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please teach me your ways.. i keep getting recaptcha'ed :frown:
use multiple different browsers, safari, chrome, firefox etc. just hope one gets through. once u can see the sizes try carting. (also if you getting captcha errors, make sure ur logged into an email address on the same browser)
Welp took an L. Anyone think resale will drop below $400? Need a size 11

Probably, but not forever. I think it will creep back up to the 400s just like the Creams. At least that's what StockX tells me, but their sales history could be fake for all we know since that disclaimer says the sales info is gathered from various places.
Guys quick question..... I refreshed like crazy and i got thru... placed a order thru PayPal but the bill and shipping is my first name. You think I’ll be ok?
Still haven't gotten by Splash on my own...sitting since it went live. How is this even possible?
Literally spent the whole day with this same ****! Could never cart.
Direct links get me to the product page, but add to bag just spins. Can't believe I spent so much time on this today.
Got about a dozen ghost charges. 6 on my cc and another half dozen on PayPal. Lol. Thankful for a high credit limit :frown:
I wonder if the Adidas store will let me size switch when I got pick up????

anyone ever did that?
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