Air Jordan 2010 posts "merged"

srsly looking at those pictures is it really that hard to figure out what the gimmick of the big %$# 23 on the side is??

99% sure its just some stupid removable magnet
i feel like the contrast stitching is disrespectful to the legacy of this shoe. not a bad as the '08 olympics tho. pass.
Please, Please, PLEASE! No more patent leather! Can weget [color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]one[/color] damn pair of kicks [color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]without[/color] patent leather?!! A sneaker will wear just fine without patent leather for C__ist's sake!
It's been so overused the past few years that I'm sick of it!

(And without the Jumpman "slapped" so large on the side...)
^^^I don't think it's patent. I did at first, but if you look, the pieces actually look like clear plastic- you can see the pattern piecesunderneath....even worse. Maybe the giant logo changes color like they wanted to do with the XX2....
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