African-American over reliance upon public assistance, section 8, foodstamps and medicaid?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

I worked at food stamp office in Dallas for about 6 months and there were more Mexicans in line every morning than any other race.
LOL In Texas which race would/should anyone expect to see the most of?
Dats racist 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'd be upset w/anyone abusing the system not just AA

i just googled welfare recipients by race and the first 3 results said white people recieve more than anyone and most people on welfare are on no longer than 2 years

I read somewhere thats its mostly white women

I aint mad but they should do something about the people abusing the system. There are a lot of people who really need it but get denied because of deficit or some BS if you own a car.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i'd be upset w/anyone abusing the system not just AA

i just googled welfare recipients by race and the first 3 results said white people recieve more than anyone and most people on welfare are on no longer than 2 years

I read somewhere thats its mostly white women

I aint mad but they should do something about the people abusing the system. There are a lot of people who really need it but get denied because of deficit or some BS if you own a car.
Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

I worked at food stamp office in Dallas for about 6 months and there were more Mexicans in line every morning than any other race. I'm not bashing Mexicans but all races abuse the system. The people who hire illegal immigrants are the reason the system is about to bottom out though. (See California's state budget crisis) If you pay an illegal alien $300 week in cash (tax free) they can go to the food stamp office honestly report that income and only half of it is counted in the budget. Tax payers fund govt assistance programs and people who don't work or pay taxes are depleting the system rapidly without ever putting a dime into it. I won't even discuss people having more kids that they can't take care of to get more food stamps.

What really pisses me off is that Social Security is always the first program to get cut. (See Obama's latest idiot move) They are taking money from the elderly who have worked their %%*@@ off for decades for that money. I've seen refugees come to this country and receive SSI pretty much no questions asked and these people have never worked a day in their lives on US soil while citizens are damn near dead before they can draw disability.
Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

I worked at food stamp office in Dallas for about 6 months and there were more Mexicans in line every morning than any other race. I'm not bashing Mexicans but all races abuse the system. The people who hire illegal immigrants are the reason the system is about to bottom out though. (See California's state budget crisis) If you pay an illegal alien $300 week in cash (tax free) they can go to the food stamp office honestly report that income and only half of it is counted in the budget. Tax payers fund govt assistance programs and people who don't work or pay taxes are depleting the system rapidly without ever putting a dime into it. I won't even discuss people having more kids that they can't take care of to get more food stamps.

What really pisses me off is that Social Security is always the first program to get cut. (See Obama's latest idiot move) They are taking money from the elderly who have worked their %%*@@ off for decades for that money. I've seen refugees come to this country and receive SSI pretty much no questions asked and these people have never worked a day in their lives on US soil while citizens are damn near dead before they can draw disability.
Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Screech

 moonmaster3 wrote:
Originally Posted by iChampion

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by iChampion

Usually I wouldn't respond to threads of this nature, but couldn't resist this one.
Based solely on the history of what African Americans have had, I don't have a problem if they're "reliance" on whatever assistance you speak of, OP because to me, they deserve all of those assistance and a whole lot more.  Jews didn't have it as bad as blacks, but they are bless with having have reparation funding.  Yet there're some jews that were probably even affluent before they started scamming $42 million from the reparation funding, see link below.  So, the assistance or whatever you want to call it that some African Americans are receiving is not bothering me one bit because there are other race that are getting/scamming millions that they probably don't deserve it.
your ability of selective reading is amazing. You made it seem like all Jews had access to that fund. 1) Only 5,500 false reports are being invested...that's a fraction of Jews. 2) That fund only applies to Holocaust victims, making the amount of people it effects even smaller. Yet you somehow applied that entire article to an entire section of society. Amazing. 

Selective reading? Of course I'm going to reference what's pertaining to what im talking about.  How selective would you be with your reading?
Nowhere did I say or make it seems as if all jews have access to the fund, all i'm alluding to is that the jews that are scamming the reparation funding is no different, well actually worst than the African Americans being too "reliance" on assistance.  Next thing, if jews can get restitution for what they've been thru, why can't African Americans get the same treatment so they don't have to rely on assistance? 

Not when it totally effects your conclusion bro. How are you going to make that fund seem like it applies to all Jews when its just a select part? Quit saying Jews without a refrence since it only applies to in the Holocaust. 
Besides, Jews go neck and neck when it comes to blacks, if not more. Go open a history book and start from the beginning...cause they have been persecuted since the very beginning. See Moses.
You should open up a history book yourself,  Ethiopia was the cradle of Judaism which would mean that the original jews were black.
Um...yeah...I'm not sure if that's right either. 

No citation, just stoneface, you win. And to the other guy, your link and your statements vastly differ, and that was the whole point of our conversation. 
Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Screech

 moonmaster3 wrote:
Originally Posted by iChampion

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by iChampion

Usually I wouldn't respond to threads of this nature, but couldn't resist this one.
Based solely on the history of what African Americans have had, I don't have a problem if they're "reliance" on whatever assistance you speak of, OP because to me, they deserve all of those assistance and a whole lot more.  Jews didn't have it as bad as blacks, but they are bless with having have reparation funding.  Yet there're some jews that were probably even affluent before they started scamming $42 million from the reparation funding, see link below.  So, the assistance or whatever you want to call it that some African Americans are receiving is not bothering me one bit because there are other race that are getting/scamming millions that they probably don't deserve it.
your ability of selective reading is amazing. You made it seem like all Jews had access to that fund. 1) Only 5,500 false reports are being invested...that's a fraction of Jews. 2) That fund only applies to Holocaust victims, making the amount of people it effects even smaller. Yet you somehow applied that entire article to an entire section of society. Amazing. 

Selective reading? Of course I'm going to reference what's pertaining to what im talking about.  How selective would you be with your reading?
Nowhere did I say or make it seems as if all jews have access to the fund, all i'm alluding to is that the jews that are scamming the reparation funding is no different, well actually worst than the African Americans being too "reliance" on assistance.  Next thing, if jews can get restitution for what they've been thru, why can't African Americans get the same treatment so they don't have to rely on assistance? 

Not when it totally effects your conclusion bro. How are you going to make that fund seem like it applies to all Jews when its just a select part? Quit saying Jews without a refrence since it only applies to in the Holocaust. 
Besides, Jews go neck and neck when it comes to blacks, if not more. Go open a history book and start from the beginning...cause they have been persecuted since the very beginning. See Moses.
You should open up a history book yourself,  Ethiopia was the cradle of Judaism which would mean that the original jews were black.
Um...yeah...I'm not sure if that's right either. 

No citation, just stoneface, you win. And to the other guy, your link and your statements vastly differ, and that was the whole point of our conversation. 
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