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I want someone to try out a consistency with purchase habits on these foot apps.  

Leave 1 Plat VIP app alone and then every month buy a pair of socks on each of the other accounts.  See if the active ones hit more often than the one just sitting there. 
Billing and shipping? bruh what are you talking about. You're confused on what? I entered 4 accounts at the same 34th st flagship Footlocker. All with 10 minute head starts, all size 8.5. The only account that DIDN'T hit was the $4k account. The other 3 accounts were all freshly made platinum vip accounts. 
Well when you register online the personal info is in the profile. So let me rephrase that question. Does all 4 accounts have the same First Name, Last Name, and same address? Also each account has the constants that we know of.....

A. You checked in.

B. You are platinum.

No where  does it say spending amounts matter. Only "loyalty" was mentioned. With that being said the algorithm could account for first time VIP entries as well as max spenders to balance it out. See my point now. There's no right or wrong. There's no science. But the 2 constants mentioned above does give you a CHANCE!!!!!
Well when you register online the personal info is in the profile. So let me rephrase that question. Does all 4 accounts have the same First Name, Last Name, and same address? Also each account has the constants that we know of.....

A. You checked in.

B. You are platinum.

No where  does it say spending amounts matter. Only "loyalty" was mentioned. With that being said the algorithm could account for first time VIP entries as well as max spenders to balance it out. See my point now. There's no right or wrong. There's no science. But the 2 constants mentioned above does give you a CHANCE!!!!!
ok I gotcha. But same address on all the accounts, only thing that changes is the name. So each one has different names for pickup. Again, the $4k account hasn't hit on yeezys lately but the $0 (all platinum vip) accounts has. Which brings me back to my original point that what suchafraud said about "$1k accounts are guaranteed to hit every time" isn't true as a few members including me has said our $1k+ accounts had a few misses. I've been entering for the same size because its the only size I can wear in V2's, and I always enter at 34th st flagship because they get the most amount of pairs (probably almost 4 digit amounts sometimes).

As far as the "loyalty algorithm", I've said that its probably just based on if you're a platinum vip (loyal) or regular vip (non-loyal), which is why footlocker is suggesting you become a "loyal customer" by spending $300+ to get platinum status to increase your chances
3 stores and 9000 people = 3000 per store
9 stores and 90000 people = 10000 per store

This arguement isn't gonna go anywhere unless we know the actual numbers

I was just pointing out that more pairs in the first place does not guarantee you a pair, it's amount of pairs vs. how many people want them
I agree this argument isn't going anywhere. I don't disagree with what you're saying but it's such an obvious observation. My point was I rather have mroe pairs at a given store. By pointing out 8 million people in NYC or X million in Chicago - it doesn't mean all these folks are going to be in the raffle. Especially when you have options (more than 3 foot stores). I would rather go with more stock and pick the stores with more stock and take my chances with  those stores. 
ok I gotcha. But same address on all the accounts, only thing that changes is the name. So each one has different names for pickup. Again, the $4k account hasn't hit on yeezys lately but the $0 (all platinum vip) accounts has. Which brings me back to my original point that what suchafraud said about "$1k accounts are guaranteed to hit every time" isn't true as a few members including me has said our $1k+ accounts had a few misses. I've been entering for the same size because its the only size I can wear in V2's, and I always enter at 34th st flagship because they get the most amount of pairs (probably almost 4 digit amounts sometimes).

As far as the "loyalty algorithm", I've said that its probably just based on if you're a platinum vip (loyal) or regular vip (non-loyal), which is why footlocker is suggesting you become a "loyal customer" by spending $300+ to get platinum status to increase your chances
Yep we are the same page then. You are good to go with that many platinum accounts. Sheesh
Fourth pair ?! Man hope they get lost during shipment haha
watch it happen to you, 
 all that negative wishing upon someone
Well when you register online the personal info is in the profile. So let me rephrase that question. Does all 4 accounts have the same First Name, Last Name, and same address? Also each account has the constants that we know of.....

A. You checked in.

B. You are platinum.

No where  does it say spending amounts matter. Only "loyalty" was mentioned. With that being said the algorithm could account for first time VIP entries as well as max spenders to balance it out. See my point now. There's no right or wrong. There's no science. But the 2 constants mentioned above does give you a CHANCE!!!!!
Yeah....address doesn't matter with the footapp - hence why folks outside of NYC can and do win. Unlike the other apps that are geo-specific the footstores are generous in its mapping for app releases. You are assuming all things are equal -- that the footstores want to reward the 'loyal' customers at the same rate as the new VIP entries. The only reason amounts is being mentioned is because the original post noted the 1K and win threshhold. 
I want someone to try out a consistency with purchase habits on these foot apps.  

Leave 1 Plat VIP app alone and then every month buy a pair of socks on each of the other accounts.  See if the active ones hit more often than the one just sitting there. 
between the Creams (April) and the Zebras (June) I did not spend a dime on any of the 3 plat accounts I have and hit on FTL/FTA but not Champs....I'm up for buying something (small) for this month and next month to see if this activity 'stimulates' a win on Champs (which has only 3 viable store options - so that would be constant as well) for August's Dark Green drop. 
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If it makes ya'll feel better my 36k Footaction account aint hit at State Street for the pack....

I think dollar amount spent is tied to the loyalty at the stores in which you select....
between the Creams (April) and the Zebras (June) I did not spend a dime on any of the 3 plat accounts I have and hit on FTL/FTA but not Champs....I'm up for buying something (small) for this month and next month to see if this activity 'stimulates' a win on Champs (which has only 3 viable store options - so that would be constant as well) for August's Dark Green drop. 
See if it boosts your accounts up ahead of others.  At the worst you got some new socks. 
Yeah....address doesn't matter with the footapp - hence why folks outside of NYC can and do win. Unlike the other apps that are geo-specific the footstores are generous in its mapping for app releases. You are assuming all things are equal -- that the footstores want to reward the 'loyal' customers at the same rate as the new VIP entries. The only reason amounts is being mentioned is because the original post noted the 1K and win threshhold. 
That's not why I asked that question. I asked it to see if he checked in on 4 platinum accounts with the same  name and info. But they were distinct.

I already knew it's not geo-specific because I've personally helped my ace win creams and zebras....and he lives in a different state!
Damn good price. Where?
^Boston man, local sale. He won on the restock and his pairs come in Friday. The shoes will be coming with receipt. I will be still inspecting the shoes and receipt thoroughly. Meeting at a safe location, should be fine..but yea I can see prices coming down a little more as next week approaches, I guess that's great new for ppl like me that struck out hard (had 3 ppl helping me and still struck out) and just want a pair to wear...I can see prices dipping a little...but not below 400 I speaking solely in terms of local sales of course...
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