Adidas NMD thread

all you have to do is create a script to make like 800k email accounts and then register the same number of account on the site. 

have your script setup forwarding to a single inbox and you're money....usually.
Is JD Sports reliable? Any one w experience?

People who ordered the Jd olives reported poor customer service lost packages and guys receiving packages after a month. They are legit but you don't know if you will get em next week next month or if you will get em at all
Looks like it wasn't an 8am drop. Heading back to sleep I guess it's gonna be 11am. 
It's gonna drop as soon as you close your eyes 
Any thoughts on this trade... My green human races for ds cream ub, 1.0 cb ub and a drake revenge hoodie. Don't really care about the hoodie though...
You're camping out for shoes. You are already a bad person the moment you decide to do that, there's no room for etiquette beyond that point. If you're too much of a punk to call a dude out that cuts the line then that's on you. People cut the Supreme line all the time on drop day
that's the dumbest thing I've heard on here in a long time. I'm not even going to explain why that's dumb because it's so obviously dumb
Y'all must've never did a real sneaker line. If you did you wouldn't be talking that nonsense. In ny for any major release that's traditional fcfs the line is basically a turnstile in the front meaning you will not move for hours if you stand in the back of the line. The front is a mix of a few people that camped and a bunch of people squished up against each other fitting where they can. I'm not going into single filed lines where everyone knows their spot and skipping. Nonsensical lines will get skipped without hesitation or damns given. It's the nature of the game.
There's a reason they started all these other damn release procedures and ny played a big part in that. Cats over here can't even get a guaranteed pair line moving orderly, not to mention a hyped up fcfs
so you're defending yourself exactly how I said you would, "But that's what everybody does here," "nature of the game"...alright, that doesn't make it cool or okay. just makes you all scumbags
Yea exactly

If i listened to these dudes I wouldn't have a pair of Satins
you don't deserve to have a pair of satins bro. what make you think you deserve to have that pair? I remember you talking about cutting the line for that release too. it's bull

and then you laugh and got people on here defending you saying you're big and none of these skinny dudes would ever do anything about it. I've seen pics bro, you might be big but it definitely isn't the in shape, muscular kind of big. it's bull that your only advantage is that you eat more than you should

I hope you get jumped someday to be honest, hey that's just "the nature of the game" too right
that's the dumbest thing I've heard on here in a long time. I'm not even going to explain why that's dumb because it's so obviously dumb
so you're defending yourself exactly how I said you would, "But that's what everybody does here," "nature of the game"...alright, that doesn't make it cool or okay. just makes you all scumbags

you don't deserve to have a pair of satins bro. what make you think you deserve to have that pair? I remember you talking about cutting the line for that release too. it's bull

and then you laugh and got people on here defending you saying you're big and none of these skinny dudes would ever do anything about it. I've seen pics bro, you might be big but it definitely isn't the in shape, muscular kind of big. it's bull that your only advantage is that you eat more than you should

I hope you get jumped someday to be honest, hey that's just "the nature of the game" too right
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
and then you laugh and got people on here defending you saying you're big and none of these skinny dudes would ever do anything about it. I've seen pics bro, you might be big but it definitely isn't the in shape, muscular kind of big. it's bull that your only advantage is that you eat more than you should

I hope you get jumped someday to be honest, hey that's just "the nature of the game" too right
wow, he may not act like a gentleman, but this speaks more about yourself than him.
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