Age of Consent Discussion (USA)

You can't say automatically that its different stages in life. There are plenty of 25+ ppl in college

I dont know if this is true. As fathers, we are probably way overprotective of daughters. I feel like I'm more realistic as I am now.

I don't think 18 and 25 is weird at all if it's just hooking up. Relationship wise I can see it being awkward since it's different stages in life.
How do y'all respond when you meet a bad one and later findfind she's only 18 or 19? Girls are looking mad mature these days. To make things more interesting, how would you respond if she's 18 but still in hs?

Any decent dude can at the very least wait till shorty graduates high school n lives a little grown man should be messing with high schoolers no matter what their age is
18-21 means 18-21. Legal.

under 18. not legal. both sides.
From a legal stand point, a lot of people don't really have an issue. Its the perception they have an issue with (separating a pure sexual encounter with a perceived relationship). The former is sometimes frowned upon (young or not), its just heightened when the age gap is that wide and includes a barely legal individual.

If you 30 at a strip club and **** an 18 year old dancer in the back room, no one cares because they view strippers as sexual objects. If you 30 and ****ing an 18 year old sales clerk at your job, people look at you weird because they know you'd never entertain a relationship with a chick her age; you're just treating her like a sex object and that bothers people.

Those dudes crave chicks that young for whatever reason. If its 2 chicks, 18 and 26, both attractive with the same body type, some dudes will go for the 18yo because "she'll do what I want", "she's dumb", "I can train her".

Drop the age of consent to 13 and they'll be pulling up to middle schools like "aye its legal man".
I think trying to be accepted socially has made folks go wild in their views on this issue. Men because of how we are wired are mainly going to want younger women and not just the frowned upon ages either. Everything being equal as far as the chick genuinely liking the guy you think most are going to pick a 25yr old or 38yr old if the guy is 40+ in most cases? As far as treating women like sex objects that's life as harsh as some might think it sounds. They are sex objects just like we are to them. A woman's beauty is what we pay attention to first the majority of the time. Its outliers but they are mainly dudes scarred of rejection so they play the friendship card and hope it turns into something later. I'm generalizing of course because maybe you could really like her personality first but in most cases that's just not the case.

Like I said earlier I'm not even around underage chicks to even know how folks get down with them and neither is anyone I know. That's why I just used ages I'm around and see the same thing going on too.
Half plus 7 rule is golden.
I'm not comfortable with this that much either.

I just did the math on some ages and it would allow for me to get with some chicks almost 10 years younger than me. Even with that rule the gap gets bigger the older you get.
I think trying to be accepted socially has made folks go wild in their views on this issue. Men because of how we are wired are mainly going to want younger women and not just the frowned upon ages either. Everything being equal as far as the chick genuinely liking the guy you think most are going to pick a 25yr old or 38yr old if the guy is 40+ in most cases? As far as treating women like sex objects that's life as harsh as some might think it sounds. They are sex objects just like we are to them. A woman's beauty is what we pay attention to first the majority of the time. Its outliers but they are mainly dudes scarred of rejection so they play the friendship card and hope it turns into something later. I'm generalizing of course because maybe you could really like her personality first but in most cases that's just not the case.

Like I said earlier I'm not even around underage chicks to even know how folks get down with them and neither is anyone I know. That's why I just used ages I'm around and see the same thing going on too.
Not disagreeing with what your saying, but there’s a difference between a chick mentally 18yo and a women 25+. That’s why most people are concerned with the former. In some cases, a guy in his 40s dating a chick 25 is probably looked at being taken advantages of (i.e. chick don’t love him, she just loves his money), and he a simp for not realizing it blah blah blah.
What's the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old physically and emotionally? If we're honest nothing.

Why do we put an age on maturity? I know 30 year old women that still behave like they are in high school.

16 years old


18 years old

How does that even take place as a grown adult? :lol:

I will share my relevant $.02
Every year my job gets seasonal employees. I'm a supervisor. I'm 26-27. Graduated college. Might do grad school in 2 years depending on career moves.

- Lil pyt (yella bone, slim jawn) gets in starts asking other coworkers, who is he.. is he single.. the whole 9. That's red flag #1. Not mature enough yet to know to keep it on the DL and asking others instead of directly.
- I'm like whatever. I really don't mess around a work so its a non starter. But then it comes up she's 18. So Im thinking oh that's too young anyway, fresh outta HS... Heeell to naw naw.
- But just because my brain goes into auto shut down, doesn't mean she don't come with the back up generators. Wearing leggings erryday. flirting. wanting one on one training from me (after i passed it off to someone else to do). Finding reasons to come up and ask questions. etc.
- So naturally, she start looking very hittable after enduring a month of that. Physically at least. Fortunately her attitude was terrible otherwise things would become tempting to say the least.
- during the last week she tries to get the # under some work related pretense but I passed to avoid potential headaches.

