
I love Africa.

I took a recent trip over there, and as a black man, I felt more comfortable then than I've ever felt here, outside of my hometown.

I encourage all american blacks to take a trip over there. You'll truly feel a sense of belonging. A level plating field.

I want to go back super bad... And thinking about doing my MBA in Cape town, South Africa

I love Africa.

I took a recent trip over there, and as a black man, I felt more comfortable then than I've ever felt here, outside of my hometown.

I encourage all american blacks to take a trip over there. You'll truly feel a sense of belonging. A level plating field.

I want to go back super bad... And thinking about doing my MBA in Cape town, South Africa
What part of Africa did you visit, I'm planing a year long trip throughout the continent after I finish my degree. Everybody backpacks Europe, I'm see the motherland
The Black Mozart
Joseph Bologne: The Chevalier de Saint-Georges of France
View media item 991288

The history of African people is so vast yet so spectacular, that one hardly knows where to begin. And this is not just the history of nations and kingdoms and communities, but of outstanding individuals—of great men and women. One of the most extraordinary of these individuals comes to us in 18th-century Europe, and he draws our attention like a powerful magnet. His name is Joseph Bologne, known to history as the Chevalier de Saint-Georges.

In an essay entitled “The Chevalier de Saint-Georges,” Edward Scobie documented the life of the African French composer, conductor, violinist, swordsman, equestrian and soldier, one of the most remarkable figures of the 18th century. Incredibly, this son of an enslaved African woman, Nanon, widely considered the most beautiful woman on the island of Guadeloupe, and a father who was a member of a wealthy family from the French Caribbean colony of Guadeloupe. He rose to the top of French society through his mastery of fencing and his genius for classical European music. His diverse career is immortalized in the famous portrait painted in 1787 by the American artist, Mather Brown in London. In the portrait, Saint-Georges is dressed for a concert but holds a sword in place of a conductor’s baton.

Joseph Bologne, who was to become the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, was born on Christmas Day, 1745 and moved to France in 1755. In spite of his father’s status, Saint-George’s African heritage made him ineligible for the nobility and its titles under French law. Eventually, legal or not, he took the titles anyway. This was the age of Enlightenment in France and yet philosophers like Voltaire were among those that argued that Africans were genetically inferior to Europeans.

A Code Noir (Law of Blacks), restricting and regulating the lives of African people had been on the books in France since the 17th century. It is undeniable that he was gifted, but his inborn talents were magnified by relentless effort, permitting him not only to be better, but above all to overcome the racial barrier which put him in the disdained social class of “Mûlatres” (Mulattos) because his father was White and his mother was Black. Interracial marriage was officially prohibited, although some married in spite of the ban.

Because of his father’s wealth and status, St. Georges received the advantage of a superior education. At age 13, he entered an elite fencing academy and boarding school. Mornings at the academy consisted of classes in mathematics, history, foreign languages, music, drawing, and dance. Afternoons were devoted to the fencing. One of his classmates wrote that Saint-Georges was the most extraordinary man of arms ever seen. Eventually he would be called “the god of arms.”

In all things athletic he seemed to excel. He could often be seen swimming across the River Seine with only one arm, and in skating, his skill exceeded all others. As to the pistol, he rarely missed his target. In running, he was reputed to be one of the leading exponents in the whole of Europe.

In addition to his skills as an athlete, Saint-Georges was also an excellent dancer. Indeed, in regard to music, and despite racial barriers Saint-Georges soon mastered both the harpsichord and the violin, and composed a sonata for flute and harp. He became one of the earliest French composers of string quartets. Much ado has been made of Saint-Georges’ reputation as a Don Juan Noir (a Black Don Juan). Saint-Georges did have at least one serious romantic relationship, but racial attitudes made it impossible for him to marry anyone at his level of society.

By 1778 Saint-Georges had reached his professional peak as a composer. He published two symphony concertantes in 1776 and two more in 1778. In 1777 he wrote three violin concertos and six string quartets. Some people call Saint-Georges the Black Mozart. Early in 1779 Saint-Georges began performing music with Queen Marie-Antoniette at Versailles, at her request. He was one also of the first Black Masons in France.

Saint-Georges’ trips to England introduced him to the anti-slavery movement. Eventually he helped found a French group called the Société des amis des noirs (Society of the Friends of Black People). Saint-Georges’ support for the liberation of enslaved Africans was well known in England, and was no doubt irritating enough to warrant Britain’s slave cartel’s attempts on his life.

In September 1791 a delegation of Blacks asked the National Assembly of France to allow it to fight in defense of the Revolution and its egalitarian ideals. The Assembly approved a corps comprised mainly of Blacks, with 800 infantry and 200 cavalry personnel. Saint-Georges was appointed to be its colonel. Its official name was légion franche de cavalerie des Américains, but it soon became known to all as the Légion Saint-George (Saint-George Legion). The Colonel chose his friend and protégé, Alexandre Dumas, as Lieutenant-Colonel. Like his colonel, he was the son of a French aristocrat and an enslaved African woman. He later had a son, also named Alexandre Dumas, who won fame as the author of The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo and The Man in the Iron Mask.

Saint-Georges lived alone in a small apartment in Paris during the last two years of his life. In late spring, 1799 an untreated bladder infection caused him to become weak and feverish. He died on June 10, 1799 (the year that Alexandre Pushkin was born). The newspapers celebrated his memory with respect and emotion. Since 1912 a street in Guadeloupe bears his name. In December 2001 the Paris City Council voted to change the name of a Paris street name from Rue Richepance to Rue du Chevalier de Saint-George.

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Beethoven's Secret African Heritage
View media item 991294

In an age where history is seriously being rewritten, new information is coming forth that is shocking intellectual sensitivities. What was once considered written in stone is now melting away with the discovery of facts that heretofore have been hidden or omitted; things so different that they are generally classified as controversial or unusual.

That brings us to the topic of this post; the true identity of Ludwig van Beethoven, long considered Europe’s greatest classical music composer. Said directly, Beethoven was a black man. Specifically, his mother was a Moor, that group of Muslim Northern Africans who conquered parts of Europe--making Spain their capital--for some 800 years.

In Alexander Thayer's Life of Beethoven, vol.1, p. 134, the author states, “there is none of that obscurity which exalts one to write history as he would have it and not as it really was. The facts are too patent.” On this same page, he states that the German composer Franz Josef Haydn was referred to as a “Moor” by Prince Esterhazy, and Beethoven had “even more of the Moor in his looks.” On p. 72, a Beethoven contemporary, Gottfried Fischer, describes him as round-nosed and of dark complexion. Also, he was called “der Spagnol” (the Spaniard).
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Albeit it a possible horror for someone's ego, I think whites struggle to objectively accept that they may be a created people and not part of the original plan. I say that with no racist tone, and just based on my opinion from hours or research.
You honestly take the story of Yakub as a literal truth? 
  That's damn near as bad as the people that interpret the bible literally. 
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Alessandro de' Medici, Duke of Florence
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European Moors were not just servants and talented employees in royal courts, but also royalty and nobles. Perhaps the most famous of all was Alessandro de Medici, Duke of Penne and Duke of Florence, who was commonly called "il moro," Italian for "The Moor". In his day, he was officially recognized as the son of the powerful Lorenzo II de Medici (1510-1537) and an unknown African woman. Alessandro was the last Medici to rule Florence, having assumed the throne at the young age of 19. He commissioned the construction of the Fortezza da Basso, a massive fortress in the historic center of town, as well as other fortresses around town. Purported to have had many enemies, he was assassinated by his own cousin, Lorenzino de Medici in 1537.

Abram Petrovich Gannibal
View media item 991298ALEXANDER PUSHKIN
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Several Africans who were kidnapped and later presented to royal families, eventually became educated and rose to prominent positions in local society. Such was the case of Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696-1781), who is better known as the great-grandfather of Russian literary hero, Alexander Pushkin. Gannibal is of uncertain origins (scholars commonly believe he was born in either Eritrea, Ethiopia, or Cameroon), but he is known to have been kidnapped at the age of 7 by Ottoman slave traders and taken to the court of Sultan Mustafa II in 1703. He was later bought by a Russian ambassador who sent him to the court of Emperor Pyotr Alexeyevich (Peter the Great). Peter saw greatness in Abram, who was asked to accompany Peter in military campaigns. Like many nobles of his day, Abram studied in France in 1717, where he took up foreign language, mathematics, science and war studies. A year later, he joined the French Army, quickly rose to captain, and proved himself worthy in battle while fighting against the Spanish. After sustaining an injury, he enrolled in artillery school in Metz, France. He completed his education by 1722 and returned to Russia to work as a military engineer. In 1725, following the death of Peter the Great, Prince Menshikov rose to power and exiled Abram to Siberia. However, in 1730, upon the ascent of Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter, Abram was pardoned and made major general and superintendent of Reval from 1742-1752. He later retired to an estate with hundreds of European slaves.

Angelo Solima
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An Austrian named Angelo Soliman (1720-1796), who is said to be a native of Central Africa where he was kidnapped at a young age and later presented in 1734 to Prince Georg Christian, Furst von Lobkowitz. Soliman served as Georg's confidant, however, as he grew older, Soliman became fluent in 6 languages, was a master swordsman, navigator and renowned music composer. In his adult life, he climbed to the top of Vienna's high society and joined Concord Freemason's lodge where he became Grand Master and a major intellectual influence on Austrian Emperor Joseph II, Count Franz Moritz von Lacy, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Josef Haydn.
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You honestly take the story of Yakub as a literal truth? :rofl:   That's damn near as bad as the people that interpret the bible literally. 

Don't derail the thread with shallow insults. If you disagree with my opinion put up a serious inquiry and we can have a discussion where both of us possibly learn something. This yakub story you speak of goes back to kemetic legend. Check out the tamahu if you wanna ponder the issue further.

Even if I did take the bible literally, which I don't, I could probably make more sense out of the parables in there then you do out of your everyday life.

What part of Africa did you visit, I'm planing a year long trip throughout the continent after I finish my degree. Everybody backpacks Europe, I'm see the motherland
I was in south africa... johannesburg.
I don't want to derail, but I strongly encourage everyone here to further research the things posted in this thread on their own.

I love Africa.

I took a recent trip over there, and as a black man, I felt more comfortable then than I've ever felt here, outside of my hometown.

I encourage all american blacks to take a trip over there. You'll truly feel a sense of belonging. A level plating field.

I want to go back super bad... And thinking about doing my MBA in Cape town, South Africa

Haven't been to Africa but when I chill with my girl fam I feel hella comfortable...just listening to stories and all kind of stuff is :pimp:...they're from Sierra Leone which is west African so it really interests me....I do think native Africans don't understand the damage slavery cause with American blacks...they equate it to laziness but it's much deeper than that
Haven't been to Africa but when I chill with my girl fam I feel hella comfortable...just listening to stories and all kind of stuff is :pimp:...they're from Sierra Leone which is west African so it really interests me....I do think native Africans don't understand the damage slavery cause with American blacks...they equate it to laziness but it's much deeper than that

It's not that native Africans don't understand it's that America is literally painted as being heaven in earth so many are envious if anyone there. Ask any African try will tell you even if they are dirt broke their relatives back home think they are rich and probably best friends with Obama and P diddy
It's not that native Africans don't understand it's that America is literally painted as being heaven in earth so many are envious if anyone there. Ask any African try will tell you even if they are dirt broke their relatives back home think they are rich and probably best friends with Obama and P diddy

Yea, I think it's a lot of misinformation because we don't have open lines of communication with those in Africa. African Americans don't control the images the world sees of us and more often than not they are negative.

We have to work in mending our ties with African's nations and work together to promote group economics.
Haven't been to Africa but when I chill with my girl fam I feel hella comfortable...just listening to stories and all kind of stuff is
...they're from Sierra Leone which is west African so it really interests me....I do think native Africans don't understand the damage slavery cause with American blacks...they equate it to laziness but it's much deeper than that
It's not that native Africans don't understand it's that America is literally painted as being heaven in earth so many are envious if anyone there. Ask any African try will tell you even if they are dirt broke their relatives back home think they are rich and probably best friends with Obama and P diddy
that's not true lol but their fam back in africa def think they got a lot of money.......they always send money and barrels of clothes back over there tho

$100 go a long way in sierra leone 
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As a future history teacher, I want to take African History in my college. Not once in highschool was I taught African history or Asian history smh.
African Presence in Europe

Coburg, Germany
Coburg, the ancestral home of the British royal family Saxe Coburg-Gotha, otherwise known as Windsor. The town is known for its picturesque castles and museums, but its most popular resident is the Coburg Moor which appears on the town's edifices, coat of arms, and flag (as shown below). As previously mentioned, the town's history tells that this was the catholic church's patron saint from Thebes (Luxor), St. Maurice. Therefore, according to both the town's history and the Catholic church, for which he is a patron saint, Maurice was an Egyptian. Again, we can see that the gold earrings and necklace, which could be symbolic of opulence and high regard.
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Freising, Germany
The home town of Pope Benedict is adorned with a crowned-head Moor which may be seen at the Freising castle and on the town's official coat of arms and flag.

