Adidas NMD thread

I just barely checked my email and I also won the black/purple from Sivas! My first ever online raffle win. It looks like a lot of people won on there.
They have free shipping on orders over 250€ so after conversion it comes out to about $310 shipped the U.S. Still worth it for me.
i'd take that for all my Ls on SNS anyday. congrats to those who hit already.. END raffles are a myth for me

Yea indeed. Almost threw my mac out of the window out of happiness for winning that raffle :rofl:. I've won on end too, so keep your hopes up! My girlfriend won lots of yeezy raffles via worldwide raffles. Last period I got a couple w's
I noticed that too.. weird.. they want the folks in the US to have an auto L and then 2 manual L's.. dat pain.
Seems like after the Adidas store in Houston Galleria remodeled, they stopped getting any good releases via confirmed. They stay juicing us in TX
Nah these recent confirmed releases have just been limited. NY, LA, and sometimes Chi only
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