Air Jordan 5 "Grape" MAY 4th, 2013 - $160

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Nice of him to do I suppose.
But boots make a lot more sense, would last a lot longer than AJ V's.
The cop that bought the boots didn't pose for pics with the guy, a tourist spotted what was happening and took pics.
They had to track the cop down, and he still didn't want the attention or credit for doing what he did.
On the other hand, Chad posed for pics and bought him a hyped shoe that was already getting lots of attention.
The story will show up on all the sneaker blogs with pics now, as well as the regular media.
Like I said, nice of him to do I suppose, but he also knows he's going to get a ton of free press of this.
Otherwise, why take pics? The homeless man has no way to look at them.
The free press of this is going to be worth more than the maybe $300 he spent, and I'd say a man as well known as Chad knows this.
Bravo? Not so much.
Try watching "skid row" where Pras from the Fugees goes homeless to see what its like to be homeless.... Yeah he looks at being homeless way different now, and feels their pain cuz he experienced it
The way I see it is, JB is listening to the public complaining about produce more numbers. They made a lot of these !
Got to mall and copped. I don't understand trying to buy online, when as some mentioned earlier the next 10-15 pages will be "did my order go through", "did my order go canceled", etc. Why do all that work, when you can just try in store. If you strike out, you strike out. No big deal.But congrats to those that got their pair, and good luck to those still trying online. 
dont give up on eastbay and footlocker. after clicking for just over 2hrs (lame, i know) easybay came through (sz 11.5), and then i just kept clicking footlocker as a backup plan and they added to my cart as well. eastbay timer started at like 13 minutes and i got all the way down and paid. footlocker timer had about 2 minutes left and i just exited out since i got my order confirmation from eastbay immediately. good luck gentlemen.
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wow footaction still has sizes 11.5 just added but not my size that crazy they must of made allot of these
I dont get it i cant get one 10.5 pair...
Some people definitely get lucky but keep trying on Eastbay if the add to cart is still up, was able to get 3 pairs this morning, one for me and the other two for friends that I'm selling for retail to them, they had to work so figured I could help them out.
I was starting to lose faith as well but eastbay came through with my second size 9. just keep clicking add to cart. back to sleep.
Any idea on how to get kicks still?
If I had the money, I definitely would've bought two pairs today, but I am definitely going to get another pair of these when I get the opportunity. I really wanted to buy the Lebrons and these, but I had to choose one and I went with the grapes, I am pretty sure that come payday friday I can walk into Champs or Finishline and buy the Lebrons, nobody really buys them in my area.
Hey fellaz, just go thru on Eastbay and got my size 12 paid for so their Grapes out there still to be had!! 
just added to cart on eastbay and champs, gave me a 15 minute waiting list tho? should i wait it out or is it useless by now?
wow pretty upset. i placed an order through my phone on DSG thru paypal almost two hours ago and still haven't gotten an order confirmation email so i talked to a customer rep and they said they don't see an order with my information
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