Age old question Should Boyfriends pay for EVERYTHING.

Originally Posted by hell0o

The only time it's okay for a boyfriend to pay for everything is when the BOYFRIEND is okay with paying for everything . Otherwise, it's half and half. Although, in my relationship, it's 90 me and 10 him
Guys here would KILL to be in my bf's shoes.

You make yourself sound like your "that" kind of girl. Dont make it seem like youre all high and mighty
wow, just had this convo with the chick Im datin now yesterday. she says that she equates paying for everything with being a gentlemen.......I basically said (in a nice way) that thats BS n she better not expect me to be footin the bill everytime we go she promises to treat next time we go out....
it's 2011. Chicks still trying to ride ancient gender roles.

Want a dude to pay for everything but ain't handy with the meals, laundry, etc.

I could never be with this type of chick.
Originally Posted by Rell

wow, just had this convo with the chick Im datin now yesterday. she says that she equates paying for everything with being a gentlemen.......I basically said (in a nice way) that thats BS n she better not expect me to be footin the bill everytime we go she promises to treat next time we go out....

Been Pimpin since Been Pimpin since Been Pimpin. This is how you do it. Tell the chic how its gonna be then if she doesn't comply she goes, simple as that. Woman= complement of man therefore she is born to do the part that he doesn't do .
if i was rich i wouldnt pay for it all, i remember I didnt have a job for more than a year, all the women i talked to during this time knew it, and had no problem paying for it all. When you talk to women how you say things can be the difference.
A girl who is really into you will pay for some things. I've experienced that in my last relationship when the girl took me out to dinner once in a while and even offered to pay for other things. But once the relationship is serious and you're living together then it becomes more 50/50.
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