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Bout to go to the Philippines and just get a whole collection for the retail price of one lol
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eff it if these drop to $300 I'm pulling the trigger. hate to pay resale but 
No way they drop to $300. They were $240 with tax on ADC and that was with free shipping. $260 on sites with shipping. They aren't going below $450 imo.
I've been there before, they treat raffle winners like secondary customers, because they know they wont be leaving without their shoes. I don't get why they handle the lines, by not letting more in at a time. It'd be quicker than the tourists browsing for a while to get raffle winners there for what they came for? Power trip policy.:smh:

You can say that again man smh... They're doing it on purpose
On to the next yeezy release then. Crazy how i never got through mobile and its been open for hours now :lol: Damnit just wanted 1 pair to compare comfort to my other shoes.
ok email confirm yet from ADC....but i did the order status tracker thing....and everything shows up i good with no email??
that's it, calling it a day, BIG L DAY.

made it through splash, captcha and got to payment, but got denied with both CC and paypal and then kicked back to splash. makes the L hurt that much more, but i feel for those still at splash.

hope people here get the remaining pairs. bless
what do you guys do when you try adding a size and the Add To bag button has a circle spinning? its over im guessing?
I got in just a few seconds after it going live, had the spinning wheel for about an hour. gave up and refreshed, went back in queue and was able to get passed again and checked out.
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