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Jan 4, 2008
Don't ban me. I need to know have you thrown up before from drinking????? This goes out to the NT community too, HAVE YOU THROWN UP FROM DRINKING????I've thrown up many times from drinking. Sounds like, this community is about the 14- 25 age range mostly, so can u handle your liquor?
They probably wont respond. A few may but for the most part they seem so distant. I wish they'd post more. Dirty, Ska and a few others are the only ones Ireally see.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

This goes out to the NT community too, HAVE YOU THROWN UP FROM DRINKING????

No matter how much I drink I only throw up given two scenarios:

1. I drink on an empty stomach, if I drink a lot I'm 100% guaranteed to throw up, no ifs ands or buts.

2. If I drink a lot of light and dark liquor like a fool.

When I was in high school I used to think I couldn't possibly be drinking enough because rarely threw up.
Interesting fact from my bio class: Asian people who get red, nauseate, etc. do so because they have the wrong enzyme that doesn't break down the alcoholthe right way, causing acetaldehyde to build up and causing the side-effects (as opposed to breaking down further into CO2 and energy, I think).

So if you see an Asian guy puking, it's not that they can't handle their +%$+!
I don't know why, but I only throw up AFTER eating. If I have an empty stomach, I can hold it all in somehow even though it should be the other way around.
I don't throw up at all really.

At least I don't remember throwing up cause I stay not remebering what happened the night before
I handle my liquor well and don't even drink heavy anymore, but I've done it a couple times. Once was a couple summers back on a really hot day.We'd been playing basketball all day and decided to have a BBQ where my friend was house sitting. The combo of being dehydrated and on an empty stomach gotme drunk abnormally fast. I started feeling a little sober after having a burger so I began drinking rum very heavily. That didn't last long and I passedout on a white couch. All I remember is getting up covered in barf with my friends freaking out at me. I left, tried to stumble home but passed out on the sidewalk. Then some Natives in a van picked me up and drove me home. The guy that was house sitting and me aren't cool anymore, I really #%$*#@ up thatcouch.
I know my limits and can hold my liquor but if I go to sleep while still really I'm going to throw up. If I stay up I'm good but as soon as I lay downor doze off its bad.
I've thrown up twice. The second time was just last weekend, I was staying over at my boys house after he threw something and I had way too much to drink.I woke up in the middle of the night and threw up all over the floor of the room I was staying in. It had a tile floor so I cleaned pretty much all of it upafter I went back to bed. When I woke up it looked all clean and his dog was laying down right next to my bed

Oh yea, why are you calling the admins? whats the big deal?
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