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Damn, camping for sweat pants?

Pay me $100 I’ll send you guys Adidas trio pants in any size. Same ****
2017 cant be mad at them we in the golden age of reselling.
Maybe it's just me, but I think we're dipping into more of a "silver age" if anything. Yeezy resell is down/production is up, UB/NMD hype is falling off, and it's not like Nike is producing much lately that's resell-worthy aside from "The Ten" pack (which I would consider an outlier anyway seeing as it's the most anticipated footwear release of the year). Hell, even outside of sneakers, the SNES Classic isn't moving nearly as many high-resale units as the NES Classic did. Obviously resell is here to stay and people are gonna try to resell any "hype" product they can get their hands on, but I feel the general resell market has taken a bit of a dip in revenue this year compared to last.
I don't agree with it, joints are going for like $50 over on eBay, 20-30 over after fees. That's not worthy of a 12 hour+ Campout unless you really want for the body
I was gonna go right before opening smh. No squash sweats for me lok
5'7" 150lbs ordered both in size S, after reading through this thinking I should have gone with XS. What do you guys think? Anyone have XS to trade?
Reseller just offered me 170 on the pants - these kids sleeping over night for a 30 - 50 dollar come up. I'll talk em down to 150...then a "life goals" talk.

you are wasting your breath and time

the kids from today are really stupid

look no further than sleeping outside of a store for $30-$50
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