ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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lol 9 gone, i'm done. been in cart since 12:02 or something like that. i guess other ppl just got thru
Hmm i wonder if i might've missed something.. maybe i shouldve kept the URL for the page where it says "review and pay" and kept refreshing it.. oh well
How the **** could the shoes sell out I've been going non stop to get them for 3 and a half hour had them in cart at 1202 and was never able to purchase because the site crashed over and over again!!!!!! I'm so upset because I can't pay the resell price it was retail or bust for me. I'm really angry with adidas why couldn't I get them!
done. carts been cleaned out. 

shout outs to whoever got them to rock.

**** this ****... wasted my life. tell nori about me.
What's f***ed up is that I had a sz9 in my cart 11:58am & couldn't checkout to save my life... Like i was literally reloading & reloading & reloading & reloading the same link over & over & just now finally gave up bc they took it out my cart now.... F***ing crazy
aight well im just gonna spill the bean cause sadderday is at completion rn: 

adidas site kept crashing and opening back up periodically throughout the past 3 freaking hours

the secret to cop was to continue your purchase while only the site was active and not when it was crashing

so what you had to do was open two pages with your cart and get them ready:

one cart page is your dummy page, you would click check out on that and instantly the site will crash

you keep refreshing the dummy page until it's back up, and once you see its back up, you go to your "real" page and continue to check out

you keep repeating these steps until your order finally goes through

i'm really surprised that orders were actually going through even tho adidas servers were so ***.. but it really was the luck of the draw this time around

well good luck on 28th boys i hope three stripes learnt their mistakes today 
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