But that was eye opening for me because at the end of the day.. you got a woman at 18 with sexual desires. pretty and physically fit and likely to get better with some years of maturity. low mileage especially compared to your peer group. still has some very open doors for academic and career opportunities over the next 5 years. pursuing me who is finally stable with a good job and house and could help her make some good financial and life choices while taking her off the market. Both of us could have a good time and do fun stuff together if she is open minded about entertainment, hobbies, and traveling.

If you aren't being a predator about it you really could get seduced by a younger chick IMO and it could just be natural attraction. Bodies are definitely developing early enough.

The thing is though at 16 or even 18 (if still in high school) their decision making, understanding about life, and perceived goals is so weak and vulnerable, that you aren't even giving them a chance to form opinions and values for themselves. You are going to be "daddy" in more ways than you should. If you are into manipulating a little girl like that, then you have a power fetish (r kelly) and need counseling.

if you actually find these little girls who LOOK LIKE little girls arousing... then you are a sick and depraved person. chicks get bigger butts and breasts as reproductive signaling. You being attracted to girls who arent signaling tells me you had some sort of exposure to sex, visually, physically, or abusively... wayyyy before you should have and started fantasizing about girls your age and didnt grow out of it. you are a danger to my little girl and would do irreparable harm to her psyche if left to your own devices.

Puberty... the body getting itself prepared for sexual activity. Should not be confused with actual reproductive signaling to the other sex (ie. pheromones, weight gain, endorphines etc.) Some women in their 20s still haven't put on enough weight to have a healthy pregnancy and i will look at you funny if you are sexually attracted to anorexic skeletal framed women vs well proportioned ones regardless of age.
How does that even take place as a grown adult? :lol:

Met a 19 year old (not in HS) at a 21+ club who was with some chicks I’m cool with that were probably 22 at the time when I was 26 . Smashed that night assuming she was 21.

Found out the next morning after conversation how old she was ..... felt like trash .

Definitity can happen.
Not disagreeing with what your saying, but there’s a difference between a chick mentally 18yo and a women 25+. That’s why most people are concerned with the former. In some cases, a guy in his 40s dating a chick 25 is probably looked at being taken advantages of (i.e. chick don’t love him, she just loves his money), and he a simp for not realizing it blah blah blah.
I think the difference in mentality is just a perception not necessarily based in reality fme. Maybe I'm just around some young acting people or some old acting ones but it wasn't too much difference in those ages ime. The only thing I'd say would normally be different is going out habits if I had to say something. Most of the younger girls wanted to go out more because they were newer to it and the older girls not as much. Everything else besides the obvious difference in some things you may talk about that they aren't concerned about usually like "adulting" they were similar on most things. I'll give you,that but if we talking just basic stuff that most people talk about most of the time it wasn't no difference but again I'm just one person and you're experience could be totally different than mine.

I also agree with you saying folks think the older guy is being taken advantage of but sometimes I think folks of both genders are just jealous and or projecting. I'm not saying that's always the case because the guy could be getting used but truth is all relationships are about people getting "used" in one way or another. That's how they work.
Changed your mind on posting that first story? :rofl:


I thought I finished it.

She was 16 I was 20. We worked together. I waited 2 months until she turned 17 even though 16 was legal in Michigan.

Gotta be honest I felt kinda bad then but now I don’t.

Pre MAGA Kanye Shrug
Met a 19 year old (not in HS) at a 21+ club who was with some chicks I’m cool with that were probably 22 at the time when I was 26 . Smashed that night assuming she was 21.

Found out the next morning after conversation how old she was ..... felt like trash .

Definitity can happen.
If you felt like trash you need to stay off twitter because you seemed easily influenced. If you didn't know and she was at a spot that was 21 and over don't get how you felt like trash. Programming is a powerful thing in these streets.
In the majority of states a 16 year old can legally marry one of any age with parental consent.

Some states are as low as 14 with that requirement. And parental consent, not age of the other party, is the restriction.
So that is why I say how you HONESTLY feel on the topic comes from when you and/or your child is being affected by the circumstance.

I compare it to how people on Social Media claim what they would/could/should do when a situation is viral. It is easy to speak on it when you have no connection to it, but when YOU are HIT by it, your true feelings come out

You make a good point, I'll have to concede when you put it in that context.

The male ego is a crazy thing :smh:

Too lazy to go through the thread. But one of my homies from Hawaii was telling me about this.
Met a 19 year old (not in HS) at a 21+ club who was with some chicks I’m cool with that were probably 22 at the time when I was 26 . Smashed that night assuming she was 21.

Found out the next morning after conversation how old she was ..... felt like trash .

Definitity can happen.
“Hey something happened but it’s done” and perusing a legitimate relationship are very different things
Yeah according to the chart on the first page there are only 48 states in the US :lol:. Literally just skipped Hawaii and Alaska.
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