ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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When you guys make it to the paypal page does it show your total with or without tax?

My paypal shows it at  350 (as opposed to 371 with tax). Thinks that might be the cause of the obnoxious price error message.
Refreshed at 11:58

Got one in cart.

Opened cart in multiple tabs.

When one opened I clicked checkout with paypal 8505280 times until it went through.

When it went back from paypal to the regular site the error page came up BUT the url had the order process "success" message.

Copied the URL into 7+ tabs.

When one loaded I clicked "Send My Order" and If I got the error message I waited for another page to load to try again.

Rinse repeated over 20 times until my email confirmation came 12:41
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