ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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Bots can even beat captchas now, sad world we live in
Yup, sites like De-Captcher or DeathByCaptcha offer cheap rates to solve captchas, just take the API key and place into the bot and you're set. 

But the issue ain't with the bots that are publically available, it's those who are private, that a few group of people have access to, as Nike, Adidas and so on can't get their hands on these bots that are private they can't really patch their sites accordingly. But in reality you don't even need a bot, an early link would be better. Bots would be great for restocks though, if you can monitor a certain amount of pages you'll probably cop sooner or later. With bots you don't have to spend 30-40 hours of your life staying awake feeling miserable that you stayed up so many hours but didn't eat, just one of many perks :smile:
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ppl just need to realize that they can't be fast enough manually.. bots, early links and so on will sweep the place, probably gets worst on the restocks. 
No need to get pissed when in reality you don't have any chance to compete with the people who have a MONOPOLY on this site, you can be sure that in all of the stores u have some corrupt guy selling 50-100 sneakers to one person. Guys who are in charge of Adidas IT with the link probably share it as well, weeks, days, hours before the release, no use doing it manually unless someone is hooking you up or if you got an automated script carting it for you.

everything youre saying is true

total inside jobs and bigger picture
Thing that has messed me up on all the releases has been not having my laptop and trying to cop on ipad smh.
has anyone that ordered from y-3 actually have their shoes shipped? ive been seeing order confirmations but no shipping confirmations
Just got my shoes shipped by y-3. 
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