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Footaction bro. Struck out on Space Jams at FTA and FNL, but hit on these. Go figure.
if ya salty i'll trade you some fresh af space jams for your lammeeee Oreo v2s :wink:
feel like everyone has a 6min headstart now

i think its basically cooked 
well ... did a 6 min HS really mean much with these? ... i mean look i ain't trading in my 6 mins but i know at best it just puts me in a competitive (space at best).  And of course NT is not a good sample of what the general pop has....
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feel like everyone has a 6min headstart now

i think its basically cooked 
Those folks that won for the 1st time on 4 min headstarts, got into Plat VIP off that, and so now most everyone on that 6 min headstart. That's why I'm not expecting much in half hour when the countdown ends off my 6 and 5 min headstarts, especially not in a place this populated like LA.
*knock on wood...I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night, that tonight's gonna be a good night, a feeling, ...

i pep'd their list and put a size that was barley on it:pimp:  we'll see....*crossin fingers...c'mon ring ring
*knock on wood...I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night, that tonight's gonna be a good night, a feeling, wooOOoohooOOoo...

i pep'd their list and put a size that was barley on it:pimp:  we'll see....*crossin fingers...c'mon ring ring
Don't tell me ou put size 13 ?
FWIW, the script dies before every release. SM attempts to fix it but it really depends on how much stock. EU has enough stock to where he was able to figure it out during the drop and some people were able to use it at the last part. If a huge change comes before US drop and stock was limited like last V2 drop then yeah it's dead lol
THIS!!! [emoji]128077[/emoji]

Btw, why is it soooo hard to hit on smaller sizes? Put in a bunch of tix for a size 7 for wifey. Hitting for that size is like hitting the lottery forreal. [emoji]128529[/emoji]

Got the call for wifey's size 7. She's about to join the Family. [emoji]128556[/emoji]
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