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I don't feel like sitting in front of my MacBook..I'm lounging on the couch with my iPad and iPhone..I did enough this release..hopefully splash is t 1.5 hours again..only to strike out
wtf is going on with SVD?  did anyone got Ws??
Still waiting for them to put in the inventory for the raffle winners.  That's the issue, it's just not active.

I'm sure they'll figure it out, i keep hitting that ATC button every few minutes.  
yeezy supply dropped
. last 2 drops at 9 after so they switch it back up to 6am to throw peope offf well played
Im in an empathetic mood this AM

I feel bad for yall man and hope you can hit on ADC!
I got 1 pair from Bait raffle so I'm just trying to get a 2nd pair for rocking/stocking purposes.  I know Yeezysupply is my best chance at copping, but when they drop at 3AM it's utterly stupid.  They aren't European, don't go off European time zones, cater to the US and drop at a semi decent time in the AM so all sides of the US stand a fair chance.  Just my 2cents, but we knows they don't give 2 ***** about anyone but their money in their pocket.
yall act like yeezys drop every weekend and gotta stay up all the time
No, but I have a life, I have better things to do than lose sleep all night on a Friday when I got plans on Saturday afternoon.  I'd rather not be a zombie walking around during my plans feeling like **** just because I stayed up all night for a chance to cop a shoe.  STUPID and I like to be SMART
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