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I got a winning mail from size? for amsterdam... is this real?! isnt it too early? I am confused
Well the drawing ended yesterday, so congrats man 
   id hit them up tho to find out for sure 
Yeezys are not readily available.. If demand is far surpassing supply, then you can't say they are readily available.

The are readily available

Never said how many are tho

You win a raffle are they not there for pick up.

There is no back log or shortage. They are available if I get access.

What is created determine availability and readily means is it there when I go get it.

Now if u are not given access to the product then you can not get it thus never available to you.

So in all its about have the Ablility to gain access to a product that is available in limited quantities
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Yeah, it's a headache trying to get folks that don't know what's going on to do that kind of stuff 
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Anyone got a 100% list of stores?

I just heard Mr. alans in Michigan did a raffle and honestly I don't believe it. :nerd:
My wife was like, before the next release I'm setting up EVERYONE's phone. She really wants the white 350 lol. Would be great to compliment with my pirate blacks.
Debating on IF I should hop on a deal with a reputable local reseller and not worry about sadderday since I will be attending a wedding. I have done multiple transaction with dude before so I know he is 100% legit. He said he will guarantee a pair with receipt for 1k.  
Debating on IF I should hop on a deal with a reputable local reseller and not worry about sadderday since I will be attending a wedding. I have done multiple transaction with dude before so I know he is 100% legit. He said he will guarantee a pair with receipt for 1k.  
probably as good of a deal as you'll get if dealing with resale. Sometimes that peace of mind and not having to put in the time trying to get the inevitable L is worth it
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