Adventure Time=GOAT of this generation

AT > R&M > the rest of TV.

free download of the premiere on Xbox if you have gold, for those who haven't watched.
This show is great. Me and a couple of my friends ended up watching one episode during a bake up cuz everybody was to lazy to find the remote.

I almost always watch it faded but even when I'm not its still funny.
Bruh the best and the most creepiest speech ever said on this show is when the tart toaster king bust up in the castle and said this
Bruh the best and the most creepiest speech ever said on this show is when the tart toaster king bust up in the castle and said this

I used to have this as my sig :lol: This scene is what kinda got me really intto Adventure Time, still blows my mind now

This is what I'm talking about. For a kid's show it's amazing, especially when you take into account what this show started off as to what it has now become.


Bruh, Ron Perlman's delivery honestly gives me chills :x

I thought it was a great way to start the season off.

And the tart toter's little epilogue :rofl:
This is what I'm talking about. For a kid's show it's amazing, especially when you take into account what this show started off as to what it has now become.


Bruh, Ron Perlman's delivery honestly gives me chills :x

I thought it was a great way to start the season off.

And the tart toter's little epilogue :rofl:
Someone slide through and make that a gif
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Been thinking for a while if I should post in here, bringing back such an old thread and all, but I just saw the season 6 finale and I can't resist any longer :lol: Adventure Time is, in my opinion of course, hands down THE BEST cartoon of this generation, hell i'd say its just plain one of the best shows of this generation. The writing for it is really top notch. What's even more amazing is to go back and watch the first season and compare it to where the show is now. :wow: Every single long-lasting character has gone through copious amounts of development over time, showing both weaknesses and strengths that weren't originally clear. Jake's had a family, Bubblegum's had to struggle with abusing her power, Ice King's had the tragedy of his insanity revealed, Finn's lost the woman he loved and found his dad to be wanting, etc. And the foreshadowing? What really makes this show work and what sets it apart from everything else is the basic setup for it. At first glance it appears to be just what the title and opening imply: a show about a kid and his magic dog having random adventures.

However over time an entire overarching storyline and mythos is built up for this world, so slowly that around season 3 or so you might wonder where it was things changed. Yet it still sticks to its original roots by stepping away from that greater storyline every now and again to just have Finn and Jake go on a random adventure, or to feature a random tale about another character. And this is fine, it gives viewers a breather from the big and heavy stuff that's going on at the center. But at the same time, no episode is ever actually wasted. There's really not much filler in this show. Things and characters that are referenced in what appears to be a throwaway episode will appear down the line and have an amazing impact that you never could have expected. The writers are constantly bringing back old elements that when they first appeared didn't seem like anything at all. And the last few episodes of this season have been filled with that, while at the same time answering a lot of questions that have built up for a while, and still managing to set things up for the next season.

As it is there was a point where I thought this season was going kind of slow, but the most recent episode was one of my favorite episodes in the series honestly.

And rant over :lol:
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Show was aight.

Ricky & morty >*

While I do love Rick and Morty I would pick Adventure Time over it just due to the fact that Adventure Time for the most part (I know these last few season's they've changed their format) told their story within an 11 minute time frame. It's astounding how much they completed within an 11 minute while other shows typically have 3x the amount of time.
This last episode was trash
Trash way to end the series

While it wasn't the absolute best I didn't mind it. To their credit ever since they announced the end of the series they've done a great job of telling story plots to answer most questions that we've had. I personally wouldn't have minded them ending it when Finn found his mother.

Also since this thread is now a thing can anyone answer why Marcline still has her powers?

Shouldn't she have been powerless ever since Lumpy Space Princess fixed Ooo?

We learned that Marcy took her powers from other Vampires but when LSP fixed Ooo she fixed everyone to their "original state"... so Marcy should have lost those powers.
They did adventure time
And regular show last few seasons horribly
Like a shell of their former selves :smh:
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