After snoozing through James Bond's Spectre, I've come to the realization that....

Youre reaching calling the Bond series as a whole trash. Like others said, spectre was not up to par with skyfall or casino royale

Your reading comprehension is about as good as Spectre, because no one said the whole Bond series was trash.

You said how terrible bond has become and you're basing this off one movie? come one man

And you're still moving the goalposts, because I CLEARLY never said the whole series was trash.

You clearly state in your OP that the bond FRANCHISE needs a reboot in a major way and I ask you're basing this off of spectre?

I'll make this simple for you.

1. franchise reboot =/= bond series as a whole is trash (which is NOT what I said, but you are somehow convinced otherwise :lol: )

2. Daniel Craig's tenure as Bond, IMO, has run it's course. Much like for when he took over for Pierce Brosnan. This is exactly why I said bring on a new face, like Idris Elba. Try something new and see where it goes.
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Yall man crush on Stringer has always been funny to me [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
spectre is trash

i've watched skyfall 3 times, still dont see the hype. its a good action movie but not mind blowing or anything 
I watched Spectre last night for the first time. While it wasn't the best Bond movie; I think calling it trash is ridiculous. NT loves extremes though :lol:
I watched Spectre last night for the first time. While it wasn't the best Bond movie; I think calling it trash is ridiculous. NT loves extremes though :lol:

Yeah it wasn't trash by any means but it def calls for the Craig bond era to be done and we need someone new and a complete new story etc
anything with sam jackson now days is really hard to watch for me. he has ruined a lot of movies for me
Craigs Bond has been up and down. Casino ROyale was great (best of the bunch) then down with Quantum of Solace, back up with Skyfall then down again with Spectre.

Overall though, it's been good for the most part and they went away from the cheesy Bond from Pierce and I like the change.

Kingsman is pretty much a parody of the old James Bond films, they even explain on the film itself. It's very good but it's almost of a different genre from Bond, Bourne and Mission Impossible.

But the whol Bond franchise are going to do a soft reboot anyways since Craig seems to be done with the role.
anything with sam jackson now days is really hard to watch for me. he has ruined a lot of movies for me

Swear Samuel L just goes auto pilot on some roles and others he really goes hard for. One things for sure there aint been a script or $ this guy doesnt like or turn down :lol:
Hate to agree about Bond needing a reboot but the last two were wack. With that said, Casino Royale is one of the best Bond films.
Spectre was a huge letdown seeing as they had an A-list actor playing the villain.

Completely misused him.

I love Craig as bond but the storylines for QoS & Spectre sucked.

Wouldn't be mad at Stringer taking the reigns.
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