How many 3.0s have you copped this year?

  • 0

    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 33 42.9%
  • 3+

    Votes: 27 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wow.. Been monitoring the site for like 2 hours. I refresh at 8 and nothing. 8:01 sold out lol. Dont understand how yall cooked manually but congrats to those that cooked.
It errored out while processing the payment, but got this email.  Crossing my fingers that it'll ship.
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This release was impossible with the BD script by the way. It simply just takes too long vs manual or bot that spams tasks.
so annoyed man...carted with ease, card charged, but no confirmation

site crash, comes back, and empty cart

******* hate adidas 
got my card charged too. hoping a confirmation rolls in. happened on yeezy belugas too. said 'oh well, time to move on' and got an order confirmation 30 minutes later. not expecting that to happen here but theres a chance
the way these sold out makes no sense compared to all the other releases ive seen Adidas have lately, whether there was a splash or not. I have never seen the entire stock wiped out that quickly, and just be gone and not come back.

True. I could see all pairs carted that fast but not checked out. Oh well. A friend of mine hit manual on mobile.
It did hold carts though, took me like 7 mins to checkout since mobile wasn't working
Congrats to everyone that copped! Guess I'll take my L and go back to sleep [emoji]128514[/emoji]
False, I know how to backdoor and didn't even go that route. Was possible manually. I placed an order that way.
The ones in between us without the ability to do that still took an L, so team manual with no BD it's still down? 
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