Air Jordan xxxiv first info

Jason Tatum PEs tonight are a nice white/grey combo - kind of made me think of the OG Cement 4s. Haven’t been able to find a pic on-line yet.

Hadn't seen them but if they're anything like this,
might be in for the zipper depends on if i try them on again and i feel like i can tolerate the feel of the shoe under my feet
Pretty sure that starts with MJ. He was trying to hide laces as far back as the 6. He clearly hates laces and toe rands LOL

No doubt, but Tate has been trying to do away with laces on almost every JB sig shoe hes designed, or had a part in. Which I think 16(not sure if he had a hand in this one or not too lazy to google it) 17-19 & 33 & 34 (now). Probably missing something but again too lazy to google it.
No doubt, but Tate has been trying to do away with laces on almost every JB sig shoe hes designed, or had a part in. Which I think 16(not sure if he had a hand in this one or not too lazy to google it) 17-19 & 33 & 34 (now). Probably missing something but again too lazy to google it.
Ya for sure. What I meant was, I bet he does so in no small part because it’s what MJ wants in terms of general design cues. But regardless, they need to stop with that already. If that’s really what Mike has been after all these years, he needs to just get Nike to allow JB to incorporate Adapt into some Js and be done with it.
Ya for sure. What I meant was, I bet he does so in no small part because it’s what MJ wants in terms of general design cues. But regardless, they need to stop with that already. If that’s really what Mike has been after all these years, he needs to just get Nike to allow JB to incorporate Adapt into some Js and be done with it.

Bro it’s over the Adapt too. Didn’t they incorporate Auto laces in the 33??? That’s why I didn’t get any. It didn’t have any laces at all. And that launch color way was so nice too.
Bro it’s over the Adapt too. Didn’t they incorporate Auto laces in the 33??? That’s why I didn’t get any. It didn’t have any laces at all. And that launch color way was so nice too.
Well they weren’t auto laces but yeah, basically same thing. Glad they brought regular laces back for the 34. Except for all the popped lace loops people have experienced ...
Well they weren’t auto laces but yeah, basically same thing. Glad they brought regular laces back for the 34. Except for all the popped lace loops people have experienced ...

So the SE is suppose to safe guard that, so even if you do pop a lace, you can cover it anyway. Jordan brand is some cornballs, instead of fixing that issue, they just cover it up with a bulls colorway.
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