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are you freaking kidding me, splash page froze for me, mid-loading and went to a text only waiting room page smhhh, maybe its a sign to give up already
Got myself a pair but trying to get my sis one now. If I use same email but diff. CC and address will it get cancelled? ADC won't let me log out of my account....
adidas really need to fix their system.. no reason why 2 hours later people are still trying to buy shoes.. just automatically sell out and let people take their L's early so they can go on about their day

I wouldnt even be surprised if my YS order gets cancelled too
i havent gotten through on **** but my homie got through like a warm knife through me a pair :lol:
Got through splash w incognito browser. Bought one. Then figured out if you press back and hit on the right page you can order another. It worked. Now trying for a third w same method and obv stopped out spinning wheel.

What’s the duration of this “HMAC” thing- you have a few minutes to feast? Feel like I got lucky pressing back button on right page. Pls explain if you understand. Not bragging
Ordered 2 pairs from ADC. 1 with paypal to myself shipping, then 1 with a cc in my name with diff billing address and shipping to my location in my roomates name. Any chance that my order gets canceled? If so, will they cancel both pairs or just 1?
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