Air Jordan XI Retro - White/Concord/Black - CONFIRMED - Holiday 2011

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Alright, I am gonna catch a lot of fleck for this post, but I still decided to share some info.

Those of you who have been reading this thread religiously like I have, should remember an exchange between Ming(MSole's owner) and nooblee about nike sending ppl straight to the factories to see what is going on the XI line, and thus effectively making the factory almost non-functioning for a few days, or locked down as those two so eloquently put it.  Welp, turns out this was true.

Most of us should know by now, shoes not yet in production are almost impossible to leak out, but once they hit production, with the quantity being made each day, shoes leak out.  However, these shoes dont leak out to just anyone.  Only those with close ties to the higher-ups, actually get access to these shoes.  Some would like to think just any factory worker can get shoes out, and yea maybe they can, but definitely not in mass quantity.  You have to know someone who is at least a manager to get these concords in large numbers.

Back to my point about the lockdown.  Since production was stopped due to nike investigating possible leak in the early August, shoes were not being leaked out the first week of August.  Now think back for a second.  When did AR claim to have these shoes ready?  You got it, it was the first week of August.  How?  He has his sources, but is that source one of Pou Chen's factory?  Not possible, because of the lock down.  So where did he get his?  Honestly, dont know, not gonna specutulate either.  Its none of my business, to be honet.  However, lets just say, only a few official factories in China get designated to mass produce high end basketball shoes.   Not even gonna go into which factory, as I am sure Nike prolly has eyes on this thread.  However, I will say, not all models(1-2011) are produced in the same factory.  For example, a factory that gets to produce the XIs, might not get to produce the VIs.  Can someone check the recently released 2010 VIs and their SJ or CG?  Check to see if the factory number is the same.....I am not even sure if they are or not, but i am told or lead to believe that they should be different.

If you had enough patience to read through all that, then you can start putting the pieces together.  Why the delay at SDS?  Yea, it was cause of the lock down.  Pre-orders in nature are hard to control, you never know when Nike will decide to make a visit at a factory site.  You can only go by what the ppl in the factory tell you.

Like someone have said already, shoes that leak out, are not retail packaged shoe.  Ppl who get access to these early released shoes, most of the time, have to staff ppl to do their own inspection and retail packaging.........cause nike sure as hell isnt going to do it for them.  Hence the reason why you get these early release shoes, and find the packaging to be less than satifactory.  Shoe laces untied, anyone? 

Like I have mentioned many time, these big factories, most of the time only do the assembly of the parts to create the shoe.  The material, parts, accessories are not produced in the factory that does assembly.  Most of the time, these parts/accessories are produced by related parties, or subsidiaries under the umbrella of Pou Chen or FengTay.   This is precisely the reason why a lot of times these special shoe boxes differ in small details than the boxes you get on RD.  Quality control is non-existence on these boxes, however, the shoes are 100% real.

Now, I am not going to stick my neck out again and say SDS is legit, blah blah blah.  From now on, I will only share info about what I know.  You guys can draw your own conclusion.  I will say this, however, the delay in shippment might be a blessing in disguise.

Oh, and for the person complaing about not being able to get a 11.5.......................well, what can I tell, early releases shoes arent always produced in FSR, especially not half sizes.  They will surface later on, just not right now.

Lastly, I just want to say, a lot of ppl here are from the US, and because of the way we're all brought up, we have come to expect things in retail to be done a certain way or held to a certain standard.  All good points, and I understand that mentality completely, being that I lived in the US a long time too.  However, coming back to Asia, its a learning experience.  Non-existence return policy, crap customer service, business man trying to make a quick buck regardless of means.  Its not all that uncommon at all.  People here dont usually do business honestly all the time, and its not until after the fact, that you find out you have been deceived.  When you buy from early release sites, you have to understand, you are not dealing with owners who are fully acustomed to the American culture, you are not dealing with retail businesses even, you are dealing with people who have connections to early released shoes.  Most of the time, you will never hear a peep from them.  If that is something you cant deal with, 2xx some bucks is too important to your bottomline, then dont buy from early release sites. 

Having said all that, I am actually really surprised that SDS would even have ppl come on here to tell you guys those restocked SJs were questionable. 
I am surprised he would respond to guys on here saying currently his paypal has insufficient fund right now, and wait a few days before the refund.
I am surprised he would tell the guy that he doesnt have a 11.5 right now.

