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Nice and easy. Don't mind the shipping price if I can just be done with it and not worry about splash page ******** or trading with someone.

Oh and just to note: I still had the ridiculous Moon Rat bundle in my cart from when I was ******* around with that and it let me skip right through the line. This same thing definitely did not work on the Beluga 2.0s though, even though I managed to cop those I still had to sit in line for 8 seconds or so with another item already in cart.
I'd like 2 pairs, but don't want to order again through YS in case I get may be able to score on ADC for $20 less but I'm weary of this new splash page lol
Nice and easy. Don't mind the shipping price if I can just be done with it and not worry about splash page bull**** or trading with someone.
Amen to that, was thinking about should I try and save $20 and risk it on Adidas splash or just lock it in...

Stress ain't worth my time
That was smooth. Now I can sleep in tomorrow without worrying about splashing around. Come on, Savino! Ship these grey joints and my wave runner next week plz
now the 2 week countdown begins before i actually see these shoes. gonna suck if adc is just as easy. shipping is crazy
ys doesn't have the "one per customer" messaging this time, so they might not care about multiple orders.
What’s this new ADC splash page talk all about?
There's a new "verification" thing we have to go through via CAPTCHA (I believe) before you even can select a size.

I think once it lets you past splash, you then have to pass CAPTCHA to officially be able to cart.
Glorious day. Woke up cause my baby was crying, thank you baby girl. For 20.00 I'd rather just be in and out and not have my wife giving me the stank eye because I'm sitting on my phone or comp all day staring at a screen. Hopefully the blacks sit just like these in January
i just wanted a personal, and i got it off YS, but im kinda mad now that they're sitting cause i probably could have woken up at like 9:30 and copped off some other site (or maybe even YS who knows how long they will be up for). definitely was unnecessary to wake up this early
Definitely one of the easier cops. I woke up at 6:00 and went to my computer right as it dropped. Easy in and out. Here we are over an hour later and they're sitting. Not sure if people were expecting these to drop around 10-11 like the last 2 350 v2s or if people just don't like em... (or both) :rofl: Personally I like them so I'm happy i got a pair easily. Use my OG ones as daily pairs. Hope the black pair is this easy.:smokin
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