The pope uses the same representation of the Moor on his official papal coat of arms. As the pope put it in his autobiography, the "caput aethiopicum" has been used by Freising bishops for over 1,000 years. More importantly, he admits that he does "not know its meaning." Nonetheless, we are aware that legend tells of Abraham of Freising's encounter with a bear and how his Black servant defeated this bear. Abraham promised to reward his servant, and did so by depicting his head on the town's coat of arms. Although this legend explains why the pope has the bear on his coat of arms, the legend is still questionable since the Moor is crowned like a king. Regardless, the story and portrayal of the Moor affirms the presence of Blacks in Medieval Europe and their high status. Variations of this Moor can be found on nearly 20 municipal coats of arms throughout Germany.
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Sardinia, Italy
According to the Sardinian government, the flag became associated with Sardinia in the 1300s when the island became part of the Confederation of the Crown of Aragon. As such, the official history of Aragon claims that the Moor's heads can be traced to the Battle of Alcoraz in which the Moors were defeated by Pedro I in 1096. However, the Cross of St. George superimposing the heads has led some scholars to suggest that this could be a representation of St. George, who was not only a saint, but one of the most admired knights of Europe. Interestingly, the British Museum houses a 1300 AD icon that is very similar to the murals of the 10th century Abreha Atsbeha church in Ethiopia.
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Abfaltersbach, Austria
The coat of arms of Abfaltersbach, a small town in the southern Austrian alps, is unique because in the way in which the Moor is portrayed. Holding the olive branch symbolizes peace--a direct contradiction to any false legend claiming these Moors were the heads of the captives or enemies. The combining of the head with the lion's body can be traced to the sphinxes of Egypt and the Nubian lion god of Dedun. It's worth mentioning that the lion's body is depicted in a similar manner to those found on the coats of arms of European royalty as well as the government of Morocco.
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More info can be found here
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Interesting stuff.....
JaJa Code-Africa
Discussing and revealing hidden truth about ancient African History.This blog is not inspired by Racism or radical Afrocentricism but by quest for Knowledge,recording of true African History and Education.It looks at Africa & World History from An African perspective.And with a fresh angle.
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Connecting Bantu words and Cultural practices with ancient Egyptians
Posted on August 22, 2014 by gakondo

Ra Ancient Words Ra,Re,Ptah, Ta,Pa,Se largely resonate in Bantu languages for word FATHER and sometimes used to endow respect to men of dignity and Deities. The word for father in the Southern-Soto-Tswana-Bantu language is given as Ra, re, rarae and even rara. Thus Re kglo means the great father or the great chief. In ancient Egyptian’s polytheistic beliefs, Ra was worshiped as the creator God by most blacks at Heliopolis and along the Nile valley. These followers believed that Ra was self-created, while other followers of Ptah or Ta believed that Ra was created by Ptah. In a passage of the Book of the Dead, Ra cuts himself, and his blood transforms into two intellectual personifications: Hu, or authority, and Sia/se, or mind. Ra is also accredited with the creation of the seasons, months, plants, and animals.In later Egyptian dynastic times, Ra was merged with the god Horus, as Re-Horakhty (“Ra, who is Horus of the Two Horizons”) term vaguely remain in southern Africa as Re kglo. He was believed to rule in all parts of the created world: the sky, the earth, and the underworld. The Sotho,Xhosa and Tswana people use terms Ra, and Re to confer ultimate respect to male figures and leaders.


Re-ra-ta or Rerato means Love in southern Africa Bantu languages.Love was associated with the devine so the perfect word for the feeling was to combine all words known that described the creator God Ra.


Amun-Ra,MN-R,Amen-Ra,ImanRa =imanrwa=imandwa=imanrwanda=Imana,EMANRWA which translates God

Amun Ra – was Egyptian sun God; supreme God of the universe in whom Amen and Ra were merged;also principal deity during Theban supremacy.

Amun or Amen is mentioned in the Bible as the utmost. (Rev. 3;14-15.)


Ancient Tutsi’s worshiped Amun-Ra.The mispronounciation of Amun-ra by Bantus and San/Twa people of east and central Africa metamorphosed the word into Imanarwa or imandwa and later to IMANA Y’IRWANDA. It remained Imana even after European introduction of christianity into the central African region.People adjusted in thier way of worship to suit to the new religion but with similar reverence and unchanged esteem to Imana.., note that Christianity too applies term AMEN at every end of every prayer said! suggesting that western religion is subliminally rooted in ancient African worship of Amen Ra.
In central African RWANDA, to Ra-ta or rata is to exalt with pride usually used with a prefix Ku-rata .In precolonial Rwanda,men applied Ra in introductions to fellow men and still use it today though now it applies to women as well. i.e Bite se ra? (note SE and Ra) meaning how is it exaltable one or the high one.Ngwino Ra-ta or ngwino rata! (Come here devine one/lovely one). Se also is kinyarwanda word for Father i.e Se wacu meaning our father. Se wabo -their father
Egyptian Gods (Ancient African Gods)
Ra – The Sun God, the one who was there at the beginning.
Amun – the Father of life who later combined with Ra to become Amun-Ra the all important State God.
Osisris, Isis, Seth & Nephthys came from the Creation of the Universe.
Ptah created Heaven and Earth.
Sekhmet was the Wife of Ptah.
Seth murdered his Brother Osiris by cutting him into many pieces and then threw them in various corners of Africa and threw his penis in the Nile which was later eaten by a Nile perch! (the mainstream version of this story tries to make these Gods primitive and ignorant of the rest of Africa and the world thus seclude the entire story to mostly lower Egypt and Egyptian desert and bottom-line try to dismiss the story as a myth passed down by ancient primitives disregarding the continuity and legacy left behind in form of physical objects and a cult of spirituality)
Nephthys was Sister and Wife to Seth.Seth in Bantu is SATA.It means tornado.
Isis was Osiris‘ Sister and Wife and some time after his death was able to revive him long enough to conceive Horus.
Osiris was chosen to judge dead mortals before they can go to Heaven. He sits in judgement as their heart is put in the balance against a feather of the Goddess Maat, who stands for truth.The story of Jesus is sometimes thought to be that of Osiris or son Horus.
Horus – a Falcon, avenged his Father Osiris.Horus in Bantu/ Kirundi is Hora or Horera which means avenger,savior,or avenge
Thoth was given the Moon and appointed assistant to the Sun God, Ra.
Isis together with Anubis and Thoth were able to reassemble the previously dismembered parts of the body of Osiris, added a phallus (the original having been eaten by a Nile perch), wrapped it in bandages and thereby created the first Mummy and conceived Horus.
Hathor, the Goddess of Love, Joy and Music is sometimes interpreted as Isis. Her symbol is exclusively a Watusi cow.
(These names are Greco for purposes of western pronunciation and de-Africanization.Originally they appear in consonants only)

Rwandans and Burundians traditionally worship and summon a combination of God amunRa, Hathor (a cow Goddess) and Osiris as Ra-Ngombe (ngombe is another term for Cow and underworld where Osiris is widely believed to partly rule)

Godess Sekhmet is traditionally worshiped and summoned as NYABINGI or NYABINGHI in Rwanda and Uganda.A sect of Rastafarians with a non-violent principle also summon and praise Nyabinghi.

In Uganda during colonial wars against Europeans, the exiled wife of Rwanda king Rwabugiri,Queen MUHUMUZA used NYABINGI powers to fight colonial aggressors and performed miracles by shapeshifting and passing through hard rocks.Queen Muhumuza was banished from native Rwanda by Jealousy Kanjogera,Rwabuguri’s other famous wife.Similarly a Ugandan warrior remembered as KIBUKA OMUMBALE during Buganda against Bunyoro wars,used Sekhmet/Nyabingi powers to defeat enemies by attacking them from the sky without visible evidence of aid by aircraft or wings.He was eventually captured and castrated.People believed his powers lay in his private parts.His private parts are on display at the Ugandan museum.His remains were enshrined at Mbaale ( now known as Mpigi) and he became the Guardian of War. His temple was desecrated by the British and the contents, including his jawbone, were put on display in a museum in Cambridge. Goddess SEKHMET is the warrior Goddess as well as Goddess of healing for sub Saharan Africa. She is depicted as a lioness, the fiercest hunter known to the ancients of the Nile valley. It was said that her breath formed the desert. She was seen as the protector of kingdoms and lands and led kings and soldiers during warfare.It is possible that her persona is that of Godess Oya among the Yoruba people.

Goddess ISIS is associated with mother Earth and also queen of queens and a holy virgin female entity.A model of perfection.The word for Earth in source of the Nile Bantu dialects is ISI,or ENSI, and SIA or ASIA in other tribes.When the Earth shakes it is called MSIS remember the Greeks liked to add letter “S” at end of most words they found.So mother ISIS was originally known as Mother ISI.or Mama w’ISI/mama w’ensi.Term “Ensi,Isi,Isin” is also noticeable in Sumerian tablets in description of Earth and kingly domains.

ISIS was a divine and physical personification of mother Earth.Mary in Christianity is to a certain extent a plagiarism of this pre historic aspect.Jesus was of Falasha tribe of Ethiopia who was most probably a reincarnation of Horus, Jesus is stated in John 1 4.6 that no one comes to the father, which is similarly heard of Horus as the way and truth.Jesus was born at Dendera in Egypt where his parents had moved to and lived. A place that could be the original Bethlehem.Dendera means House of Bread a surprising coincidence with Bethlehem in Israel meaning house of Bread.Mostly Biblical scholars have never agreed as to where Bethlehem is located yet Dendera is a an actual place with all its prehistoric evidence still intact.Both spots (modern Bethlehem and Dendera) lay in the expanse and area which was under Roman control during the time of Jesus.Similar accounts of Jesus like stories are heard among the Baganda people of Uganda in their spiritual tradition when citing an ancient man called KIWANUKA a major spiritual figure in Buganda traditional beliefs and worship.Kiwanuka is said to have been a great healer and miracle performer,walked on water and possessed supernatural powers.Was this mysterious figure Kiwanuka, Jesus himself?! who might have fled Dendera to the source of the Nile area via Lake Tana during Roman rule of North Africa? Kiwanuka means the descended from above in Luganda.


In Luganda language Spoken in Buganda Kingdom, Se-bo is word used to honor a Man.Sebo from God Seb/Geb.Ancient nile valley God of Earth. Ptah-Ptah or TaTa means Father in Luganda sebo tata-(godly father)- expression was passed down generations from time of greater Pharaonic influence over Bantu Africa thousands of years ago which is expressed for utmost respect for god,or earthly father or any good great man worthy of respect. In ancient Nubia Ptah or Ta was the patron deity of craftsmanship,architecture, metalworking, carpenters, shipbuilders, and sculpture. From the middle Kingdom onwards, he was one of five major Egyptian gods with Ra, Isis, Osiris and Amun. The Baganda summoned ptah(sometimes in other local names) in tomb constructions,fortifications and boat building and canoe carvings for sailing on lake Victoria and along the Nile. In Buganda kingdom the Baganda people use word KABAKA to address their king with honor. This word remained in Uganda when ancient Ethiopic King of Egypt CHABAKA or SHABAKA ruled from Egypt between (721 BC-707/706 BC) and extended his influence into sub Saharan Africa. Chabaka was also known as Shabataka and the same word is still used today by the Baganda people to address to their king, which they pronounce as SABATAKA.It means King of people.KABAKA also means a Falcon/Eagle in Kirundi.Sakabaka semuganza bicu. This sentence means ”Falcon king of birds dweller of higher horizons”. In ancient Egypt a Falcon is a symbol of power,wisdom and symbol of God Ra and Horus or Hora or Horera.To horera in Kirundi is to avenge.Remember Horus was immaculately born to avenge his father Osiris who was murdered by his brother Seth.A Falcon/Eagle is also symbol of power among the Basinga (a Tutsi sub clan) of Rwanda.
chabaka shabataka (721 BC-706 BC)

Chabaka Shabataka (721 BC-706 BC)

The current King of Buganda is known as SABATAKA KABAKA MUWENDA MUTEBI II.
Sabataka Kabaka Mutebi II of Buganda

Sabataka Kabaka Mutebi II of Buganda

Ancient Baganda would have addressed him as SHABATAKA CHABAKA MUWENDA MUTEBI II.

