Aging, Maturing and the brain VS your penis..

Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Think about how different the world would be if people masturbated before they made decisions.

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by chris nosnah

Originally Posted by Moe Fab

Realest S_ I've ever read on NT
didn't Drake say that corny *** #$%^ ?
 I was gonna say the same %#@$. Some interview in Elle magazine or something. AKA a broad magazine. I mean I guess its' real %#@$ though. *shrugs shoulders*
Originally Posted by TheShoe1010

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by chris nosnah
didn't Drake say that corny *** #$%^ ?
 I was gonna say the same %#@$. Some interview in Elle magazine or something. AKA a broad magazine. I mean I guess its' real %#@$ though. *shrugs shoulders*

That's tight. I ain't even know kuz I don't follow cats like that. I just thought it was some real S_. Keep reachin' tho.
*shrugs as well*
Originally Posted by sillyputty

They say the 30 seconds after a man climaxes is the realest 30 seconds of his life.

You look over and realize that you don't even want to speak to that person anymore...You don't have anything in common. You barely know them. You don't even really want to touch them. 

Was it worth it? Doing whatever you did to get them in bed? Whether or not you lied to her or spent more or less time/money than you anticipated, was it really worth it? 

This is what ALWAYS happens. Then you realize that getting your rocks off is barely worth it when you can't find someone quality to invest your time in.

No disrespect to those with the means to knock every single thing off, because I'm sure its fun, but at what cost? I'm not even talking about STIs or babies or anything...but its about that connection.

Thats me at least. I know its all mental at the end of the day so to each their own.

didn't Drake pretty much say this entire post in an issue of Complex?
Originally Posted by Moe Fab

Originally Posted by sillyputty

They say the 30 seconds after a man climaxes is the realest 30 seconds of his life.

You look over and realize that you don't even want to speak to that person anymore...You don't have anything in common. You barely know them. You don't even really want to touch them. 

Was it worth it? Doing whatever you did to get them in bed? Whether or not you lied to her or spent more or less time/money than you anticipated, was it really worth it? 

This is what ALWAYS happens. Then you realize that getting your rocks off is barely worth it when you can't find someone quality to invest your time in.

No disrespect to those with the means to knock every single thing off, because I'm sure its fun, but at what cost? I'm not even talking about STIs or babies or anything...but its about that connection.

Thats me at least. I know its all mental at the end of the day so to each their own.

Realest S_ I've ever read on NT

Yessss! I thought I was the only one that went through this! 
1st thinh i thought of when i read the title was seinfeld...then i click the link &
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

almost drove back to see my chick (2 hour drive) but i fapped one.. now i aint tryna go

Exactly what I was talking about. You prolly just save $20 on the tank and now don't give a %+%$.

Feelin like


The 5 minutes after it's like a spell has been broken.
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