Ages 20-26: Would you rather be single or in a relationship?

Dec 29, 2009
Im 20, bouta be 21 in two months. Just got out of a 3 year year relationship and everyone who i have talked to about my situation tells me be single, especially during your peak years. You have no stress trying to make your significant other happy, dealing with the BS fights, free to go out whenever.  So I am asking my NT brethens. would you rather be single or in a relationship during your peak years?
I'm not old enough for this thread

I've never had stress, didn't have to try to make her happy or vica versa, no fights and I can come and go as I please. I hear these same arguments but maybe it's just 'your' girl. Not every girl is like that. If you find the right one during the years, regardless, keep her.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


I've never had stress, didn't have to try to make her happy or vica versa, no fights and I can come and go as I please. I hear these same arguments but maybe it's just 'your' girl. Not every girl is like that. If you find the right one during the years, regardless, keep her.
This. Well said, sir.
For everything else, my previous post still stands.
20-25 is when I'd rather be single, but late twenties is when I plan to start taking relationships seriously once I'm established and all.
I am 24 and single but rather be in a relationship

my boys dont do anything fun anymore, we just participate in an endless cycle of disses at each other over and over again, plus we are too broke to have fun

and the new people we meet gets younger and younger...

i love my boys but i need a new scene
Why would I be have to choose?
If you choose to stick to one, you totally eliminate a whole lot of possibilities.
I say stick to what makes you happy, open to all possibilites.

There is no such thing as peak years.
Anyone who says different is no better than that dude that always looks back fondly on HS while not trying to change their current situation.
I know dudes in their 60s that are "peaking", bagging young *%$+!% and getting drunk every night.
It all depends, if you're mature enough to handle a relationship, with the right girl, then by all means start a relationship with someone special. However if you feel that you still have some things to get out of your system or you're simply not mentally stable/mature enough to be in a stable relationship then no, I don't think you have any business being in one.

Considering you've just got out of a relatively long relationship I'd advise you to stay single, as you don't want to bring any emotional baggage into your next relationship. You don't need anyone to validate you. Just do you and when you're ready it'll happen again.

Until then better yourself, acquire currency, smash other chicks (not your ex, again, emotional baggage is a no no), and find yourself. Once you hit 25, it's all downhill brother, that midlife crisis.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

It all depends, if you're mature enough to handle a relationship, with the right girl, then by all means start a relationship with someone special. However if you feel that you still have some things to get out of your system or you're simply not mentally stable/mature enough to be in a stable relationship then no, I don't think you have any business being in one.

Considering you've just got out of a relatively long relationship I'd advise you to stay single, as you don't want to bring any emotional baggage into your next relationship. You don't need anyone to validate you. Just do you and when you're ready it'll happen again.

Until then better yourself, acquire currency, smash other chicks (not your ex, again, emotional baggage is a no no), and find yourself. Once you hit 25, it's all downhill brother, that midlife crisis.
I feel it. Good advice here
just turned 24 and in a relationship for 2 years now. honestly it depends on the girl. i don't feel like my girl holds me back with anything. she lets me go to vegas with the boys, watch football sundays, etc so there is nothing I'm missing out on but being able to smash/talk to a bunch of girls. i feel like i been with enough girls in my life already so doubt ill ever feel like i "missed out". Also being with so many girls i realize that the one i have right now is special so in my case being with her outweighs having the freedom to smash random chicks. also all my friends are having kids, getting real jobs, etc so if i was single i'd be forever aloning it with friends and girls.

to sum it up, do what feels right. if i were u i'd give being single a chance. Go smash chicks, party, do what u want. You might just realize your a relationship type of guy. good luck
Originally Posted by theDEEK

20-25 is when I'd rather be single, but late twenties is when I plan to start taking relationships seriously once I'm established and all.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

It all depends, if you're mature enough to handle a relationship, with the right girl, then by all means start a relationship with someone special. However if you feel that you still have some things to get out of your system or you're simply not mentally stable/mature enough to be in a stable relationship then no, I don't think you have any business being in one.

Considering you've just got out of a relatively long relationship I'd advise you to stay single, as you don't want to bring any emotional baggage into your next relationship. You don't need anyone to validate you. Just do you and when you're ready it'll happen again.

Until then better yourself, acquire currency, smash other chicks (not your ex, again, emotional baggage is a no no), and find yourself. Once you hit 25, it's all downhill brother, that midlife crisis.
I feel it. Good advice here

I think I'm around here. I have a 6 month old son, still working on my career, wish I was single (maybe not single but, with the right chick) support nd love my son 100% though. Make the right choices OP, wait for the right moment, wrap it up at all times.
Originally Posted by n1co86ya

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

It all depends, if you're mature enough to handle a relationship, with the right girl, then by all means start a relationship with someone special. However if you feel that you still have some things to get out of your system or you're simply not mentally stable/mature enough to be in a stable relationship then no, I don't think you have any business being in one.

Considering you've just got out of a relatively long relationship I'd advise you to stay single, as you don't want to bring any emotional baggage into your next relationship. You don't need anyone to validate you. Just do you and when you're ready it'll happen again.

Until then better yourself, acquire currency, smash other chicks (not your ex, again, emotional baggage is a no no), and find yourself. Once you hit 25, it's all downhill brother, that midlife crisis.
I feel it. Good advice here

I think I'm around here. I have a 6 month old son, still working on my career, wish I was single (maybe not single but, with the right chick) support nd love my son 100% though. Make the right choices OP, wait for the right moment, wrap it up at all times.
Yeah i plan on staying single throughout these years. I feel that right now relationships and girls are a distraction, i just wanna focus on school, a career and big time money. Im too focused in on what I want to achieve. Tunnel Vision at its finest.

Hopefully one day ill meet someone that will compliment my desires.
It all depends.  Like previously stated some times you just find the right girl and you want to be in a relationship with her.

Personal experience...i am 24 was in a relationship for about 4 years.  Do not regret any of it.  Have been single for about a year now.  It is nice, plan on being single for at least another year or two.  I don't want anything serious until I am about 28.  I already have a career, but trying to move up the ladder a little before i can relax and worry about a social life. But regardless of relationship or no relationship just enjoy your youth.  Do what ever you have to do to make yourself happy.   That is really all life is about at the end of the day making yourself and others around you that you care about happy. 
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