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Happened to me 6 times with PB 2.0. I thought for sure one of the charges would stick. But CS brought me back to earth. And then told me to have a good day.  I felt like a cheap prostitute, I still do to this day actually. They didn't even give me a coupon for my troubles.  I should have fought more , I should have made them put some respect on my order. :smh:

I'm actually wondering if my call to CS confirmed cancellation or flagged any possible shipment linked to my CC. O'well, on to the next.
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Hopefully the prices will come down now that orders are being shipped again. Seen a size 10 sell for 1450 on Stock X recently.
I'm actually wondering if my call to CS confirmed cancellation or flagged any possible shipment linked to my CC. O'well, on to the next.
They can tell you if it went through or not. Guy ran down every charge, after he asked for CC# and Last name.   If none of charges are real they will refund you anyway. Might as well have your money sooner rather than in a week. Might be able to sweet talk them better than I did. 
I thought I just received shipping confirm from kith, but it was just the newsletter about the kith x colette beats 
Where the **** is my confirmation -___-

anyone members who ordered a US 7.5 get a ship confirm. ?
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No you don't call they guy said everything is done through email. You send them a email with subject "Size Swap BLAH BLAH BLAH" , they check stock, and email you a quote or acceptance.

So email them @ [email protected] and the guys over there will get back to you. I've done it before but it cost like 100 plus shipping both ways. If I could avoid that locally I might as well. Especially when they are going to sell it for the exact same price. The size that I have is worth more than the size they will send me lol. 
They charged me $150 to size swap the TB 750s.  Being that it was too much of a hassle to resell and try to weed out a real pair, I bit the bullet.  I doubt I would ever do it again though.  $150 to switch 1 size over is a rip off imo. 
ADC needs to show the love and quit playing with boys emotions......Wonder if some 3 stripes higher ups are on this thread and doing all this on purpose. For kix n giggles n shiat
man i aint buying no concert tickets if adidas keeps playing with me lol 
what time you copped that 11 ?

im trying to create a case before i call adidas again. jury wasnt too happy with my evidence last time.
man my 11.5 aint ship yet...what happen last time you called them?
Where the **** is my confirmation -___-

anyone members who ordered a US 7.5 get a ship confirm. ?

I feel like they've been shipping by size... That's just off observation on seeing what people's sizes are when they got their shipping confirmation
Damn, da stress is over...adc just came thru with 2 confirmations within the last 20 minutes....just waiting for 2 more, fingers crossed
No you don't call they guy said everything is done through email. You send them a email with subject "Size Swap BLAH BLAH BLAH" , they check stock, and email you a quote or acceptance.

So email them @ [email protected] and the guys over there will get back to you. I've done it before but it cost like 100 plus shipping both ways. If I could avoid that locally I might as well. Especially when they are going to sell it for the exact same price. The size that I have is worth more than the size they will send me lol. 
They charged me $150 to size swap the TB 750s.  Being that it was too much of a hassle to resell and try to weed out a real pair, I bit the bullet.  I doubt I would ever do it again though.  $150 to switch 1 size over is a rip off imo. 
Unless you have options locally to size swap I don't see the problem.  They are providing a service and you can be certain you aren't going to get scammed along the way.

The saddest thing in the world to me is when you see the random dude on the TL trying to size swap a 14 for a 9.  Unless you bump into a reseller with multiple pairs nobody will ever do that trade.
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if I wear size 12 in TDs, will the new 750s fit me in 12 too? Or are the 750s more snug and I need  a 12.5? 

My PBs 2.0 are size 12 too, but are pretty snug. That's why I fear that 12 might be too small on the 750s
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