There is a lot of info that quite frankly, if i were running his business, i would never ever tell you guys. 
For the SJ, he wouldve been better off not saying anything, like the other sites, sneakerape, anyone?  Instead, i would just quietly offer refund to all those who requested it.
For insufficient funds, i wouldve just said, Sorry, your refund is being processed, and should be deposited into your account in the next 2-3 days.
For the guy who wants the 11.5, I would have said, We're trying hard to fulfill your order, but due to unforseeable circumstances, there will be delays.  If you cannot wait anymore, I will gladly process your refund, and it should be deposited back to your account within a couple of days.  I will inform you later on, should size 11.5 become available.

These standard customer service responses wouldve worked so much better, but instead he just gave out truthful answer, and ppl are bashing him to no end?  I remember back in my learning days, I was always taught to be honest.  However, after being in the work force for a while, I have realized 100% honesty does not get you far in this world, some of the accusers here are the perfect example why.

Anyway, draw your own conclusion, ppl.  Stop being swayed one way or another so easily.
Hey good stuff. My only complaint is that I don't know if you are excusing their lack of customer service because that's the way its done in China. I am an US consumer in the US. I don't care how business is done in China. I expect a certain level of customer service. Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans. You should be prepared to provide them with the level of service that is demanded. They told the truth because they had our money and not provided what was promised. If they provided the promised items they could could be as vague astheypleases.
lol at that expecting a certain level of customer service and once you cross that big pond comment.  American rules, regulations and customs don't apply in other countries.  Their might be some sort of Americanization in other countries i.e (McDonalds etc.).  But to believe you are owed a certain level of customer service is ridiculous.  You are the one crossing that "big pond" into their territory.  They don't care if you're American all they care about is your American Money.

^ (Rush Hour 2 scene)

lol you guys remind of Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 2 thinking he runs China
Originally Posted by Vuey



and Jazza your pair looks on point. I can only hope my pair looks like that in December, maybe even better.
Originally Posted by ALittleBitCooler

Originally Posted by Vuey



and Jazza your pair looks on point. I can only hope my pair looks like that in December, maybe even better.
I hope so too man! Feel sorry for all the peeps that have gotten bad pairs. I don't think I'm gonna do the early release game again - too much of a risk and no one knows anything 
Originally Posted by JumpmanPro97

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by eddo1005

Alright, I am gonna catch a lot of fleck for this post, but I still decided to share some info.

Those of you who have been reading this thread religiously like I have, should remember an exchange between Ming(MSole's owner) and nooblee about nike sending ppl straight to the factories to see what is going on the XI line, and thus effectively making the factory almost non-functioning for a few days, or locked down as those two so eloquently put it.  Welp, turns out this was true.

Most of us should know by now, shoes not yet in production are almost impossible to leak out, but once they hit production, with the quantity being made each day, shoes leak out.  However, these shoes dont leak out to just anyone.  Only those with close ties to the higher-ups, actually get access to these shoes.  Some would like to think just any factory worker can get shoes out, and yea maybe they can, but definitely not in mass quantity.  You have to know someone who is at least a manager to get these concords in large numbers.

Back to my point about the lockdown.  Since production was stopped due to nike investigating possible leak in the early August, shoes were not being leaked out the first week of August.  Now think back for a second.  When did AR claim to have these shoes ready?  You got it, it was the first week of August.  How?  He has his sources, but is that source one of Pou Chen's factory?  Not possible, because of the lock down.  So where did he get his?  Honestly, dont know, not gonna specutulate either.  Its none of my business, to be honet.  However, lets just say, only a few official factories in China get designated to mass produce high end basketball shoes.   Not even gonna go into which factory, as I am sure Nike prolly has eyes on this thread.  However, I will say, not all models(1-2011) are produced in the same factory.  For example, a factory that gets to produce the XIs, might not get to produce the VIs.  Can someone check the recently released 2010 VIs and their SJ or CG?  Check to see if the factory number is the same.....I am not even sure if they are or not, but i am told or lead to believe that they should be different.

If you had enough patience to read through all that, then you can start putting the pieces together.  Why the delay at SDS?  Yea, it was cause of the lock down.  Pre-orders in nature are hard to control, you never know when Nike will decide to make a visit at a factory site.  You can only go by what the ppl in the factory tell you.

Like someone have said already, shoes that leak out, are not retail packaged shoe.  Ppl who get access to these early released shoes, most of the time, have to staff ppl to do their own inspection and retail packaging.........cause nike sure as hell isnt going to do it for them.  Hence the reason why you get these early release shoes, and find the packaging to be less than satifactory.  Shoe laces untied, anyone? 