The Baganda also bury their Kings in shrine Tombs and their Kings wear head regalia with striking similarities to those of Egyptian Pharaohs.
Kabaka Daudi Chwa of Buganda (1897-1939)

Kabaka Daudi Chwa of Buganda (1897-1939) Note the sun and Lunar discs over head denoting Ra, Toth and Khonsu
Baganda mantain the ancient Ku****ic factor of burying their Kings in papyrus/grass reeded Tombs

Baganda mantain the ancient factor of burying their Kings in papyrus/grass reeded Tombs.It could also be argued that the Nubians,Ku****es and Kemetians adopted the idea of burying their kings in pyramid structures from pre-recorded times of the source of the Nile practices.There were no healthy Grass in Nubia and Kemet and so they used masonry to construct pyramids as seen at Meroe and Giza.
Kushtic Shebitku (Shataka,Sabataka) of Egypt 707/706 BC-690 BC has a striking resemblance in facial structure(cheeks,nose,lips,chin) with Baganda royal males

Kushtic Shebitku (Shabataka,Sabataka) of Egypt 707/706 BC-690 BC had a striking resemblance in facial structure (cheeks,nose,lips,eyes,chin) with Baganda royal males which could suggest a possible genetic link with royal Baganda and Banyoro with Pharaonic families

BA . .

The ba can best be described as someone’s essence/ personality it takes a form of a bird with a head of a person in ancient depiction. Like a person’s body, each ba was an individual. It entered a person’s body with the breath of life and it left at the time of death. The ba is associated with divinity and power. It had the ability to take on different forms, in this respect the gods had many bas. The ba of the deceased is able to move freely between the underworld and the physical world. The ba is similar to the ka. Ba is added on Ntu to form Bantu for Human beings.It transforms differently with collectives and singularities.BA can become KA,MU,WA,U,V in singulars and plurals or describing beings or things non Human i.e Muntu,Wantu,Kantu,Kintu,Bantu,Wanyama,Ubuntu,Vitu.

Ancient Egyptians believed that a person had several entities.A person’s spiritual couterpart was Ka.Another important element was the name of a person which determined his destiny.There was also the shadow.Only the enlightened being could travel in the shadow and beyond.

These hieroglyphics on Kemetic walls and Papyrus spell out the word ‘BATU’

HOR-AHA or HORAHA was a son of Nama commonly known as Narmer the first ruler and unifier of Egypt. Nama can refer to animal-like or meat in Bantu lingua suggesting that pharaoh Nama or Narmer ruled fiercely which explains his success with unification of upper and lower Egypt. Horaha or Horaho means dwell forever in Kinyarwanda.

An Inscription bearing HORAHA’s serekh (arectangular enclosure representing the niched or gated façade of a palace surmounted by (usually) the Horus falcon, indicating that the text enclosed is a royal name. The serekh was the earliest convention used to set apart the royal name in ancient Egyptian iconography, predating the later and better known cartouche by four dynasties and five to seven hundred years. ) together with a Nebty-name expressed with the game-board hieroglyph, which reads MN.or emen, amun or imana

Horaha or hor-aha,Horaho second pharaoh of Egypt. Ruled in 31st century BC

Giza-means darkness in Swahili. Giza also is pronounced Gisa or kisa in different Bantu cultures. One of the ancient demi god’s name was Gisa.

Godess Mateka or Maat/Mat of divine law,truth and Justice

The word for LAW in Kinyarwanda,kiganda,kirundi is Amateka/Mateka from word MA’AT/MAAT the Godess of Truth and Justice.Amateka is a Bantu way of describing the observance and fulfillment of MA’AT’s laws and principles.

Natron:was Egyptian word for salt must been conceptualflized from word Nater or even neteru.A crystalline substance or compound used to preserve the mummies in 3 ways:

Dried the moisture in the flesh thereby inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
Removed moisture-filled fat cells.
Served as a microbial disinfectant.

Most of the salt used for embalming Pharoah’s dead bodies was specifically mined from lake Natron in Tanzania because the Egyptians found it the only lake to contain the most preservative with highest pH than anywhere else.Its alkalinity was found by Egyptians to contain other natural minerals that flow from surrounding hills and it was a special kind of salt for mummifying compared to other salts.Some salt was mined from Ethiopian Afar depression and west African Taghaza mostly for embalming commoners.


SEMA. ..word speak or speech in ancient Egyptian. It means the same thing in Swahili. As a hieroglyph this symbol represents the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. Other symbols are often added to further illustrate unification. It is sometimes bound together with two plants, the papyrus and the lotus. The papyrus represents Lower Egypt and the lotus represents Upper Egypt.

MAJ,MAYA,MAZI,MEZI-Means Water in ancient Egyptian and similar in todays Bantu languages.

Grinding grains using Stones

The Practice of grinding Grains on stone as was in prehistoric Egypt is maintained today in sub Saharan Africa. A grindstone and a stone mortar are ordinary house hold tools. Grind stones are used to grind millet, corn, sorghum, nuts, dry herbs and pepper In Ancient Egyptian artifacts depictions of grinding grain using stone can be found suggesting that ancient Egyptian culture was largely black African.
2000 BC Kemetic woman depicted using a grindstone

2000 BC Kemetic woman depicted using a grindstone

Tribes across Africa still use Grindstones. This Ugandan Woman is seen grinding Millet

NKh – is ancient name for Cow in ancient Nubia and Kush.Also has a cross symbol with semicircular horns on top representing Life.


The Ankh symbol is both a cow sign (with it’s right and left ears stretched horizontally and circular horns on top) and a woman’s fallopian tube,. a fertile part and symbol of life.From ancient esoteric knowledge a Watusi cow is symbolically a divine animal.

The Ankh/Inka symbol (middle) and sacred dung Beetle (above) .The Beetle represents sunrise and sun set and continuum of life

The Ankh is designed to resemble semicircular horns and face of a Watusi

The Ankh also is a symbol of Life and Fertility

in Rwanda the name for cow is iNKha/iNKa.

In south Sudan the DINKA people who are a cattle raring tribe are also named after the cow.”D-INKA”

Among most modern African Bantu tribes,Rwandan dialect (Kinyarwanda & Kirundi) are among modern Afrikan languages (apart from Beja language in Sudan and other west African dialects) that have the biggest percentage of words traceable to archaic Egyptian and old Egyptian language .This keeps the theory of the Tutsi’s, Fulani and Oromites,Puntites interconnectedness with ancient Egypt and Kush alive.Or whether they were part of the group assigned to care for and guard the Congo and Nile river sources,cater for Gold,Salt,herbs and food produce or had an exodus to the interior of Africa following foreign invasions from Eurasia or possibly part of the Nomadic and adventurous groups that spread across Africa and Asia.The Beja people are known as Bega in Rwanda and a secondary class of royal ethnicity.


We learn that a cow was associated with deities during pre-dynastic Egypt,Mesopotamia and Indus.

In mesopotamia, word eNKi/Enki which is closely related to “iNKa” is name of one of creator Gods of the Anunaki group largely believed to have created MAN in his image.

ENKI is thought to be what Christians know as Elohim.

The cow is venerated amongst Masai,Hima Herero,Sidama,Fulani and Tutsi cultures.

Cow or a Bull was a representation of God Hapi or Apis or Hapis-inkh (note the ‘inkh’ at the end of Hapis!) who served as an intermediary between humans and an all-powerful God (originally Ptah (Ta), later Osiris, then Atum).The Romans twisted this to serapis and adopted it in their mythology.
Godess Hathor represented by a cow

Godess Hathor represented by a cow
according to sumerian texts NK or enki,inka created mankind.Note the three heads.which supports the biblical "Holy trinity" and the phrase " let us create man in our own image"

According to Sumerian texts NK or Enki,Inka created mankind.Note the three heads.Which supports the biblical “Holy trinity” and the phrase ” let us create man in our own image”. Also,Does this closely sound and relate to ancient INCA peoples of Americas in any way, perhaps referring to more of those created by ENKI?

Pharoah KASEKMW or Kajekmw or Kajekamwe or Kajekwima was the the final king of the Second dynasty of 2690 BC.

In Bantu Rwandan; Kajekwima means he who is born to rule.Kajekamwe means born single.
Pharoah Kajekmw,kasekmw,kajekamwe,kajekwima ca. 2690 BC;

Pharoah Kajekmw,kasekmw,kajekamwe,kajekwima ca. 2690 BC;

The Bantu name for RAMESSES is RUMEZA.

Bantu name for KAMOSE (1554-1549 BC) is KAMASA which means young Bull.

Some called Ramesses.. RUMEZAMIRYANGO or Papa Rumeza meaning father Rumeza as in Pa Ramessu.

Name came from the founding Pharoah of the 19th dynasty ancient Egypt around 1295-1290 BC.

Ramses I or Rumeza I. MNFTR RMZ. Menephtrye Ramesses I. Manifatira Rumeza I.Ruled 1295-1290 BC

Upon throne he became known as MNFTR RMZ according to hieroglyphs. These letters interpreted in source of the Nile Bantu dialects is Manifatira Rumeza. In archaic Egyptian,letters MN and R indicate attachment to God. Letter “Z” was frequently used in place of letter “S”.Rumeza means “the mighty one who gives life” and Manifatira means -“upheld by strength of God”.

The English wrote the name as “MENEPHTYRE to favor western pronunciation,

and called him Ramses or Ramose.

The Ramesess name was carried on by 10 more successive Kings through to 20th

dynasty starting from Ramsess II the great.

Rumeza II the Great.Rumezas pictorial adjacent to a Tutsi man.Tutsi hairstyles of ‘Amasunzu” stem from ancient Egyptian times and depict royalty.Suggesting that Rumeza/Rameses’s bloodline was Tutsi.


Ancient Egyptian and Ku****ic domains extended deep in sub Saharan Africa than previously recorded by scholars.

Pharoanic influences particularly around the mountains of the moon ( mt Rwenzori,mt.Kilimanjaro,mt.Muhabura,mt.Nyiragongo,mt.Elgon) is described in Ugandan oral legend as Tembuzi era in 11 century BC a possible latter continuation from Sumerian influence of the area for a time period of over 60,000 years when Sumerian Kings EnmenLuana and Dumuzi or Tembuzi peacefully ruled Africa during antiquity.The two kings are the only known on record as ancient Humanoids to ever live the longest.

During 11th Century BC Egyptian Rumeza or Pharaoh Ramesess ( difficult to pinpoint which Ramesess among the 11 kings of 19th and 20th century Egyptian dynasties wielded that influence over Uganda and Rwanda) was described as remarkable among the Batembuzi leadership.

The Batembuzi also are what Shona legend call Lozvi,lozi,Dlozi

In Zulu, DLOZI means ancestor and LOZI means Magic or paranormal people in other Bantu dialects .The Lozvi was term by indigenous Bantu Zimbabwe initially describing Kemetic outpost governors overseeing Gold mining and control of Natural reservations such as wild Animals,medicinal herbs..and Metaphysical monitorings.

Descendants of these Egyptian remnants became elite Lozi of famous Rozvi empire who went on to rule the great Zimbabwe until 1834.

MUNOMOTAPA (Empire of Monomotapa,Motepa,Mntumtlapa.MnmHotep)

Right around the time of the great Egyptian and Ku****ic era, in the North,

Munomotapa empre thrived in southern Africa.

Monomotapa began around 16 century BC and was a major area where Gold was sourced and mined for supply to Kush,Nubia and Egypt.Many North Africans traveled this far including the Numidians (who were black) to trade.

Name Monomotapa is Bantu for MNMHTP commonly known as AMENHOTEP by Egyptologists.Suggesting that either Amenhotep I,II,III or IV( Akhenaton)

had influence over bronze age Bantus and San people of southern Africa.

