After a few dates with the woman (or man) you've been seeing..


That's tough. You better pray she has to leave the room for a minute and scrape some in the nearest garbage.
Make believe your phone rang and act like its an emergency. Rush out the house without explaining details.
Thank her for the gesture. Try it out and if your not feeling it offer to pay for dinner.
EBT only buys so much

id conclude shes a troll and proceed to look for hidden cameras

dat sheltered privileged life must be nice...


u lame bro

Yeah you know me bro

My mom had me at 19 and was a waitress, we lived in a one bedroom apartment on top of a house and I started working weekends at 430am at age 13

Def the sheltered privileged life
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That Amala and egusi soup looks mad decent, proceed to wash your hands and chop! Her presentation could have been better tho....
Eat it, tell her i enjoyed it, get in the parking lot and force vomit myself by the treacherous trigger finger.
Ask her if she used salt. When she says yes, tell her I'm allergic.
she says she wants to cook you dinner tonight. You get excited because you've never had someone cook you dinner and its rare these days because most women just want to go out and eat so in your mind she just gained a bunch of points. You leave work, go home and take a shower before heading to her place. On your way to her place you stop somewhere and cop her flowers. You haven't smashed yet so you're trying to impress her as much as she's trying to impress you. Get to her place and she tells you tonight's special is chicken, macaroni, and gravy. Then you see this:

View media item 336957
Now what?

This at the food:

View media item 337263

This at her:

View media item 337258

Then roll out that mug like:

View media item 337271

I'll be a monkey's uncle before I let a broad experiment on me wit' that nasty looking concoction...:smh:

Damn, that looks delicious, smells delicious and probably even smells delicious.

But my mom needs my help, gotta go.
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