Adidas NMD thread

lol got a text and i only tried once. texted them my size and they replied back saying im in the contest/raffle or whatever

doubt i'll win so i dont even care tbh
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No texts from the 51 number, 55 "confirmed" my entry upon texting.
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Thanks for the help guys, last set, I promise lol

I've never seen the camo pattern being the same on each shoe instead of mirrored (or whatever I'm trying to say). That's what is throwing me off, boost appears to be good though, maybe just a "unique" pair?


camo print is mirrored, not the same like these.
Finally copped Japan Blacks for retail from raffle. But disappointed with quality of shoe, looked hastily made and excess glue in a few spots
:lol: my mans wants the world for a mass produced shoe. Quality is fine
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if anything, thats one of the least amount of excess glue on a pair of NMD's compared to all 15 pairs of mine. 
I mean for $180, I expect better.
If it was a couple of dudes in a shop selling "Handcrafted leather good for less" I'd get your point but

It probably costs them more to make these than most if not all  of their other models and up until you found the two microns of visible glue sticking out of some areas you couldn't wait to drop your $180 on em which means that they were more than justified to charge you accordingly. 

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