Also Munomotapa word came from locals referring to AMENHOTEP as MUNTU-MTLAPA,MUNTUMTAPA,MN+TU=Man in God’s image. MTLAPA=Holy,clean,praisable. To Tlapa is to bath or clean oneself in Setswana language.

AMENHOTEP =praise AMUN=Holly is Amun,clean is AMUN.MN=God. Kings of that time are largely known as God’s Kings in African culture and were believed to be demi gods.

It is possible that the great Zimbabwe walls were constructed under Amenhotep IV’s command

to serve as shrines for his newly monotheistic religion of worship of Ra or Aten

locals in southern Africa especially the Kalanga and Tswana still use word Ra

to bestow respect to men.Southern Africa Bantus pronounced AMENMHOTEP as Menomhotepa.or Munomotapa.


Pharoah Tut was a Tutsi as per his name and phrenology.

His name comes from consonants TTNKMN

or TT/NKh/MN (tt=tutsi,teta…

which in kinyarwanda stands for Teta/nkah/imana…(Tetankayimana)

or Tutsinkayimana.

it means hail cow of God or royal cow of God or divine cow of God

King TUT or TETANKAYIMANA. (TT/NKH/MN) Tutsi/Cow,life/God

so King Tut’s name in Bantu is Tetankayimana.

In most interpretations of what was found written by archaic Egyptians on papyrus and pyramid walls,19th century Euro-centric scholars and tomb raiders corrupted and twisted VOWELS to de-Africanize the findings in the glyphs. The twisting of interpretations began during Hellenistic period when Macedonian Greeks invaded and took over Egypt for over 250 years followed by Romans.The same happened to the interpretations of what was deciphered off Sumerian Tablets.The Sumerian writings reveal an entirely Bantu civilization in the middle East and Asia.From the Sumerian King list,Bantu names like;

Lugara Banda,Zambia,Imana Luanda,Dumuzi,Balulu,Lugalungu,Lugalure,Inanna (inyana) ,Inkayiyashi (Inkishush,Inkicutse,inkicuc),Ruhoranimpundu or Lugalanyimpundu,

Kubaba,Ganda,Sisulu ,Ubara Tutu e.t.c ring a bell as to which ancestors these people were.
Posted in ancient Nubia, Bantu Etmology, Bantu language, Buganda Kingdom, chabaka, Kabaka, Nile river kingdoms, sabataka, Sesotho, Setswana, shabaka | 2 Comments
Creation of first Human couple (Ntu/Tu)-Adam and Eve between lake Victoria and lake Tanganyika.The True Garden of Eden.
Posted on May 29, 2014 by gakondo

Originally posted on JaJa Code-Africa:

God experimented with primates to come up with ADAM & EVE the first ntu couple on earth.they were Batwa/San.

God experimented with Apes (primates) to come up with ADAM & EVE the first ntu couple on earth when planet was still in Pangaea shape.Adam & Eve were Batwa/Khoi-San.The experiment took place between north western Tanzania, central and eastern Zaire and lake Kyoga in Uganda and lake Turkana In Kenya.The first Humans roamed from a single point near the equator line in Africa to the Kalahari and Abyssinia. During Pangaea,this point (Eden) centered the world.
Earth continents still together.God Created the first Ntu couple adam and eve out of a primate in an experiment to make the earth's caretaker.He made several other couples of Bantus in the same project looking for improvements far away from the chimp,Those prototypes became tribes.That with possible rival gods/aliens interfearance, climate change and environmental factors brought on the diversity of Humanity today. Earth’s continents still attached together to make one land mass.God Created the first Ntu couple Adam and Eve out of a primate(chimp. Gorilla) in an experiment to make the earth’s caretakers.He made several other couples of humanoids in the same project looking for improvements far away from the chimp, Gorrilla. Those prototypes became tribes some uniquely refined intellectually than others which intermarried to make more tribes.That, with possible rival gods/aliens interferences on earth over thousands of years, climate change and environmental factors brought on the diversity of…

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2013 in review
Posted on January 29, 2014 by gakondo

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 8,100 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 7 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.
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Ancient Manding script (Proto-Mande Script) from West Africa

Link | Posted on December 9, 2013 by gakondo | Tagged Ancient Manding script, pre phonecian writing, Proto-Mande Script, West Africa | Leave a comment
Creation of first Human couple (Ntu/Tu)-Adam and Eve between lake Victoria and lake Tanganyika.The True Garden of Eden.
Posted on December 3, 2012 by gakondo

God experimented with primates to come up with ADAM & EVE the first ntu couple on earth.they were Batwa/San.

God experimented with Apes (primates) to come up with ADAM & EVE the first ntu couple on earth when planet was still in Pangaea shape.Adam & Eve were Batwa/Khoi-San.The experiment took place between North Western Tanzania, Central and Eastern Zaire and lake Kyoga in Uganda and lake Turkana In Kenya.The first Humans roamed from a single point near the equator line in Africa to the Kalahari and Abyssinia. During Pangaea,this point (Eden) centered the world.
Earth continents still together.God Created the first Ntu couple adam and eve out of a primate in an experiment to make the earth's caretaker.He made several other couples of Bantus in the same project looking for improvements far away from the chimp,Those prototypes became tribes.That with possible rival gods/aliens interfearance, climate change and environmental factors brought on the diversity of Humanity today.

Earth’s continents still attached together to make one land mass.God Created the first Ntu couple Adam and Eve out of a primate(chimp. Gorilla) in an experiment to make the Earth’s caretakers.He made several other couples of humanoids in the same project looking for improvements far away from the chimp, Gorrilla. Those prototypes became tribes some uniquely refined intellectually than others which intermarried to make more tribes.That, with possible rival gods/aliens interferences on Earth over thousands of years, climate change and environmental factors brought on the diversity of Humanity today.

The first M’ntu (Bantu for human) was in East African region, in the area between lake Turkana,kyoga,Victoria,Tanganyika,River Congo and lake Nyasa .The first of the Ntu settlements was at Oldvai gorge. Ntu is a sub-Saharan reference to a human being.Ba-ntu or Ba-Tu is a collective term for human beings.According to people from the equatorial area of Africa to the tropic of Capricorn,all human beings are Bantu/Ba-ntu whether black or white.Any variation will rotate around letter ”T” to describe the type of human.(A whiteman will become mTu mZungu.An Indian is mTu m’Indi).In Egyptology MN is added to TU suggesting God (MN) in part with a man thus MNTU (muntu=MN/Amun+tu) by giving him BA or KA (a higher soul).
Ntu/Tu may also have links and sub origins with Super beings ANTU and ANU in Sumerian book of Enki.

The east African source of Nile area can be described as the real area where first man was created by a higher being which is commonly termed of,as the Garden of Eden in Neo-Asiatic religions and their holy books. Though it has been suggested by historical scribes of these books that Eden (the garden where man was first created) is somewhere in the Arab world which is subjective and false.

The first humans and immediate off-springs lived and wondered the area of the great rift valley of East Africa expanding presence from a single point in the area around south Sudan, Uganda,Tanzania, western Kenya, Rwanda,Burundi and Zaire, and spread towards Niger Delta and southwards Kalahari,Swaziland and northwards Nubia,Kmt, Abyssinia and beyond to Sumeria and Syria.

Precursor humans had tails and were given demi-godly status and responsibilities.Ancestors of the Pygmies.

Gilgamesh,a semi-devine King of ERECH in Sumeria is another example of an ancient humanoid with a Tail

Pygmoid kingly humanoid with Tail.Ancient Egypt

It can also be said that God’s creation of the ape was an overhaul process towards making Man.Man was the epitome of this process.It is possible that the first couple ever created had tails and were given mini god status and capabilities due to the challenges that lay at hand and the sheer size of the planet the few couple of humans had at their disposal.Thus we see in ancient Egyptian illustration of a Khoisan God Bes as a man with a tail.It is also important to note that the universe and the multiverse have a consortium of several Gods and that what we conceive as planet Earth is a place full of works of different Gods and that, some might not have been in unison with fellow Gods during creation and maintenance of life and life-forms on it.


And there were never dinosaurs roaming Earth before.It’s a conspiracy by evolutionist fraternity to support western theory of evolution (which is a precursor to racism and modern global imbalances). Alleged fossil bones of dinosaurs in museums are carefully man-made fabrications using chemicals, very old Crocodile bones,rocks,synthetic fermented materials,and other old gigantic animal limbs such as parts of ostrich,and elephant bones found buried thousands of years ago.Some of these pseudo fossils can also be buried and after many years to be dug out in front of Tv cameras. No such animals practically existed as dinosaurs,mammoths,sabres and dragons.That is not to say that some animals and plant species have not extincted at all, partly due to environmental changes such as desertification and man’s destruction of natural habitats,… but most animals and plants exist today as were biologically and chemically designed from time of genesis and are inherently wired with required instincts, designated survival mechanisms and unique attributes to help them serve their purposes and would stay that way if man permitted it and the Sun stayed normal as always been.Such asteroid catastrophe as hypothesized by evolutionists and scientist would have annihilated planet Earth forever if it did hit and if at all happened as they say and some creatures survived and we evolved out of them,we would not be seeing any large mammals living today such as Whales,Elephants,Nile Crocodiles,Giraffes and some mountains.How could such a disaster hit and select to wipe out only dinosaurs from all four corners of earth and wipe out all their eggs hidden perhaps under caves and seas but spared all the other animal and plant species the earth has today?!At least one of their egg somewhere would have survived the disaster and we would have a few dinosaurs somewhere with us.Earth has never been hit by a kind of celestial asteroidal catastrophe of such magnitude and Earth is designed and positioned from terrestrial harm’s way though scientists promote otherwise.Such theories asserting of extinctions of fictional creatures propagate false belief of evolution which offer a pretext to “insane” scientists to tamper with genetic mappings of species with a false premise of saving them from “imperfection ” bringing about new genetic related epidemics such as obesity,Cancer,death of plants and animals but also promoting genocides of the indigenous peoples eventually making future generations of possibly one color only believe that man evolved from a monkey (not created from it) and became a black-man and then inevitably blacks extincted ..,Or for racial supremacy,.. evolved into whites (as would be taught to the future generations). There came a Black race and later a white one and everything else in between that we have today as other races came as a result of the two extreme ones intermingling and interbreeding.

Creation of Man

Man took long to come about.

Man did not happen as a result of how evolution theorists put it.

A highly intelligent and powerful universal entity used the set elements of life from billions of years before which are – Earth, Air,Fire,Water and spirit..and caste more micro-organisms on our planet’s surface. The divine entity effected plants and animals of all kinds and subjected them to an everlasting self sustaining ecosystem.The plan and design was/is so grand that it mattered so much which position in the universe, Earth is located in relation to proximity with Sun and other galaxies.

From reptiles,birds,four legged mammals,Insects and primates he spoke life into them.

From the Apes a chimpanzee or Gorilla was chosen and modified to fit Tu (Human) almost to his image.The first human couple Adam and Eve were pygymoid Twa Khoisan. A move away from a special demi god tailed race which either died out or moved to a foreign planet.A few more couples of humanoids in further experimentation were possibly made, to diversify the human race’s capabilities which begun to intermarry and gave birth to various ancient and modern Earth’s indigenous peoples that later developed wider knowledge and spread the continents of Africa,South American,Asia and Oceania.The initial creation put forth three prototypes of Afrikoid human configurations.A pygmoid Twa, a stocky Ntu and a lean tall Tutsi extraction all three for round purposes of Earth’s care taking.(Twa include Khoisan,Hadzabe,Mbuti,Aborigines). Experimentations in genetic manipulations millenniums later by visiting Gods on Tutsi’s or Ntu’s with longer facial features brought about the white Race.(All modern Humans of the world can trace to their proto mapping in these three extracts.Mongoloids and Amazonians are Twa Caucasoids.Some Balkans and Roma/gypsy peoples are of Hutu or Bantu Caucasoids while majority of whites are of Tutsi stork (what the western scholars grouped and termed as Nilo Hamitics or Cu****es). Bantu Vinca Caucasoids occupied the Balkans from around 6500 BC practicing agriculture a way of life that was extended from Bantu Sumeria. The white race is not a result of albinism or living in Ice and Snow for a long time as largely purported by mainstream academia for they did not live in the cold that long before the group ventured out from the mountains to warmer parts close to the Mediterranean and Dead Sea 3500 years ago_One could have taken the African slaves to Greenland and they would still look dark-skinned for thousands of years later if no inter-racial mixings took place.Likewise a group of Caucasians would live in the hot Sudan for thousands of years and would not become Negroids without years of heavily interbreeding with dark skinned Africans but would acquire a minor skin tan).If the white race had occurred as a result of Albinism,we would still see 1 in 5 white couples today delivering Negroid offsprings in their courtships which is not the case.The lean tall negroid (Himitic,Tutsi) has been with fellow groups of ntu since start of human timeline.The Tutsi is not foreigner from Eurasia as century old propaganda has pushed in study books but the Tutsi,majority Ntu tribes and Khoi Twas ventured out of Africa 8000 years ago or before and became part of ancient civilizations but later (around 1 A.D) a few surviving elements of both Bantu and the Tutsi returned to the Nile source retreating from the rise and invasions of the Caucasoids.The cluster of the black groups existed as a termite caste hierarchy in their communal setting and usually lived with a single goal of maintaining the fitness into the cycle of life.The Bibilical Ham as an ancestor of Hamites and Negroids is a fabrication in further aid of racial supremacies and subjugation or may be he was indeed Black and one of Noah’s sons.But, certainly Noah did not give birth to a Mongoloid,Arabic,Caucasian and a Negroid.Hutu means people of the Sun.This definition suggests a people linked to UTU; a super being described in Sumerian writings as the God of the Sun that combines the attributes of Egyptian God Ra,Maat and Osiris.

