Adrian Peterson Is Not The Best RB in Football Vol. This Season

2008 Season
Turner & DeAngelo > Peterson

Peterson > Turner & DeAngelo
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

No way. AP is the best in the league. He just fumbles a lot. When you see AP run, every single run has potential to be broken for a TD. Williams probably won't have a year like this ever again. Turner is damn good, but I would never ever take him before I would Peterson.

Why not? Hes a first round pick, he is powerful, fast, elusive. and hes young. He and First Aid might share carries for the rest of their careers but they will both be considered elite.

Well, I can't be for certain of course, but to me, he seems to be a product of an almost dreamlike season for the Panthers. He is good, no doubt, and Ithink he will be a good producer for years yet, and I'm definitely a big fan (since Memphis), but I guess my main point was that not now, and not ever(most likely), will he ever rank ahead of AP.
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So is Issac Bruce the second best wide receiver ever?

#2 is arguable there is no clear cut # 2

she is cuuuute

EDIT: back to the topic, you can argue that he is not, however AP is dominating. until then I will have to say no to your question.
Why wouldn't DeAngelo beaable to put up these numbers for 5-7 yrs?
He is the COMPLETE package.
Built, Fast, strong, vision, excellent cutback, crazy burst.

Seriously, I'm not sure u guys have seen him play football outside of the 2 nat'ly televised games this yr
I am not saying that DeAngelo is better than AP or will have better years from here on out. But I have no idea how anyone can possibly truly believe that APhad a better season than DeAngelo had. To me, its not even close.

If you DO truly believe Petersons season was better, then you are basically saying that a player with 328 more yards and 4 more turnovers had a better yearthan a player with ELEVEN more touchdowns. If you seriously believe that, then you do not understand football one bit.
Seriously, the only thing holding AP back is ball protection. I saw it last year and im seeing it more this year too.

He really needs to work on it over the offseason...but i can see why it's happening because he tries to hit the homerun every play...sometimes it lookspretty, but other times - i.e the Falcons game - it costs the team badly.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Why wouldn't DeAngelo beaable to put up these numbers for 5-7 yrs?
He is the COMPLETE package.
Built, Fast, strong, vision, excellent cutback, crazy burst.

Seriously, I'm not sure u guys have seen him play football outside of the 2 nat'ly televised games this yr
couldn't agree with you more. and what year is this for deangelo? its his 3rd at most, altho i'm pretty sure it is his second year. eitherway, this dude has a loooong career ahead of him. get used to it.
So was Tom Brady not the best QB in the NFL last season because he had great receivers and an even better o-line?
What was the most TDs Mr. Brady had in a season before Mr. Moss entered his life?
I dont know I have always considered yards as a better indicator of a players ability than TD's. D has been getting most of the goal line carries too. Theonly guy who can prevent Williams from being elite is first aid. And thats because he has great talent.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Why wouldn't DeAngelo beaable to put up these numbers for 5-7 yrs?
He is the COMPLETE package.
Built, Fast, strong, vision, excellent cutback, crazy burst.

Seriously, I'm not sure u guys have seen him play football outside of the 2 nat'ly televised games this yr
couldn't agree with you more. and what year is this for deangelo? its his 3rd at most, altho i'm pretty sure it is his second year. either way, this dude has a loooong career ahead of him. get used to it.

This is the NFL people. 90% of the league have this type of talent. AP definitely sets himself apart from any other back. He's got everything you guysmentioned above and the one thing that most of these backs don't have. The "it" factor. Williams will be good no doubt, but he ain't betterthan Peterson. As long as AP is in the league, Williams will always play second or third fiddle.
I'm sorry but 90% of the people in the NFL do not have the talent that AD & DDub have.

There's nothing about them two that say average NFL player
RBs with supreme attributes like those aren't a dime a dozen.
There's maybe 3-5 RBs tops that have that complete package. And AD and DDub are two of them.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I'm sorry but 90% of the people in the NFL do not have the talent that AD & DDub have.

There's nothing about them two that say average NFL player
RBs with supreme attributes like those aren't a dime a dozen.
There's maybe 3-5 RBs tops that have that complete package. And AD and DDub are two of them.
that is completely true. but while they both do have elite athleticism & talent.

"DDub" doesnt have the kind of talent that AD does. There is a reason peope were calling him one of the best running back prsopects ever when he cameout. people didnt say that about Deangelo
Originally Posted by truthmain

DeAngelo is nice, but stop it. I swear yall dudes slurp on Gunna, first Freddy now it's DeAngelo. And Forte, Turner, and Jones better than AD? Not now, not ever.
Word. *+%! that _ Gunna and *+%! Ole Miss
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