Advice On Sore Lower Back From Lifting

Reminds me when I first started playing football in HS and started lifting with them lol. Powerlifting is no joke.
Don't lift for a bit, if your lower back is hurting that much you are probably doing your lifts with incorrect form.
What kind of lifts were you doing? Deadlifts? Anyways, you were probably lifting too much, using incorrect form, or both. I hurt lower back a couples times inthe past. I went to a chiro for active release therapy, and I was adviced of exercises to strengthen my core (also make sure you do exercises like backextensions or supermans when you work out). For now place a hot compress on the affeted area (I used rice in a sock, and put it in the microwave), take sometype of anti-inflammatory (tylenol), and refrain from any exercises.
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