/Advice needed for a back-to-school laptop/

Jun 24, 2006
Looking to get a good and affordable laptop for college.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Especially what to look for specifically when I'm in these retail stores.

Get a Lenovo Thinkpad Bro. Trust. It looks like it was made 15 years ago but that thing has never let me down. It's built like a tank. Plus nobody will even think about stealing it when they see a silver Macbook not too far away. 
Honestly, in college you use your laptop for 3 things. Facebook, Microsoft Word, and Pron... These days, you can't go wrong with any new laptop. Unless your an engineer and need a laptop to handle specific programs. But for most students, most of the laptops for sale are plenty good. The tech guys will chime in and tell you what to look for performance wise, but generally speaking, you should be good.

but i also like the design of the thinkpads although i have no use for it
I had two laptops in college and im only a junior. My freshman year I had a dell PC and IT WAS HORRIBLE. I had full support on it tho meaning if something went wrong then someone could come to the house and fix what the problem was but I had to get my harddrive replaced 3 times with this computer meaning lost everything. it was the worst experience of my life and this affected my school work because I was out of a computer. if you are a PC person then i would not recommend going through Dell. Get a hp. but then for my sophomore year i purchased a macbook pro... and i will never go back. its the most amazing purchase i have made in a long time. I have never had any issues out of it and i was worried about it not being compatible with items my professors uploaded to bb but there are ways around that and ive never had a problem. I am officially a mac person and i will never go back. its just a beautiful computer and functionality is far superior to a PC.
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