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"skip the first part. App isn't about speed. Talks about bots in the interview"

Here is an interview with someone at footlocker talking about the app. Said that bots don't matter when it comes to speed it's not a foot race

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Damn Footaction in South Florida is SCARCE! Two stores!? Wondering if some FA stock will be allocated through Confirmed to give people a better chance through there.
"skip the first part. App isn't about speed. Talks about bots in the interview"

Here is an interview with someone at footlocker talking about the app. Said that bots don't matter when it comes to speed it's not a foot race

This is how I know that bots will be an issue for the app....bots are not about speed persay but about streamlining the task associated with purchasing. 
This is how I know that bots will be an issue for the app....bots are not about speed persay but about streamlining the task associated with purchasing. 

Well I think that's what check in is for. Also unless the bot can GPS spoof all the locations for all the stores for a chance to win. Then have VIP accounts and check in

That's a lot of layers. And idk if the app only allow mobile carrier numbers

Also you have to bring the device in to pick up ur shoes.
This is how I know that bots will be an issue for the app....bots are not about speed persay but about streamlining the task associated with purchasing. 
Yeah, but how many phones can the average reseller have? You have to verify all phones. The head starts help weed out the bots/resllers in the process. If you're a platinum member you get a head start. Would be hard to have multiple accounts with that status and maintain them. You can also physically check in at one of the stores you selected for like 48 hours. There are also a few verification processes along the way. It's still being piloted so I'm sure it'll get better with future releases. I hit on Banneds first time I used the app (1 out of 3 apps), so I'm happy so far. 
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I'm sure some dudes will find a way around the system like always, but it definitely gives people a better chance. Seeing dudes with their entire families in raffle lines is the worst. I also love not having to do raffles anymore. If I hit, I hit. F it. 
Possible I hope atl this will be our best chance new app will have people scrambling lots of folks won't be ready. Best odds on hitting this time out.

Like SNKRS when it first dropped.

Lots of people have no idea how it works or will not try and or can bring all their family members to enter unless they have accounts with VIP

Local reseller brought 6 people with him to pick up breds. Was handing them money instore. The manager had to ask him to leave. And do that else where. Aka not on cameras.
I'm sure some dudes will find a way around the system like always, but it definitely gives people a better chance. Seeing dudes with their entire families in raffle lines is the worst. I also love not having to do raffles anymore. If I hit, I hit. F it. 

Also, all the backdooring and rigged raffles. Tho I benefited from those.

Since it's all electronic controlled. With a wait list on top I guess for unclaimed pairs.

Footlocker doesn't get sales on shirts socks and ish if you backdoor hot releases. You want people to win so they in turn come back.
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Anyone know if im able to logout of my phone and log into another phone without losing the reservation?
You act like only VIP on these apps will win

If that's the case it's pointless then

No but let's say you have a smaller chance if you aren't on a limited shoe at that. So yea you prob did lose. On mass GR like a Jordan space jam it prob won't matter since you can only win at one store and each store will have hundreds of pairs so after the VIPs go then everyone else due to so many.

I think the VIP thing matter for more limited stuff.

Better chance not sure thing. I mean I'm sure some non VIPs will win but majority will probably be VIPs.
FNL bugging with this one day raffle. The two FNLs that are having raffles near me are at least a 30 min drive each and I get off work at 6:30 [emoji]128528[/emoji]
I love the PK colors on these. Obviously not as versatile as some OG 350s due to the solar red stripe, but these look amazing.
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