Adding a smile, ! or lol when communicating by text to females - discussion

Jul 9, 2007
is it just me, or has anybody noticed that when you add a
when talking to a girl in acomputer instant messaging, email, or cell phone SMS situation, it can make magic happen? Same applies for exclamation marks! If your out of things to say,slap on an lol or even an LOL. It just makes one seem more open and approachable I suppose.

For example, I had to ask my manager who is a female for a certain day off of work which I knew was gonna be nearly impossible. Being the ladies man that I am,I knew adding a
would quickly put me at an advantage.
Another example, but one many can relate too, is asking a girl to chill by texting there cellys, and you add a
. You never get turned down. Especially when you are handsome.

I say 'no' to smiles but 'yes' to exclamation points...

I actually heard a radio show recently that had a woman anchor and had women call in. With the exception of a few the general consensus was that the smiles arekind've fruity.
Hahahah thats a funny observation. I don't send texts so I wouldn't know but that is funny it worked on a manager
I use the
faces in appropriate spaces...I've even used the kissyface jawn a couple times in text (not the AIM one, looks wild feminine...)...notall william-nilliam tho...
I throw exclamations in a text, but I never send smilies. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't. In addition, I never write LOL, LMAO, LMFAOor none of that, I just use "haha". Funnier stuff gets more ha's.

My mans said William Nilliam tho hahahahaha I find it odd that I say Silliam William quite often.
i think hearts work better liek hii <3 hahaha

they usually get all flirty with that
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