Adult NTers: Do you honestly like the taste of beer?

Dec 22, 2005
Now, ill drink it with the sole intention of getting hammered.

I'll also drink it during beer pong, flip cup, etc. because its fun.

But when i see older dudes sittin down eating pizza and drinking a beer, I wonder if they like the taste...
like why not just have a coke or some %$#+?

Maybe its an acquired taste.. maybe my taste buds will morph when i turn 25 and i'll suddenly enjoy the taste

My question: do u drink beer because you enjoy it, or do you wanna get drunk/buzzed?
I drink beer because I enjoy it. I don't drink to get drunk. That would be called an alcoholic.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

I drink beer because I enjoy it. I don't drink to get drunk. That would be called an alcoholic.
I love the taste of beer and it is an acquired taste, but I have always loved that bitter taste, beer with pizza, hamburgers, steak hell just about anythinggoes good with it.
damn right I enjoy the taste of beer, and there are many others who also do. Thats why there is a market for so many different types of microbrews (heck even awide variety of macrobrews). If I wanna get hammered I drink jack or jameson. If I am just sitting down watching the game or I'm having dinner I'llhave a beer or glass of wine.
I don't drink it with my meals (prefer water) but I enjoy the taste of beer.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I love beer, especially the darker beers. Also I don't get drunk off of beer, it's impossible any more.
thats cause your not drinking enough.
i hate beer. i don't know what urine tastes like, but i know what it smells like and beer is rite there. i stick to str8 liquor and wine.
Not at first, but I've acquired a taste for some.... Nothing like a brewski on a NFL Sunday
It's definitely an acquired taste. I HATED beer, for the longest.

But, I've grown to appreciate it. And drinking better beers helps tremendously...
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