Like I have mentioned many time, these big factories, most of the time only do the assembly of the parts to create the shoe.  The material, parts, accessories are not produced in the factory that does assembly.  Most of the time, these parts/accessories are produced by related parties, or subsidiaries under the umbrella of Pou Chen or FengTay.   This is precisely the reason why a lot of times these special shoe boxes differ in small details than the boxes you get on RD.  Quality control is non-existence on these boxes, however, the shoes are 100% real.

Now, I am not going to stick my neck out again and say SDS is legit, blah blah blah.  From now on, I will only share info about what I know.  You guys can draw your own conclusion.  I will say this, however, the delay in shippment might be a blessing in disguise.

Oh, and for the person complaing about not being able to get a 11.5.......................well, what can I tell, early releases shoes arent always produced in FSR, especially not half sizes.  They will surface later on, just not right now.

Lastly, I just want to say, a lot of ppl here are from the US, and because of the way we're all brought up, we have come to expect things in retail to be done a certain way or held to a certain standard.  All good points, and I understand that mentality completely, being that I lived in the US a long time too.  However, coming back to Asia, its a learning experience.  Non-existence return policy, crap customer service, business man trying to make a quick buck regardless of means.  Its not all that uncommon at all.  People here dont usually do business honestly all the time, and its not until after the fact, that you find out you have been deceived.  When you buy from early release sites, you have to understand, you are not dealing with owners who are fully acustomed to the American culture, you are not dealing with retail businesses even, you are dealing with people who have connections to early released shoes.  Most of the time, you will never hear a peep from them.  If that is something you cant deal with, 2xx some bucks is too important to your bottomline, then dont buy from early release sites. 

Having said all that, I am actually really surprised that SDS would even have ppl come on here to tell you guys those restocked SJs were questionable. 
I am surprised he would respond to guys on here saying currently his paypal has insufficient fund right now, and wait a few days before the refund.
I am surprised he would tell the guy that he doesnt have a 11.5 right now.

There is a lot of info that quite frankly, if i were running his business, i would never ever tell you guys. 
For the SJ, he wouldve been better off not saying anything, like the other sites, sneakerape, anyone?  Instead, i would just quietly offer refund to all those who requested it.
For insufficient funds, i wouldve just said, Sorry, your refund is being processed, and should be deposited into your account in the next 2-3 days.
For the guy who wants the 11.5, I would have said, We're trying hard to fulfill your order, but due to unforseeable circumstances, there will be delays.  If you cannot wait anymore, I will gladly process your refund, and it should be deposited back to your account within a couple of days.  I will inform you later on, should size 11.5 become available.

These standard customer service responses wouldve worked so much better, but instead he just gave out truthful answer, and ppl are bashing him to no end?  I remember back in my learning days, I was always taught to be honest.  However, after being in the work force for a while, I have realized 100% honesty does not get you far in this world, some of the accusers here are the perfect example why.

Anyway, draw your own conclusion, ppl.  Stop being swayed one way or another so easily.
Hey good stuff. My only complaint is that I don't know if you are excusing their lack of customer service because that's the way its done in China. I am an US consumer in the US. I don't care how business is done in China. I expect a certain level of customer service. Once you cross that big pond and begin to service the Americans. You should be prepared to provide them with the level of service that is demanded. They told the truth because they had our money and not provided what was promised. If they provided the promised items they could could be as vague astheypleases.
lol at that expecting a certain level of customer service and once you cross that big pond comment.  American rules, regulations and customs don't apply in other countries.  Their might be some sort of Americanization in other countries i.e (McDonalds etc.).  But to believe you are owed a certain level of customer service is ridiculous.  You are the one crossing that "big pond" into their territory.  They don't care if you're American all they care about is your American Money.

^ (Rush Hour 2 scene)

lol you guys remind of Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 2 thinking he runs China

Where did you get this logic from?

It's about money, they're selling to Americans.

Would you continue going to a store with poor customer service? If they received complaints and lost business, because of poor customer service I guarantee things would change.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Still trying to figure out why people bought these early from these online vendors....Doesnt make sense to me

this happens every year with certain releases. ppl haven't learned yet.

Yup early release sites in China= Rip off.
Originally Posted by Twinsnyc

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Still trying to figure out why people bought these early from these online vendors....Doesnt make sense to me

this happens every year with certain releases. ppl haven't learned yet.

