ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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So me and a buddy on here as well, we can backdoor any sites that use Shopify checkouts. Just finished my final exams today, so its time to get cracking for these 750s. If you know how to backdoor any other sites or would be useful in our group. PM ME. Dont be PMing if you got nothing please, I'm not just giving away backdoor tutorials or adding you to group unless you got something to offer or can prove that you are skilled at this.
Well, this shouldn't take you very long...  name one retailer selling 750's online that use shopify.  Answer is...   0
What just happened to the Hardens 
but it won't happen with the 750s
I just wanna succeed like you 

Only early links i know for sure are JJ and FNL and everyone has those, so its not even a help.
wasn't talking about you 
 , JJ inventory isn't even worth touching, someone said FNL got the most pairs but getting through on their without your payment getting declined will be a miracle 

teach me how to cook like we use to in the Bred and Royal 1 threads b 
yo someone mentioned this other host site that you should figure out to be good at backdooring magelion or some name that starts with a m anyone remember ? 
350 for a bot isn't a bad buy if it works.. paying 700 for these is a steal.. besides retail obviously.. i would buy 20 pairs right now for 700
350 for a bot isn't a bad buy if it works.. paying 700 for these is a steal.. besides retail obviously.. i would buy 20 pairs right now for 700

I was gonna go the bot route but just paid for atc services. I don't have the Internet capacity to handle this release, even at 90mbps and a ping speed of 8ms. Not gonna even try. With atc, that would put me around $650, which isn't bad
This. Better than paying upwards of 2k+ or whatever it's gona be.

Yep it ain't bad.. $350 retail after tax you closing in on $400 so figure $300 extra ain't bad if you REALLY want em.. If I wanted these as bad as I wanted pirate blacks I would def. jump on it
All of these people saying "employee told me this store had _____ amount"

You realize they are effing with you...right? They are all full of ish trying to act like they are some sneaker bigshot when in reality they don't make enough money to afford kicks at retail. Cmon y'all don't be so gullible.
Wow, eBay is flooded with 750s jfc

Edit: People are seriously selling ******* raffles for $10 lmao
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350 for a bot isn't a bad buy if it works.. paying 700 for these is a steal.. besides retail obviously.. i would buy 20 pairs right now for 700
Yeah but you pay $260 (I had a coupon code) and IF you get the 750's for retail (probably wont) You can still use the bot for every Yeezy release in the future so it will pay for itself in a couple releases.
Can anyone PM a link for the best bot to have a shot at these? idgaf what it costs its probably worth it. Dunno if y'all share these kind of things but its worth a try.
Can anyone PM a link for the best bot to have a shot at these? idgaf what it costs its probably worth it. Dunno if y'all share these kind of things but its worth a try.
I've heard the AIO bot is pretty good, never used one but I know a few heads that use that one.
350 for a bot isn't a bad buy if it works.. paying 700 for these is a steal.. besides retail obviously.. i would buy 20 pairs right now for 700
Yeah but you pay $260 (I had a coupon code) and IF you get the 750's for retail (probably wont) You can still use the bot for every Yeezy release in the future so it will pay for itself in a couple releases.
yea i agree with you.. I'm just saying paying whatever for a bot is worth it if you get the sneakers ..
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