Action Bronson - Only For Dolphins

Holy ****...

Party Supplies = :pimp:

Bronson = :pimp:

Easy Rider = :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

One of the most lyrically talented dudes in the game. No question.
tease trailer.  

1600+ plays?!?? Have you turned it off since it came out? lol

Video is amazing
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Just finished it. Dani's probably has the best pizza outside of the city.

Wish I could edit and take Riff Raff off, dude is ******* terrible.
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Never been to Dani's but I'd be reluctant to believe an Albanian owned pizzeria has the best pizza in that borough. That being said, it looks damn good.

Another quality episode.
Dani's pizza is trash. Seriously, its not good.

Same goes for Lucia in Flushing.

New park pizza > every pizzeria in queens
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