I heard Niketown Seattle already going campers for the XIs.. lol.. haha
Niketown NY started camping earlier.....
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by JrMOFF2

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by JrMOFF2

To those who order on Eastbay, what are your tips??



o yea i am sure I will need this too, but should I keep more than one eastbay tab up and keep refreshing to they appear om the site. Like do they go up right at 12 a.m. EST?
If you HAVE to use Eastbay, try calling them about 10-15 minutes prior to release and bs'ing, all the while having your browser open and ready. If you don't have to use them, then have NDC open as well.

Alright thanks man.
Anyone know if you can scoop more then one pair from 34th St. FootAction? Tryna get two.
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

If you camp for some shoes I don't care how much love you got for them or how many times you got gassed up, you are a lame.

If you criticize someone for doing something that has nothing to do with you I don't care how many teeth you have, you are a lame.
Originally Posted by Ima Shoe Addict8

lmao i erased beforei get bannd dont need all thaat drama but to u "Michelin Man"

%!@ is taser and mace to 357?

foreal take some time before u answer with an immature as responce.

its real question not threatnin anybody or sayin its gonna happen but what ill u do?  

U go to sleep
This can't be real life. Just simply cannot
Originally Posted by Ima Shoe Addict8

lmao i erased beforei get bannd dont need all thaat drama but to u "Michelin Man"

%!@ is taser and mace to 357?

foreal take some time before u answer with an immature as responce.

its real question not threatnin anybody or sayin its gonna happen but what ill u do?  

U go to sleep

*Looks at sig, then looks at post. Looks back at sig* 
Originally Posted by Ima Shoe Addict8

EkinKlat SHUT THE $%%! UP CUHZ...U LAME AS $%%!.. LMAO

what u some type of type correction mod or some !#+%...

good job man..... foreal ... lmao (at this lame as) HAAAAAAAAA

My bad bro. I'm still shaken up from when you would bully me as a child. Man you sure was banger at an early age

Originally Posted by EkinKlat

Originally Posted by YoShoeGameIsWack

I have a few questions ...

So the nba store has already sold there Cool Greys ?
So far...yes
shaking my head ... but whats funny is i "heard" HOH at the galleria i Houston is getting 500 pair ... right

Originally Posted by Ima Shoe Addict8

EkinKlat lMAO thats a ugly as lil nikka...

im not even black though LMAO

but look thats how iknow ur *%$$*! lame as ##@! u shooting back with lame as comments and pictures?? for a punch line?

good $##+... good $##+
dude what is up with you

I think imma try online, i ran into a corrupt release w/ the 11/12 cdp & had a long day w/ the sj's. I ended up coppin the cdp's later but took a L on the sj's. I just like the release experience b/c there's nothin like buyin my shoes 1st hand but it's not as fun when u come out empty handed smh
Originally Posted by bigkel23

I think imma try online, i ran into a corrupt release w/ the 11/12 cdp & had a long day w/ the sj's. I ended up coppin the cdp's later but took a L on the sj's. I just like the release experience b/c there's nothin like buyin my shoes 1st hand but it's not as fun when u come out empty handed smh

yeah me too ... the last time i ordered online was the Nubuck 12s lol and i could have walked in the stores
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by Ima Shoe Addict8

lmao i erased beforei get bannd dont need all thaat drama but to u "Michelin Man"

%!@ is taser and mace to 357?

foreal take some time before u answer with an immature as responce.

its real question not threatnin anybody or sayin its gonna happen but what ill u do?  

U go to sleep

*Looks at sig, then looks at post. Looks back at sig* 

that was pretty good.
Even though I have 2 pairs bought and shipped to me already I still woke up again in the middle of the night for the 3rd time in the last 2 weeks having a nightmare that I somehow didnt get my pair. Lol. The first dream a week ago I overslept on release day, the 2nd dream my connect fell through and last night I shot up out of a dead sleep praying it wasn't real that I set them on the counter and the store resold them to someone else while i was talking to someone. Man I need to get these shoes before I have a mental breakdown. hahaha.
You know theres something seriously wrong with you when you start having nightmares over shoes.
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