my diet has been bad and too much protein, the last time I went hard with the protein I had some acne issues also. Damn I remember 2 years ago when I didn't have a single spot of acne on my face
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

I don't think my acne is that sever to get acutane, even if I wanted to get on it. The issue is the scars man. I get bumps, probably an allergic reaction to peanuts, and just one pimple that leaves a scar

That's not cool at all.

scshift- tell me about it cuhz. Idk, I don't wanna sound like I eat super healthy, but I don't fast food at all and everything is cooked at home. Whole grains, soy milk, wheat bread etc... all part of the diet. As well as tons of water, so I don't know where the damb acne came from. Stress? Nah cuhz, too much carelessness to worry about anything else really.

VanillaGorillaDX- Where'd you get that benzoyl peroxide ointment?
It's sold OTC. The acne companies usually advertise it as 'maximum strength' or 'rapid treatment'. Just look at the active ingredient on the label. I believe 10% benzoyl peroxide is stronger than salicylic acid, which is what most basic face washes use. 
And also, it might help to wash your sheets/pillowcases. 
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by Kramer

I used acutane a year and a half ago. Havent had any since

Acutane is god 
. OP if u do get Acutane buy Burts Bee's and Lotion by the bulk.
i took acutane & was good for 2 years...went to the derm this past week and it turns out it only lasts a long time in fat people

salicylic acid and benozyl peroxide are the two most commonly sold ones to use OTC. I would suggest trying each of them out and seeing what works for you. Also if it gets bad and you got health insurance, just go to a derm. There's this stuff prescribed by derm "retin-a" that is a topical that will help smooth-en out your skin.
I took acccutane, ended about a year and a half ago. A few months after, I had a bit of a flare up, I wasn't sure if it was just something temporary, perhaps due to the drastic change in lifestyle from summer back to school. In anycase, having had pretty bad acne for quite a few years, I went ahead and looked around the internet to try some stuff out. I found this "regimen" to be very helpful. acne regimen. I find it to be quite effective, it dealt with my post accutane flare up nicely. I still do it (at nights) and apply the benzoyl peroxide to areas of my face known to flare up. Give it a try before going the accutane route (if you were considering it).
Nothin', cause I used Accutane about ten years ago. Solved all my problems.
Is Cetaphil a common over the counter thing, that could cop from a CVS or Walgreens? I get a bump here or there, nothing severe, definitely cramps your style. Nothing is like the feeling of having a problem/ acne free face. Confidence levels are off the charts
Gift and a curse I suppose. People with acne/ oily skin, well I've heard at least, that we will wrinkle, age less. Not sure of any truth to this, but it kind of makes sense.

Anywho, I'm going to try to cop that Cetaphil this week. I'm not about that Acutane life.
Hmmm, how's that cetaphil? I keep reading that it will make your acne worse, on some cases at least that's what happened. Eh, I'm gonna jump ship on something else.
i need to get on that accutane, i only have acne on my nose, but its pretty bad, was worse when i was younger, now it just fares up every week or 2 for a few days. i have very sensitive skin so if i have longer hair or longer facial hair the oils mess with me. 
i found that ambi black soap helps, along with mario badescu, its a bit pricy but it works very well. 
Ive been telling NT this for a while:
Before bed after washing your face with mild cleanser (I use clean and clear)

One part organic apple cider vinegar (I use Braggs brand)

two parts green tea. (Any kind. I soak it in water for like 20 mins)

Put than on with cotton ball before bed, and finish with oil free moisturizer (I use Neutrogena night cream)

Helps A LOT!

I make a batch every 2 weeks, and refrigerate it.
Started breaking out uncontrollably earlier this year when I started drinking milk again. I cut out dairy and milk 2-3 months ago, and all of my acne pretty much went away. srs. I do use cetaphil and Neutrogena daily pore scrub. I use the cetaphil moisturizer as well.
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