Yup early release sites in China= Rip off.
Still don't understand why people are still ordering from them. I guess everyone wants to be the rare case to get the "legit" pair.
This was my first time buying from them. Learn the hard way. Won't ever buy again. If anyone is a new buyer and have not bought from early sellers, DO NOT BUY FROM THEM. That means ALL early sellers. It is a very poor experience and you get +!$$ sneakers.
Originally Posted by rareair45

Still don't understand why people are still ordering from them. I guess everyone wants to be the rare case to get the "legit" pair.
Definition of insanity.. doing the same thing over & over.
Luckily we have forums like this & internet to search for other peoples experieces which bugs me out on how people still have issues like this.

For those who didn't listen you have no one to blame for yourselves. Like I said earlier I don't see how you can purchase these early releases with the official photos even being released. People fail to realize the only photo to be released of these was a photo of the carbon fiber on the shoe
Originally Posted by teamfreshh

why do the mods keep deleting posts !

Just trying to keep this entire post under control. The emoticon only posts, the "QFT" replies as well as alot of the useless posts will be getting deleted. It's confusing enough having to sift thru all that gets added everyday. Why not keep it as minimal as possible?
Air-Randy's response on Twitter to peoples reaction to site down.
"we just doing the f*(king update on our FB and WebStore .... no worry we wont run away with your money !!! if you..."


Can someone help me out with my tracking from Air Randy?

It works on both the HK post and USPS, but the last update was the 23 and all it says is it left hong kong...

Posting Date Drop-off Point Origin
20-Aug-2011 Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office

Date # Location Delivery Status
20-Aug-2011 Hong Kong Item posted and is being processed.
20-Aug-2011 Hong Kong In transit.
22-Aug-2011 Hong Kong Processed for departure.
23-Aug-2011 Hong Kong The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Aug-2011

Just trying to see how long it took other people's to arrive after it said this?
Originally Posted by solesearch22

Can someone help me out with my tracking from Air Randy?

It works on both the HK post and USPS, but the last update was the 23 and all it says is it left hong kong...

Posting Date Drop-off Point Origin
20-Aug-2011 Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office

Date # Location Delivery Status
20-Aug-2011 Hong Kong Item posted and is being processed.
20-Aug-2011 Hong Kong In transit.
22-Aug-2011 Hong Kong Processed for departure.
23-Aug-2011 Hong Kong The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Aug-2011

Just trying to see how long it took other people's to arrive after it said this?
I ordered from Randy once in the past & after it left HK it was 2 business days till it was in the hands of customs & the next morning left customs to my local post office

I'm located in New York but keep in mind

1. The hurricane might mess up flights
2. Customs is hit & miss, some process alot quicker than others


@solesearch. Its on its way to the USA. Should be in the air by now or somewhere on the east coast or west coast and waiting to be scanned for update Should be delivered by Friday if not then Monday. May vary depending on where you are.
Originally Posted by solesearch22

Can someone help me out with my tracking from Air Randy?

It works on both the HK post and USPS, but the last update was the 23 and all it says is it left hong kong...

Posting Date Drop-off Point Origin
20-Aug-2011 Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office

Date # Location Delivery Status
20-Aug-2011 Hong Kong Item posted and is being processed.
20-Aug-2011 Hong Kong In transit.
22-Aug-2011 Hong Kong Processed for departure.
23-Aug-2011 Hong Kong The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Aug-2011

Just trying to see how long it took other people's to arrive after it said this?

It may be in customs in the States.  Use the tracking # @
Originally Posted by UPandCOMING32

as minimal as possible? its already at 365 pages, 4 months before RD....just let it rock

agree with this
part of the fun apart from getting information is reading those hilarious posts

wow randy is up to almost 800 comments (95% of hate to the guy) on his facebook
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

This is what I got

Inbound Out of Customs
August 23, 2011, 2:40 pm

So should I expect my package today?

Possibly... depends on where you are and where the package is outbound (likely NY).
Originally Posted by PTone

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

This is what I got

Inbound Out of Customs
August 23, 2011, 2:40 pm

So should I expect my package today?

Possibly... depends on where you are and where the package is outbound (likely NY).

Its was in NY, and im located in Atlanta, Ga
If there's no hold up in customs, you should receive today or tomorrow. You'll probably need someone to sign for it b/c they don't usually leave int'l packages @ the door.
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