Age of your basketball decline?

played in an adult league today had 25pts 19boards and 8 assist

granted I'm only 22
Homie was you playing against the 35+ dudes in you medical class
I usually play 1 - 2 times per week (each ~90 mins) which includes sparing like shooting and sprints.
My game got slower when I was 25 as I had several setbacks with my back's muscle.
Then stopped at the age of 30 and resumed playing with 32 where it took me almost 2 months to get back
to shape to compete at all. The 2 year absence of training made me very slow and poor in shooting, defense,
dribbling and stamina. Then I found back my prime shape and even played full court 4 on 4.
Then stopped at 34 again due to heavy work load.
With a family and working full time, it's just difficult to play much basketball anymore.
Looking forward to play more again this spring and summer :smile:
Wait do tall rec leagues keep up with y'all Rebs and assist? Bc how the hell do y'all keep
As others have said, all depends on how well you up keep yourself. Know some 40 year olds who still play but they can't run as long. For me I've been playing some of my best games now (23). Watching NBA games and weightlifting in the house has been helping tremulously.The last two weeks the court has been mine, granted we play 4v4 though. Any other NYC ball players, always looking for new spots to play.
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