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Barneys just shipped sheesh
soooo did Barneys randomly do a silent restock?
I just got home and randomly went to checked sites to see if there was hopefully pairs left and guess what...
Barney's had a few sizes up... size 4,5,8.5,10,11
kind of spectacle... just got in and checked out with a breeze :nthat: Cancellation or whaaaa
Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 10.21.41 PM.png
Shipped same day to but this was yesterday congrats dude
Sounds more like you weren’t hype cause your girl hit twice without you lol

I knew someone was gonna say this :lol:

But I was pissed iniatlly she hit for two and I didn’t for any and had to splash all day :frown:

Then after we picked them up and I got a good look at them I didn’t feel bad anymore 8)

No doubt I would have been happy to get them though :smile:

But seeing them in person let me down and made the hurt of striking out go away |l

Had I liked them in person I would pay resale since it’s mad low and will probably drop :smokin

But compared to other CW’s there’s a few I want before these so that’s what I’m a do :wink:
Nah my day has been great, I just knew you was steering towards the "all my pairs shipped" gloat or "I got 5 pairs how did you not get one". Either way I'm glad for everyone who copped.

Nah, you have terrible assumption skills.
None of my ADC are safe, since I used the same name/CC

I ordered a pair off YS. Not expecting that pair till spring 2018. They still haven't shipped my Belugas from the Nov 30 restock. So I have no room to brag.
YS hasn’t cleared carts yet? Another possible restock coming?

I was busy all day yesterday but since YS was early I hit on 2 pairs but one got cancelled... I also just noticed a charge on another card from them but can’t find a confirm... I’m imagining that I will eventually need to dispute that one... Shopify isn’t know for ghost charges but since I don’t have a confirm anywhere I will prepare for the worst
Yeah I got a charge on my second card when I got my second pair on YS. They cancelled it but pretty sure that charge will stay till the end of the week.
ADC I got two orders with same address, just variations in how it’s spelled but different payments. They “should” go through. Fingers crossed everything ships.
I never won a raffle and must have signed up for at least 12 online plus the foot apps with 7 min head starts. One of the homies always wins em so I took him to enter the Seattle Bait in-store for me. I struck out on every single one but his lucky *** hit. I guess they’re just not for me
Yeah I got a charge on my second card when I got my second pair on YS. They cancelled it but pretty sure that charge will stay till the end of the week.
ADC I got two orders with same address, just variations in how it’s spelled but different payments. They “should” go through. Fingers crossed everything ships.
when does adidas usually ship? Or ghost charges go away
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