Man was created when the world continents were then still attached together (Pangea) about 200 to 300 million years ago.(Yes.Man is as old as that!) The Earth was filled with plenty of food, fruits and peace for first humans to survive on.Everything then was in harmony and correct resonance with the universe. First humans did not have to work at all and did not have to think too much to eat.In sub-Saharan Africa life continued that way for some indigenous tribes until 1000 A.D when interior Africans fully attained greed due to gradual increase in different populations and foreign influence and learned to fight and conquer each other.Before then, higher entities visited them occasionally for guidance and protection perhaps against rival gods and natural disasters and other dangers. The separation of continental plates to form Gondiwana was such a huge natural disaster in Earth’s history and for humans and animals but Twas survived it.It was during this event of near disastrous continental drifting that many Aborigines and Twas ended up on all corners of the Earth not through icing of oceans as hypothesized by modern science.Put in mind that after the break away of continental land masses,the distance between them was very short as compared to now and many Africans would sail back and forth using canoes curved out of Mvule Trees,Dry animal skins and papyrus canoes to Antarctica,Amazon,Australia and Polynesia.The incident cast them thousands of miles apart onto different continents. Some ended up in Oceania,South America,North America, Asia, and Australasia while most stayed in Africa.

Suggestions by modern paleontologists that the Khoisan crossed in a group of few hundreds via the the horn of African strait to Yemen onwards,.. is part of the ideal spin that Africans were very primitive from the beginning and could not think of using the abundant varieties of large tree species and other resources in their environment to dig canoes and boats for themselves and sail across oceans to Islands and other frontiers.What modern man fails to accept is that, the potential and capacity of human Brain has been the same since first man and woman were created and no race has been incapable of creative thought and empirical reasoning at any given stage and time in history of mankind.First humans of genesis were not less geniuses than modern humans only that man’s desires and outlooks on life were different thousands of years back than they are today.To support the idea of survival of the fittest is to suppress part of our unique aspect of morality and a wider conscience and attunement into the none physical.It prohibits man’s full position in the circle and balance of nature and universe and creates severe disorder in species and organisms.Theory of evolution falsely puts some races at a highest pedestal while tramping on others and annihilation of certain natural species.It creates a pseudo reality and an unfair pyramid but not a circular balanced ecosystem as meant to be.

Early Africans crossed the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans of which they had names for these waters.They used wooden rafts,canoes,and skins.Legend also talks of paranormal means which in modern science is a suppressed and often dismissed aspect yet in African history it’s not common telling antiquity without merging physical and the non physical.

Twas went on to spread on the Earth’s land to modern day Australia, Papua new Guinea,The Amazon, Greenland, Siberia, Mongolia,Andaman Islands and India.Variations in skin hues of those Twas depend on who they met and mated with along the time scale.And what diet they had for how long in particular environments.

Amazonian are mongoloid Khoi-Twas in South America.The same as upper Northern hemisphere Eskmos have Mongolian roots.A pygmoid short stork strain of Khoi-Twas and a slant in the eyes can be seen among indigenous peoples all over the planet.

Creation of Caucasoid

Roughly 6,000-12,000 years ago foreign planetary beings landed on earth and interbred or experimented with earthly indigenous Tu bringing about some more modern races of humans with slight minor differences in appearance and way of life especially the Tus in Scandinavia and Siberia.This experiment happened around west of Caspian sea and Caucasus Mountains.It is ignorant to assume that no foreign planetary visitors have been visiting Earth and it can sound surprising for some to state that probability abides that Caucasians and post hybrid races have a strain of foreign planetary visitors especially with the amount of curiosity and paranoia,anti-earth pursuits in the name of science,the yearn to cover earth with Concrete,unusual interest in the obvious and cunning coverups,crafty outbreeding of the indigenous that have characterized them in their rise to dominance in last 1700 years indicate a newer hostile race.The aspect of the indigenous peoples tendency to live from the heart compared to Caucasoid’s living from the head. The nature of Caucasoid if they were here for past 30,000 years,..they would have longtime ago established a colony on Mars,mastered time travel or destroyed Earth entirely yet as we know it which we hope shall not eventually come to that.The amount of speed in technological advancement in past 100 years does not balance with amount and pace of achievement Khoi-Tus had in last millions of years spent on Earth.

A kind of anti nature/phobia towards the indigenous and superiority complex slant by Caucasoid attempts to define a newly arrived or a new hybrid of a sort that somehow lives with a sort of insecurity thus clandestine thoughts towards fellow Earthlings (Humans,plants and Animals).And if that’s true however,a Caucasoid was not genetically engineered by a being much less related with that which engineered a Twa-khoi-san which is slightly good news in relation to finding future harmony.Modern science is good but misused in selfish and destructive agendas against nature. The two arrived on earth in disparity timescale but also a Caucasoid may be engineered slightly differently perhaps not very much in agreement with Earth’s balance and lives in constant struggle attempting to modify that which he interprets as unsuitable to him.In this aspect modern day Chinese,Aryan Indians,Japanese,and Koreans fall in a class of Caucasoids because ancients of these peoples interbred with Nordic Caucasoids to form their modern appearance and traits.

The hypothesis of evolution as told by scientists especially Charles Darwin is not true about how man came about.Man did not happen by chance but modification or development from an earthly being.And man will stay the same i.e will never grow wings or a new set of arms as a result of evolution.Any further attempt to modify man by enlightened man will devolve him towards a machine and a sub human.Man will only learn new knowledge about himself and survival skills in a constantly changing environment.

Giant Left foot-print supposedly of creator Humanoid (God) submerged with fire deep into granite during Pangaea at Mpumzi south Africa.The Right foot is on a similar granite at Mubende in Uganda.There are also reports of similar footprints at Tsodilo hills in Botswana locally known as footprints of Matsieng.The proximity between the foot print sites indicate that this super Humanoid moved at maximum speeds of wind or much faster.And was gigantic and very tall .And leaving the foot marks on these rocks was intentional as a timeless sign

Giant footprint (Botswana)
Matsieng Footprints

Giant Footprint (Botswana)

Signs of a very highly powerful and firely Humanoid entity are still presently visible in sub-Saharan Africa especially in south Africa and Uganda.Giant Humanoid footprints assumed to be those of God during creation of Man are sunk on various rocks across sites in Uganda and south Africa dating to Pangaea.Modern carbon dating methods are limited

and will interpret certain older matter as recent than they are.DNA analysis is subject to bias and a lot of announced results of many findings we have been taking for long as fact are questionable especially when one group of people with hidden agendas carryout such very important experiments in behind closed doors.

Photos of possible races that stemmed from first Tu proto-types.
Congo/East Africa Batwa people and Kalahari San people are the first line of people from Adam and Eve.

Congo/East Africa Batwa and Kalahari San, are the first line of people from Adam and Eve.
a family of Twas/pygymies east Congo

a family of Twas/pygmies East Congo
Twas from hunting in the savanna

Twas from hunting in the savanna
a San/Bushman woman in the Kalahari

a khoiSan/Bushman woman with her infant in the Kalahari
During pangea Twas spread to Australasia.This group of Papua New guineans have a strong resemblence with Twas in the Conga and East Africa.

During Pangaea Twas spread to Australasia.This group of Papua New Guineans have a strong resemblance with Twas in the Congo and East Africa.
During Pangaea,San/Bushmen wondered all the way to modern day Mongolia

A Kalahari Bushman/San with his Grand child.During Pangaea,San/Bushmen wondered all the way from Kalahari to modern day Mongolia.The Khoi-San are the ancient ancestors of Modern day Chinese and Mongoloids
a Mongolian man has a strong resemblance with a Kalahari Bushman

a Mongolian man has a strong resemblance with a Kalahari Bushman
A papua new Guinea Ntu. Note the Longer facial feature.His facial feature may have the beginning of a Caucasoid features.God/Alien Experiments with new Guinean twas and Aboriginal brought about Caucasoid Bantu Bantus.

A Papua new Guinean Ntu. Note the Longer facial features.His facial features may have been the beginning of Caucasoid ntu features.God/Alien Experiments with new Guinean twas and Aboriginal perhaps brought about Caucasoid Bantus.
Aborigine men are Australian Batwa

Aboriginal men are Australian Batwa
African Bantu tribes boy

African Bantu tribes boy

JalawaJarawa Twas of Andaman Islands
Mongoloid-ntu-coucasoid man.Philpines

Mongoloid-ntu-proto-caucasoid man.Philipines
Mogoloid Mu'Ntu Man.Mongolia

Mogoloid Twa Man.Mongolia.See the strong nose and eyes resemblance to Botswana Tswana,San men.
Cocasoid ntu man philipines

Proto-Caucasoid nTu man Phillipines
Together with Adam (Twa) God made two other prototype males and assigned the variuos roles in caretaking of earth.Twas/San were for hunting,the second Ntu to be created was given role of Farming and last ntu prototype was given the role of hearding Animals patriachs

possibility of the three stand patriarchs of

Earth’s indigenous tribes as illustrated above,that a lot of other continental tribes and races stemmed from.
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged adam and eve, Adam and eve lived in east africa | 4 Comments
Invention of Steel in the Kingdom of Karagwe part of Bunyoro-Kitara Empire
Posted on November 26, 2012 by gakondo

According findings published in 1997 by Peter.R.Schimidt,an American archaeologist, writer and Historian in his Book Iron Technology in East Africa: Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Iron technology begun in East Africa particularly in the area between lake Victoria and lake Albert during ancient times to the present. Although archaeologists have long held that iron making spread from a single point of origin in Europe, Schmidt shows in his book that African iron smelting developed independently, based on the use of indigenous natural resources and local invention. Schmidt recounts the reenactment of traditional iron smelting by elders of the Haya people in northwestern Tanzania.

Bahaya people

Haya or Bahaya are a Tanzanian branch of Banyankole-Banyoro-Batoro of Uganda.Part of a group of Banyambo who occupied the Kingdom of Karagwe in what is now districts of Bukoba and Mwanza in north west Tanzania around the south western shores of lake Victoria.Their language Kihaya is in all aspects similar to Kinyoro and Kinyankole spoken in Toro and Ankole in Uganda, just a slight difference in accent, a great sign that the group was part of the ancient Bunyoro-Kitara Empire.Similar reports of Iron inventions and workings around the great lakes of East Africa have been written about and is evident in excavations and rock paintings and in tales relating to the Cwezi, Tutsi,Nyambo,Baganda,Luo and Kikuyu people.

Iron smelting technology

Through analysis of the chemistry and metallurgy of the smelting process, he demonstrates the genius of African iron technology. The rich symbolism surrounding traditional methods of iron production sheds light on the history of iron technology and reveals its central cultural role.

It is proof that Iron technology has a long history in Africa.

Schimidt whose book concentrates on Bahaya, reveals that Bahaya people learnt to produce high carbon steel nearly 2000 years ago. Steel is an alloy of iron.

