Adidas NMD thread

I got in for the R1s but it was stuck on the solar red and I couldn't change to the blacks... now i'm back at the splash page smh
My $40 ATC already checked out with order confirmation. Meanwhile, I'm stuck here testing team manual with 6 splash pages on different browsers and my Iphone. 
ridiculous, was on it before tey even announced it to the world that it was live and still on splash
lol, dont blame sole.  he couldnt have walked you guys through it any easier than he did.  no one to blame but yourself.
pretty much the same as last week except with a splash...

"For security reasons you must re-enter your payment details. Please note: you may also try another card or use another payment method."

Every single payment issue is erroring for me, multiple cards and paypal... getting ghost charges but no confirmations.
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