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on the app can I checkin in California but choose a store in Texas? And anyone got the town east mall codes in mesquite?
on the app can I checkin in California but choose a store in Texas? And anyone got the town east mall codes in mesquite?
Yes. Just make sure after you check in, to go back out and go into your settings to change your zip code back to your home town, then let it populate the stores local to you in TX getting the Yeezy's and make sure to select them and save the entry.
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Finish line GSP said they did raffles yesterday
Face I would have given that employee:

I talked to their manager during one of their previous raffles and she said they always do their raffles on a Wednesday.

Some shady stuff.  This is why Apps are replacing these employees. 
This.  Sorry that he is a kid, but he should know better.  If he gets away with it, he's just going to do it again.  Too many **** heads on the planet as is, especially ones that think they are above reproach. 
95% of them are kids or under 30's that live at home.

Why don't people put just learn how to use bots and learn coding? It's so much easier and it's proven to work. All the this time wasting on buying manual when you can use that time learning how to use bots . I don't get how people are so stupid

Not everyone's lives revolve around these shoes. If this is your bread and butter than go for it, dedicate that time. But for a lot of people it isn't and it really doesn't mean that much to them. If you're learning coding just to pick up shoes that are becoming less valuable with each drop you're wasting your skill set.
Why don't people put just learn how to use bots and learn coding? It's so much easier and it's proven to work. All the this time wasting on buying manual when you can use that time learning how to use bots . I don't get how people are so stupid

Because bots are just as reliable as manual. To have the best chances with a bot you need servers, proxies, and multiple forms of payment/addresses. By the time you put forth all that effort you might as well have just paid for atc.

For every person that wins with a bot and cops 6/7 pairs there will usually be 8-10 people with the same bot that copped 0 pairs.
precisely ^^^

not all bots/bot users cook

tho im on a win streak :smokin
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Technically I can wait til after the raffle correct? still within return limits I believe, ftl 14 or 30 day return limit?

If I win a pair and then make the return? Sure I understand i lose VIP but any penalty?
Yes you can return the items after the raffle if its still within the time frame and there shouldn't be a 'penalty'....did this for chocolates (didn't win) and didn't pick up the corresponding CM3s I did win. Subsequently went 2/3 with the app for black friday v2s -- no penalty for not picking up and no penalty for returning items and stepping down in VIP status. 
Why don't people put just learn how to use bots and learn coding? It's so much easier and it's proven to work. All the this time wasting on buying manual when you can use that time learning how to use bots . I don't get how people are so stupid
troll somewhere else....if you believed that you could bot your way to a pair you wouldn't be on the thread. 
For every person that wins with a bot and cops 6/7 pairs there will usually be 8-10 people with the same bot that copped 0 pairs.

I Like those odds a lot better! [emoji]129297[/emoji][emoji]129297[/emoji]

Risk vs Reward. It's the better move for some people but at the same time some people need to know this isn't 2012 when all you needed was an atc extension and you were guaranteed to cart and checkout before everybody even knew what was going on.
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