This quality of steel was not found in Europe until about the year 1800 AD. The iron ore used by the Bahaya people had the formula Fe304.This was added to the top of the furnace with charcoal, as the source of carbon. The air entered the furnace through blow-pipes at the bottom. In this way the air was preheated, which improved the yield and quality of the iron. The temperature reached in the furnace was 1800°C.

Steel invention paved a way of making fine spear heads a move that

put primitive weapons shaped from iron ore,bronze or mare stones to rest.

Posted in invention of steel in east africa | Tagged invention of steel in east africa | 1 Comment
Posted on October 13, 2012 by gakondo

The History of the Ankole-Watusi breed is long and distinguished. Its lineage can be traced to before 4000 B.C. as proved by rock paintings in the Sub-Sahara, the Egyptian and Meroetic pyramids, before the first pharaohs ruled Egypt and Kush, when a breed known as the Hamitic Longhorn (according to animal historians) now commonly known as Ankole-Watusi lived along the Nile particularly prevailing around the shores of lake Victoria and Tanganyika. The Breed found its way into ancient Egypt.Over the period of 3,000 years later, the cattle headed way east through Ethiopia to Arabian peninsula after spreading west into ancient Garama ( now Chad and Libya) and other parts of Africa. The majestic animal was a result of an African Buffalo Hybred with shorter extinct type of African Aurochs thousands of years ago but also thought to be an original by itself.

Debunking general theory on Ankole-Watusi Cattle’s Origin from India.

The belief that the breed is originally a hybrid of Zebu from the Indian sub- continent, identifying it as a sub- specie Sanga cattle and therefore as an intermediate type formed by hybridizing the indigenous African humpless cattle with Zebu cattle allegedly brought in from India to Uganda seemingly over 40,000 years ago is largely unfounded or lacks historical evidence especially on how Indians brought in the Zebu to inland central Africa, bred it in Uganda forming the Sanga (Ankole-watusi) type and vanished back to Asia living the cow to the benefit of Bahima and Batusi peoples!!.

The Ankole-Watusi breed could be a hybrid of something else extinct (African Aurochs perhaps) with an African Buffalo or an original by itself considering the fact that, the first interaction of Asians and indigenous Central Africans did not take place until around 700 AD.The Breed is way too older to have initially been introduced during that period.

Instead the Zebu breed( dominant in south East Asia,..which might alternatively be an original by itself from Africa) could possibly be the intermediate stage between the breeding process towards the Ankole-watusi type and was henceforth cast for hard labor and economic tasks and taken to Asia from Africa many centuries back by the Elamites for farming and transportation tasks and adopted by Dravidians in the Indus valley and not the other way round.

Debunking theory of lower Egyptian origin of the Breed.

This theory thrives on a construed notion that everything remarkable in Africa started from lower Egypt and not on a merit of Egyptians importing it from else where in Africa, just because the only place on the continent where recorded history of ancient Africa managed to survive is largely seen in modern day Egypt’s pyramid walls where these cattle have been painted .

Lower Egypt having been a desert area, there is no way this cattle specie could have originated in a sandy desert environment but most likely around the source of the Nile where there is vast plains of lush vegetation and fresh water in fair climate making it possible for such a majestic Animal to have come about and thrived.The appearance of the cow shows a specie that stemmed from a much greener environmental area compared to general characteristics of desert animals such as Camels.

This also proves that ancient Egyptians and Garamantes traveled and traded back and forth in-land Africa in search for Animals for domestication and other animal based products such as leopard skins,tasks,bones,blood,meat,grains, medicinal herbs, frankincense ,spices,fruits, iron,gold, Lime stone and slaves and concubines.Paintings of east African birds such as cranes,ibis and animals i.e giraffes and hyena e.t.c can be seen in ancient Egyptian art.Ancient people from the north of Africa i.e the Numidians,Garamantes and Egyptians traveled and interacted as far as the Zambezi river.It is during these early incidents of hunting and trading expeditions in pre-dynastic periods that the breed was taken to Saharan Kingdoms and Ancient Egypt from central African grasslands (Savannah) and later earned a symbolical reverence and worship among early Egyptians.They also regularly traveled from Egypt down south to the source of the Nile in Uganda and around lake Tanganyika alternatively to offer sacrifices to the Nile Gods and along several other positions on river’s journey north for its purification and flood inundation .Ancient Egyptians called the river Nile “Iteru“. This in Rwanda and Burundi dialects is known as Iteru ry’umugyezi which means the flowing river.

The Ankole-Watusi cattle in Uganda, Rwanda , Burundi and Eastern Congo with their truly distinctive horns, are known around the world for their giant horns that can grow to eight feet in length.. ,in flat, circular or lyre shapes. These horns not only provide formidable defense against predators, but blood circulating through the honeycomb interior provides an efficient mechanism to cool the animal’s body temperature in a hot climatic instances, just like a giant radiator.

In Uganda the Banyankole/ Banyoro-Hima-Hema tribe’s variety is known as the Ente zenya-Ankole (ANKOLE CATTLE). In Rwanda and Burundi, the Tutsi-Nyamulenge tribe’s variety is called the Watusi(these involve of Inyambo and inkuku types) or Inka Ntutsi (WATUSI CATTLE). Culturally the animals that grew the longest horns were reserved for the royalty, and are called “Cattle of Kings” for this reason. The true name of this breed of cattle is the Ankole-Watusi from Hima-Nyankole and Tutsi tribes they originated from.In other tales the cattle are associated with the ancient Cwezi people and the batembuzi who are thought to have been the cows breeders and distributors over time.

Ankole-Watusi cows are spectacular in all aspects.They are elegant and graceful.Other tribes that depend on these breed of cows are the Masai,Banyoro,Bahaya and the Itesots


The Ankole-Watusi are medium-sized cattle, with bulls weighing up to 1,600 pounds and cows up to 1,200 pounds, standing approximately six feet tall at the shoulder and are a very social breed. Watusi horns can reach 8 feet tip to tip and can have a base circumference of up to 28 inches. Calves Newborn calves weigh just 30–50 pounds (14–23 kg) and remain small for several months

In East Africa, traditional wealth was measured in living heads of cattle.


The breed was/is sometimes regarded among Tutsi and Bahima tribes as sacred.Also in ancient Egyptian beliefs and contemporary Indo- religions.

The notion of a sacred cow is relatively seen in ancient Egyptian Tenetian faith which is an animal husbandry based faith also practiced by ancient Elamites. It existed from Africa to Indus valley.

This practice also stems from 70,000 years ago when hunter gatherers learnt to herd wild animals and eventual domestication of them.


Hitorical pictures/paintings of the breed

In predynastic Egypt, cows were associated to deities and can be seen held supreme in Egyptian and Ku****ic art.
Royal Kubandwa ceremony

Zebus were taken from Africa to the Asian continent by Elamites and later adopted by Dravidians in the Indus valley.

Clearly a Zebu breed.It is from here that the zebu headed east to Asia.
Posted in AnkoleWatusi Cattle, Origin of Ankole-Watusi Cow, Uncategorized | Tagged African domestic animals, Ankole Cow, Ankole-Watusi Cattle, aurochs, Hima, Masai livestocks, Origin of the Ankole-Watusi cow, Sacred Cow, Tutsi, Watusi Cow, zebu | 2 Comments
Possible connection of Banyoro,Batoro with Fula people and the ancient kingdom of Futa-Toro and Tekrur
Posted on September 22, 2012 by gakondo

I recently happened to meet with a west African man from Guinea Conakry and asked him whether he knew of a people called the Tukolor or Toucouleurs from Senegal and he said he actually belonged to their ethnic group.

I had read a line about these people some time earlier on Ddembe’s musings ( ) blog where the author cited a phonetic similarity of some of their terms with Banyoro’s, and suggested a possible connection between the Tocouleur of Senegal (Futa Toro) who have their origins in the ancient Nubia of Sudan,with the Bunyoro and Toro of western Uganda.The most interesting of course being the terms Nyoro and Toro.

I seized the opportunity and asked this man who was a tailor and fashion designer and was mesmerized by my inquisition.He affirmed to me that he too observed this possibility before and strongly believes Bunyoro and Toro terms obviously have a connection somewhere with Nyoro du rip,Nyoro du sahel places in West Africa and ancient Futa Toro kingdom and that Banyoro and Batoro have strong similarities and qualities similar to the Fula people associated with the origin of those west African words.The moment became very interesting as both of us went on an instant yearning to find the same conclusion.

The tailor went on to reveal of how he is actually of a Fula and that they arrived in West Africa around 300 AD from Kush in upper Egypt hunting for fine grass for their sacred Cow which was apparently forbidden to eat in all circumstances until they reached in Mali desert where they dwelled until Arab conquerors found them and advised them to eat the Cow.

The intact group that came all the way from Kush (whose two major leaders were known as Nioro and Toro) hence

fell into a foray of disagreements and immediately begun to split into sub- groups heading into different directions, some apparently headed back Eastwards via Cameron to Eastern Congo and Uganda.

This theory makes it plausible that,the terms Nioro and Toro were marked after places where several blood brothers from this ancient Nomadic Fula group settled after disputes and further dispersal.
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Origins of Mathematics in the Bunyoro-kitara and Kalahari regions of sub Saharan Africa nearly 40,000 years ago
Posted on September 8, 2012 by gakondo


THE ISHAGO BONE: was discovered by Belgian archeologist in 1957 in a place called Ishango at a shore of Lake Edward near the border of D.R Congo and Uganda,part of the source of the river Nile. The bone is 10 cm long dark brown object with a tally notches made on it and tabulated in three rows (columns). A second Ishango bone was also discovered by the same person.

A discussion about Ishango bone is still going on. One group of researchers in Beligium thought that the bone has shown that ancient East and Central African people around Bunyoro during pre-historic time had knowledge of mathematics . Other researchers have argued that the bone is just a historical document. It could be some sort of a calendar according to the second group of researchers

It proves that people around Eastern Zaire and western and Central Uganda, perhaps during or before the era of Batembuzi rule,used tools (instruments) for different mathematical and scientific purposes like counting, measuring and registering facts. A study by international scientific researchers is apparently continuing to investigate how ancient people around this area of Africa have used tools for mathematical calculations and registrations. We will concentrate mainly on the Ishango bone (tool / document) which was used at 22,000 BC (a date that is corrected many times by researchers).

History of this document is 22,000 BC. The historical position of this period is the one commonly known as the Stone Age. It is roughly coinciding with the period supposedly before the discovery of agriculture. But how in that time there was sharp increase in the diversity of artifacts is a mystery. Also evidence from elsewhere in Africa like at Blombos cave in South Africa at that time bone artifacts and a kind first art appeared in the fossils in Africa.


On the Bone,the first row shows a system of addition based on the number ten. The numbers in this row are:

10+1, (10 * 2) + 1, (10 * 2) – 1, 10-1

This shows understanding of addition, subtraction and multiplication based on ten.

The second row starts with three notches. It is then doubled to become 6. The same is done with the next number (4), which is doubled to become 8. The number 8 followed by 10 which halved to form 5. This is followed by 5 and 7. The operations give us evidence that people who have used this document have some understanding of multiplication and division by 2.

The last row is a set of prime numbers between 10 and 20. These numbers are 11, 13, 17 and 19. The numbers in this row as well as in the first row are odd number.

The sum of the numbers in the first and the last rows is 60. This can not be a coincidence.

The sum of the numbers in the last row in the middle is 48. This implies that all sums are multiple of 12.

From all these remarks some people suggest that this bone may have been used as an ancient counting tool or an ancient calculator or an accounting ledger document.It may have been used to record data regarding live stock,lost number of solders ,assets, etc.The bone reveals that African people at that time had an understanding of mathematics.

The technique of dividing and multiplying by 2 was used by old Egyptians in later times. This can lead to suggestions that Egyptians were largely influenced by their old African ancestors from around the source of the Nile (ancient Bunyoro region).

The second assumption is that Isahango bone is a calendar. But the fact that numbers in two rows have a sum of 60 is not a proof of this assumption.

Calendars were used in ancient times as widely known.

The Egyptians used a solar calendar. They knew that a year has 365 day and 12 months. Every month has 30 days. They reserved extra 5 days to complete year days to be 365 days.



Is found near the confluence of river semliki and lake Edward in what is now Eastern DRC ( formerly Zaire) Ishango in local sorounding dialect which means swampy place or in kinyoro and kinyankole in western Uganda, the word means originally found place but also the term can be derived from ekishanga which means a swampy place.

Semliki River (sometimes Semuliki) is a major river in Central Africa. It flows northwards from Lake Edward in theDemocratic Republic of the Congo, across the Uganda border, through western Uganda in Bundibugyo District, near theSemuliki National Park. It empties into Lake Albert in Uganda at 1.2225°N 30.5038889°E. In places, the river has demarcated the border between Uganda and the DRC; its changing course sparked confusion in 2009 over the location of the boundary between the two countries.(wikipedia)

The structure and the techniques on the ishango bone closely resembles the LEBOMBO BONE which is a similar ancient African document discovered in the Lebombo mountains located between South Africa and Swaziland in the 1970s during excavations of Border Cave and dated about 35,000 B.C., the Lebombo bone is marked with 29 clearly defined notches. This suggests it may have been used as a lunar phase counter, in which case African women may have been the first mathematicians, because keeping track of menstrual cycles requires a lunar calendar. Certainly, the Lebombo bone resembles calendar sticks still used by the SAN people of Botswana and Namibia.
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged ancient mathematical tools, ancient rift valley civilizations, ancient sub-Saharan practices, Origin of mathematics | 2 Comments
THE ancient CWEZI PEOPLE of Uganda and Rwanda.
Posted on August 4, 2012 by gakondo

The Cwezi or the Bachwezi were an ancient people on the source of the Nile River believed to have lived and ruled peacefully the empire of Bunyoro-Kitara from perhaps 10,000 BC up until 1500 A.D. They were said to be demi-godly in nature and possessed a high intellect in addition to paranormal capabilities. However, legend has them shrouded in great mystery, yet they remain revered and praised across the great rift valley of East Africa particularly in most cultures of Uganda and are mostly heard about through Tutsi oral traditions. They are still worshiped by tribes in Ankole,Toro,Buganda,East Congo,Tanzania,Burundi and Rwanda.

Some schools of thought suggest, the Cwezi were part of the superhuman races, or remnants of such ancient people/ beings that may have landed along the Nile valley from around 2100 BCE or pre Historical times, establishing great civilizations along it’s banks from deeper areas past Lake Tanganyika to Zimba-za Mabwe ( Zimbabwe)-Houses of stones(ruins) to the Nile delta and Cwezi (SUEZ) canal.Also a time period that may have experienced of the constructions of great Egyptian and Sudanic pyramids and ancient Ku****ic civilizations.Lets also not rule out that they might have been the fathers of the great Pharaohs of Kush,Nubia and Kemet or of the same blood or part of the group of known Sudanic and Egyptian Gods.

ancient sub saharan rock painting of super humans possibly Cwezi

Cave painting depicting the arrival of strange headed-men in sub Saharan Africa roughly 25,000 BC

The Cwezi may have been of the bloodline of the off springs of super races that stemmed from those millennia and far exceedingly perhaps, were of extraterrestrial in origin.

Modern scholars seemingly disregard the strong physical and oral legend as evidence that is available around the source of the Nile river where Cwezi are reported to have dwelt. As former sites of their residence and activities were confirmed, like the one at BIGO BYA MUGENYI which is known to have been the principle base and capital of their rulership within the interlacustrine region of East Africa. More sites are at Ntusi in Mubende and Toro dating from time unknown to around the 16th century.

Also, contrary to European traditional staunch belief in physical evidence,

Africans traditionally put strong emphasis on keeping records and information orally;and as such, a strong oral tradition of passing down historical information and other important knowledge as well as saving records in form of artifacts has been observed, maintained and handed down to younger generations from time to time in almost amongst all African peoples,since time immemorial.The timeless secret teachings passed down through word of mouth,rituals or sometimes encrypted into songs ,temples and artecrafts concealed and enshrined behind a veil of hieroglyphs and symbolism.

Modern theorists cast the Cwezi to have arrived in the western part of Uganda around 500 A.D from the north of the Nile,(though part of local oral legend say, they landed from the heavens, also another part of the theory that may support an alternative idea that they might have been of ALIEN BEINGS), Planting seeds of leaders and introducing more organized kingdoms in the interlucustrine region.

The Chwezi immediately took over Bunyoro-Kitara empire which is thought to have stretched from modern day Eastern Congo, western, central parts of Uganda to Karagwe in the north of Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi but not secluded around lake George and Albert as previously assumed.

Their bloodlines went on to form modern day kingdoms of Toro, Buganda, Ankole and Tutsi-Nyiginya dynasty in Rwanda and Burundi and perhaps lost kingdoms of Zanj.

Cwezi Qualities

Oral tradition describes the Cwezi people to have been very tall, dark-brown and sometimes fair skinned with supernatural abilities and apparently practiced teleportation and telekinesis. While modern scientists are still dumbfounded on how the Giza pyramids were constructed, it was largely through telekinesis that 30 ton blocks of rocks were lifted miles from South Sudan to Cairo in the construction of Pyramids. The initial weight of Granite before transportation to Giza was more than 30 ton in weight before final block was precisely cutout using a lost magic technology that only people of the time knew so well, into desired shape and size. Cwezi were reported to be demi-gods and possessed super natural powers. They were also described to be clairvoyant and could telepathically read thoughts and foresee events.Oral legend say that they could disappear and reappear in an instant and as such they simply disappeared when about to die or when an imminence of danger felt inevitable or when in urgent need to travel afar.This also suggest that they may have been influencing other parts of Africa at the same time! Maybe in Mali or southern Africa considering similar account of such beings on oral tales of the Bambara people,the Ife of west Africa and the San people of kalahari. Oral legend further state that the Cwezi were half gods and half humans and some writers describe them as beings with one foot on earth and another foot Astral; due to paranormal abilities and therefore were believed to have held and combined an alien quality with that of earth.

Some European writers on the subject have previously tried to describe them as “white Caucasians who came down the Nile river and ruled indigenous Bantu Africa”, an argument which stand unfounded and perhaps interpreted as an attempt to hijack this crucial but unique piece of hidden east African history by Western academic theorists.There is no way the Cwezi were Caucasians and if it were true,most Bantus in the western Uganda and Rwanda would today have been of mixed race in appearance like modern day North Africans for instance who were conquered by Macedonian Greeks in 3 century BC followed by Romans and then Persians in 618 A.D, along with Turks, Arabs or further still,Bantus would look like Indians of Asia or Brazilians ;as evidently Bahima,Banyankole,Batusi,Batoro and Banyoro are a people of mixed blood of indignous Bantus with the Cwezi DNA but appear truly African and thus dark in complexion and physically indignous.

As Cwezi intermarried with Bantus, their off springs formed modern East Africa’s Royal lineages. Their gene is reported dominant in the Bahima, Batusi (Tutsi), Batoro, Banyoro,Nyamulenge,northern Tanzania clans i.e Mburu,Masaai, Royal Baganda of Uganda,Hereros and Himba of Namibia and Sidama of Ethiopia.

They were great cattle keepers and are still credited for introducing the long horned Ankole Cows around the Nile source region.

sub-saharan cattle rock painting 7000 YEARS OLD

Long Horned Cows/ankole,watusi cows as depicted in ancient Egypt.Cows were held supreme in Egypt just like today among the Hima/Tutsi culture

Ankole cow seen in ancient Egyptian depiction

Hima /Tutsi with their long horned Cattle

They are said to have been great sportsmen and enjoyed archery,high jump, spear throwing(Javelin),sprintig and wrestling. They also introduced and played the Board game (Omweeso,ekisoro,igisoro) common in Africa.

The Cwezi introduced excavation for iron and gold and did iron smelting, and underground fortification and introduced Coffee beans. They only slaughtered a young Cow during a ritual sacrifice and ate mostly green vegetables,beans,nuts, millet, and fruits and held a high tolerance for Lactose.

They were great scientists and proficient in hybriding animals and plants. They also were reported to have been herbalists and spiritualists.

They were great warriors but most times preferred to abdicate when provoked and instead fled to nearby unconquered territories or simply vanished to the unknown, only to return to the same place as invisibles afterwards. A phenomena that is still reported happening to cultures today in parts of Ankole, Buganda and Bunyoro as well as their spirits still claimed to randomly visit and occupy certain individuals in Rwanda,Uganda and North Tanzania.

In such cases, reports of invisible groups of beings behaving as herdsmen have over the ages been reported detected, invisibly going on about daily routine of activities in various cultures and places especially in Ankole and Bunyoro,being heard sometimes grazing livestock in sorounding fields with whistles while poetic chanting along invisible sounds of cattle mooing.

These kinds of paranormal activities around communities have for a longtme inspired a religious cult of the ABALANGA or ABALANGI which is a Cwezi pantheon


The widely, almost accepted notion of the Luo-Biito conquest and instant overthrow of the Cwezi Empire,is also highly questionable and tantamount to myth and therefore dismissible, on the grounds that,evidence of Cwezi legacies as well as traces of qualities and characteristics are observable in today’s various clans of Bantus around East Africa, leave alone physical evidence available, unlike Luo qualities that are only secluded to extreme parts of northern Uganda,southern Sudan and eastern Kenya.


The Luo speak Nilotic Languages that are very distinct from Bantu dialects and yet how the conquerer’s language cannot be traced in modern kitooro, kinyankole, kiganda, kinyarwanda and kihaya is puzzling.

Traces of possible Cwezi Lingua franca influence in Modern Bantu Luganda, Kinyarwanda,Nyankole Languages.

There is a strong common use of letter C or cwe in Kinyarwanda,Kiganda,and Kinyankole and from the word Cwezi->


1. There is a strong common use of letter C in kinyarwanda as in Aba-Cwezi (which translates those who can go to obscurity)( C-is pronounced TCiAh)

To Cwe is to silence. -ABA-CWEZI.


ICUMU-Spear gu Cana-to Light fire

Gicanda-queen of Rwanda

Cyera-long time ago

Ceceka –to keep quiet

CWE- Translates oblivion,quieteness,tranquility,disappearance,invisibility

Abacwezi barazimiye-Cwezi people went to oblivion or IKUZIMU where MUZIMU or BAZIMU dwell this also imply paranormal spirits which in southern Africa’s Bantus Muzimu is reffered to as Mudimu or Modimo which means God.

ICYIMANUKA- extraterrestrial ,

IBIMANUKA-space aliens


Kabaka CWA CWA I,CWA II, echoto-Ekyoto-Fire, the use of ABA prefix. Abalanga,Abalangi,Abacwezi,abatembuzi


OruCwamba-couch grass, okuCweka- break, OmuCyuzi-soup

okuCunda amate-To shake milk for gee/cheese

Okucwa ebinyansi-To cut grass,



Ebicoori- Maize

2. The use of letters W from cWezi:


Mulindwa,kabaka CWA,EmandWa,Wamala

King Wamala was the last king of Cwezi. His son Ruhinda rwa Njunaki became the first king of Ankole kingdom.Since then the Bahinda clan (also known as Bahindiro in Rwanda) are the rulers of Ankole Kingdom.King Wamala is said to have been a great miracle performer and legend mantains he used to walk on waters of lake Wamala and lake Nalubaale(Victoria) found in central Buganda.At the end of Cwezi rule King Wamala is said to have walked on his lake and suddenly teleported to the unknown near Lubajja fishing village called Nakyegalika. Lake Wamala is attributed to his spirit ever since.

Evidence of Luo Coquest of North Uganda

Strong evidence exists among the Acholi, lango,Chapadhola,Lugbara and other tribes of northern Uganda and Eastern Kenya where the Luo truly conquered and dominated. Those tribes posses all Luo traits and qualities physically, culturally and linguistically.

The Luo speak eastern Sudanic nilotic languages.

Claims of past African writers with a strong colonial influence and of such product that the Biito Luos assimilated by the Bantu and lost their language and culture is at best lacking facts. Since the Luos were described as super conquerors that drove away a mighty Cwezi dynasty, they would have atleast ordered their surbondinates to speak Luo and to act Luo. As 500 years is not relatively a very long period of time in matters of anthropology for a Luo culture and language to totally disappear and thus morph into a surbsuviate Bantu culture and lingua in Bunyoro, whereas (Luo) customs and traces of Luo dialects survive and thrive in all areas they are reported to have conquered, such as among the tribes of northern Uganda and Nyanza provinces of Kenya.

Looking at the modern inhabitants of areas around lakes Albert (Rwitanzige),George and western Kyoga as well as analyzing traits of Batoro,Banyankole,Baganda, and Batusi people,there is nothing in common of these tribes with Luos whatsoever in perspective of language,dancing,genes,complexion, poetry,social economic practices and rituals.

Therefore, the advent of the interlacustrine dynasties did not stem from the alleged super invasion of the LUOS from the southern Sudan in the 1600 AD as previously hypothesized by 19th century theorists and writers.

However the seamless Fabric of the African peoples does not exempt some Luos from possessing Cwezi traits and influence as a result of intermarriages. A Luo sub clan known as the Sidho which lives on Kano plains are a Cwezi element of the Luo people.The term Sidho,Sindi,Sindi or Sinji among royal clans echoes greatly in Luos,Somalians, Rwandans and Indians.The most remarkable Cwezi hybrid of the Luo Sidho clan was a warrior known as Rwanda Magere or Luanda Magere among Luo legend.The province of Nyanza in Kenya was at one time an eastern seat of the Cwezi rulership.Everywhere the Cwezi influenced is marked by similar etymologies. Word Nyanza is also name in Rwanda for place of Royal palace.Terms Magere or Kigeli are echoed of the royals of source of the Nile Kingdoms.Similar words extend into far western Congo,Angola and Zimbabwe.

(Angola before the Portuguese conquered it and changed phonetics there,many places were named after Cwezi peoples.i.e Angolan town of Ganda,Rwanda or Luanda,and word Angola itself is a variant of ANKOLE and a Portuguese corruption of the original.These terms were left in the south western belt during the exodus of the Cow and Earth people who are now known as the Himba and Hereros on their way south towards Okavango delta or vise versa)

Luanda Magere was famously known for his invisible powers a characteristic of the Cwezi during the Luo wars with the Nandi people.Legend has it that his body could not be pierced by Nandi spears.This led the Nandi people to be so much afraid of him and to believe that he was of a para-normal kind.Whenever they went to war and found out that Luanda Magere was in the battlefield, they would retreat back to their Nandi county.

Isingoma Rukidi Mpunga the first Biito king together with his twin brother Kato Kimera kintu the first Buganda king were renegade Cwezi-Bantu sons of Nyatworo a woman from Bakwonga clan ,a hybrid of the Cwezi and Bantu people, that returned to stage a coup d’état and overthrew their Cwezi peoples’ dynasty,..a move which coincided with the Cwezi’s long term plan to leave after their longtime agenda of establishing dynasties in the great lakes region had been accomplished, and therefore retreated to the unknown as oral legend tells it. Because of the near mythical nature of this hypothesis, the renegade twins took over Bunyoro and Buganda from their Cwezi fathers around 30 BC. Unfortunately the first Baganda and Banyoro to obtain western education in History and authorship worked under strict directives and supervisions of then colonial masters which helped stamp into formal books the deceptive version of only an 800 year old history of the area as opposed to thousands of years Bunyoro kitara had before helping normalize a common theory of “Africa without a History”. (Bunyoro-Kitara was the third most Area concerning the Nile Delta civilization that is not talked about). As a result Buganda,Toro,Rwanda,Burundi,Karagwe and Bunyoro Kingdoms can only list their past kings to far back around 1300 AD during the reign of CWA I in Buganda,which means that, there is a missing list and account of events in the chronology of Baganda kings between 30 BC when Kato Kintu Kimera reigned in Buganda and a huge amount of stolen,destroyed,distorted and lost information on surrounding Kingdoms. The western approved history of Bacwezi restricted and passed only three kings of 14th century,.. that is Ndahura, Mulindwa and Wamala. Most Knowledge keepers were killed in between. Entirely validating the false while eliminating and making loss of crucial information that was before Ndahura,making Cwezi and preceding Batembuzi history appear short and mythical and easy to dismiss in a modern scientific world.The Batembuzi dynasty was ”early dynastic Egyptian rule and control of East and Southern Africa beginning from 3100 BC to around 650 BC.It was a latter continuation from Sumerian influence of the area for a time period of over 50,000 years when Sumerian Kings EnmenLuana and Dumuzi or Tembuzi respectively ruled Africa in antiquity.


Description of the Cwezi Via oral legend within East Africa has revealed them to have been of a paranormal kind with extraordinary abilities beyond Bantus.They apparently held great intellectual capacity with mystical capabilities, great might, and occasionally transformed from physical to non-physical states with swift.

Oral tradition from various parts of East Africa describe them as gods and as such are still worshiped and summoned by various tribes in Uganda to intervene in helping solve problems and misfortunes.In Rwanda and Burundi legend, they were referred to as Ibimanuka (those who landed ).


Gihanga I Ngomijana the first Tutsi monarch is said to have been an IKIMANUKA possibly a Cwezi god. Known names of Gods Gihanga descended from according to Rwandan oral legend were :

Shyerezo Nkuba-> which translates..Infinite Energy

2.Kigwa-> The landed

3.Muntu-> Humanlike

4.Kimanuka-> alien, he who landed, descended from above (also Kiwanuka in Uganda)

5.Kijuru-> Of Heavens

6.Kobo-> ( god Kob, Yahkob,Jah kob,Yakhoob,Jacob,Yakub )[In wider schools of thought,demi-god Yakub is believed to have genetically engineered the first Caucasian couple]

7.Merano-> Genesis.Beginning

8.Randa-> (Rwanda) The root and Genesis

9.Gisa-> likeness, resemblance,image

10.Kizira-> The forbidden, sacred

11.Kazi-> work,make(r)

12.Gihanga Ngomijana-> headman, creator, ruler of hundreds of reign

Also within term Ikimanuka lies the word IMANA which translates GOD in KinyaRwanda.Imana also comes from many ancient terms that described God or Gods like God Amun ,Amen the father of life.or Innana of Sumer.

ImandWa- is an ancient spirit referred to as God it might have been changed from sun God Amun-Ra the all important state God which locally fitted to IMANDWA and later IMANA which translates to GOD.The Baganda call it Emen-rwa or emandwa from Emen-ra

Imandwa may have also been short for iman -a-dwanda or

Imana y’ iRwanda or at best Imana Nyarwanda.

Rwanda: RWA is a prefix that links to a belonging to..something,someone. uRwanda Rwa Gihanga,Rwagasabo or RwabanyaRwanda.

Letter “R” comes from God RA. Most royal Rwandan names start with R i.e Rugamba,Ruganzu,Rubangura,Rurangwa,Rwigema,Rwabugiri,Rujugira,Rudahigwa,Rudasingwa,Rwogera,Rwanyonga,Rudaseswa,Rutarindwa etc.In Rwanda and Burundi spirituality, letter R represents the god in someone.It is the equivalent to BA ”the soul” or essence.Most Hutu names end with MN or Mana.God is traditionally a very much part of the naming of people.i.e Harerimana,Uwimana,Habyarimana,Bimana etc

Term Gihanga also refers to the big Head,Creator,source of knowledge.

iGihanga-Head. Ubuhanga- intellect. Guhanga-to create

Imana ni Gihanga wahanze byose-God the source of all creation.

Gihanga was the first monarch of the Tutsi Nyiginya/hindiro dynasty, folklore state that his second name Ngomijana stood for the fact that his reign lasted a hundred folds that of normal reigns by successive kings according to legend. A theory if correct puts mysterious King Gihanga’s rule to have begun at least during 10,000 BC). However it could also be argued that Gihanga was very much predynastic and therefore hundreds of kings ruled after his time of influence in the Nile rift valley until King Kanyarwanda I Gahima I (1114–1147) continually assumed gradual leadership of Kingdom of Rwanda . That information was disapproved,omitted and prohibited by colonial scramble for Africa writers as they planned the history of great lakes region to start from at least 1500 AD.Similar conspiracies and directives were applied to other histories of African cultures in the west and south except that which pertained with science and western theory of evolution and colonial agenda .The name Gahima is what the Baganda pronounce as Kayima.In Buganda history, King Kayima sendikadiwa (1494-1524) was a grand son of Kigl Mukbny( I dis-include vowels here because the colonial writers used mundane vowels to confuse and divide histories of mostly related people) what the Baganda pronounce Kigala Mukabya.In Rwanda kingdom, the same name appears in their King list as Kigeli Mukobanya (1378–1418) This is the point where one can highlight a notion that a single Monarchical figure or house ruled universally what we now know as the Kingdoms of Buganda,Ankole,Karagwe,Rwanda and Burundi during pre 13th century.That the whole region was under the authority of a single leadership.From the King list of Buganda kingdom,the 7th king Kayima appears on list of Kings of Rwanda as Gahima II Yuhi and both names seem to have ruled around the same time in 15th century.The rift Valley Kingdoms were very instrumental in the rise of Egyptian and Horn of African civilizations because they depended on Gold and Silver and the huge importance of conserving and securing the Nile river from its source to the Kemetic delta against blockage, flooding and contamination as well as human labor.King Gihanga and names of his Eleven descendants were what majority know as Egyptian Gods or Sumerian Gods locally translated that way by Bantus and Twas.These Gods and Kings reigned and controlled a large expanse of lands spanning from India to Abkhazia and Anatolia to the whole of Africa.Similar legend is heard and believed among most tribes on the African continent (which have over the years been translated and passed down in customized formats by those tribes in order of their heritage and cultural system) and beyond which indicate that, those Gods influenced a diversity of isolated communities during antiquity and are forever part of their respective histories. It was Gihanga who brought about the common Rwanda proverb that ” IMANA YIRIRWA AHANDI IGATAHA IRWANDA” due to tendencies of disappearing into the unknown in the mornings, only to return to Rwanda in the evenings. This has similarities with popular Egyptian story of Horus ruling the day and Set ruling the Night. Every morning Horus the God of light would win the battle against Set the god of darkness while in the evening Set would send Horus into the underworld .The dark vs light or good vs evil is one of the most omnipresent mysterious dualities known ever and it’s still expressed on many levels today.

This theory suggests that Gihanga was a Cwezi god or an alter ego of a Kemetian or Sumerian superbeing who either frequently flew in from his headquarters in kemet or Sumer and landed in the heartland of Rwanda-Burundi or vise versa.And on having ruled the source of the Nile area for 10,000 years,it is highly plausible to have happened considering similar accounts in the texts of the Sumerians that the descended king Alulim of ancient Eridug ruled for 28,800 years! while King E-men-lu-ana (Note that there is EMEN is this name! and note that name sounds like Imanarwanda!!) the third predynastic king of Sumer ruled Sumeria for 43,200 years! King Enmenluana is considered the longest reigning king ever to rule on Earth.

More on Cwezi Origin or influences:

The Egyptian theory-Suez as pre dynastic pronunciation of Chwezi.

The birth place of the Egyptians is in upper(south) Egypt not lower(north) Egypt where Suez is. Iron working was known to the Ku****e kingdoms which were south of Egypt and black Africa. The term Suez is not of Modern Egyptian origin but of preceding dwellers. The naming of the town of Suez would mean a much more proof of a previous black influence.

Were Cwezi Jews?

Term Cwezi is a variant of word Jews

Jwes,Jwezi,cwes,“Giwis,” “Giws,” “Gyues,” “Gywes,” “Giwes,” “Geus,”(

If so ,..the original Jews originated from the Fallopian tube of the Nile valley.

It is said that the Cwezi were iron and mineral smelters and practiced jewelry.In Kinyarwanda to smelt is known as to: guCURA .Therefore, smelters are abaCUZI (very close to word aba CWEZI)

The same trade is largely associated with Jews.They are known globally as a people that mostly trade in Jewelry and other precious stones

Cweziman or SCHWATZMANN in German language describes black or Jewish with a dark-skin or black-hair

A 1792 map showing East,Central and Kalahari regions marked as Ethiopia suggesting that groups around the yellow area were of a united civilization than previously hypothesized.The map also indicates that most countries in Africa as we know them today are not what and where they used to be in the genesis.
Posted in Cwezi people | Tagged African History, ancient East African history, ancient rift valley civilizations, ancient source of the Nile civilizations, Babito, Bacwezi, Baganda, Bigo bya mugenyi, Bunyoro Kitara empire, Cwezi, Cwezi people, Great lakes history, Hima, historical argument, Tutsi | 40 Comments

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@Wr  and @JuliusWrek  

Thank you  for the video

It was great watch the two young men in class dropping knowledge.  I was smiling through out the video. Maybe knowing or thinking they woke up a few classmate to search of the hidden true about our history.
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