Airhead Chicks UNappreciation Vol. Whats the dumbest thing a girl ever told you?

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I have plenty of airhead moments myself.

This is from one of my best friends. I love her. But, she has a lot of these moments. We still tease her about this. She said this comment a couple of years ago, back maybe in 2002 or something.

Her: OMG. Guys...I love Michael Jackson's new song!I just heard it the other day.
Us: Oh...he has a new song?How does it go?
Her: It goes something do do do...Billie Jean is not my love....
Us: *stonefaces from everyone and we all burst out laughing*
Her: Guys...what???

Me: Um...That song is not new at all. It was released in 1983 and is a classic and also one of MJ's most known songs. Damn, the whole world or anywhere people know this song.
Her: Oh cool. Well, OMG, it is great!

Acting like you got MJ's Wiki on memorization.
i was driving in time square wit this puerto rican broad, and believe me she was
......outts nowhere she wanted me to make a u-turn, when i refused she uttered the words "YOU A LOOOOOOOOOOSA" after that one i was like
on our way to "Vallejo" on Hwy 12...passing "Valero Gas Station" homegirl goes, "dang, we're in Valero already".
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I have plenty of airhead moments myself.

This is from one of my best friends. I love her. But, she has a lot of these moments. We still tease her about this. She said this comment a couple of years ago, back maybe in 2002 or something.

Her: OMG. Guys...I love Michael Jackson's new song!I just heard it the other day.
Us: Oh...he has a new song?How does it go?
Her: It goes something do do do...Billie Jean is not my love....
Us: *stonefaces from everyone and we all burst out laughing*
Her: Guys...what???
Me: Um...That song is not new at all. It was released in 1983 and is a classic and also one of MJ's most known songs. Damn, the whole world or anywhere people know this song.
Her: Oh cool. Well, OMG, it is great!
Can't argue there...

General Johnson wrote:


Ok fine.My dialogue part which I wrote is not word per word obviously.Maybe I told her it came out in the early 80s or something. But, I do know now that it came out in 1983. 
me- so hows ur gag reflex? =P
her- lol did i ever give you *knowledge*? [she didnt say that word]
me- wait, r u serious?
her- sorry lol its just that i've given knowledge to so many people before i cant remember half of them

mayb not too much airhead but super J.O. status
This +$% hands down.....
Her: $1 a day, times 7 days a week, 4 weeks in a month, 12 months in a year. That's like  $268 dollars a year.

 you do know its 365 days in a year right?

Her: Not always

I complimented a friend on something and asked her where she bought it. Her answer...

"at the store"

lol i know this is not dumb but its sad, just had to post

my boys girl puts her phone in a plastic bag so she can text while taking a shower lol
Originally Posted by Lalph Rauren

lol i know this is not dumb but its sad, just had to post

my boys girl puts her phone in a plastic bag so she can text while taking a shower lol

Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by spincv

Me talking with a freshman

Her: How did you used to score booze when you were a freshman
Me: It wasn't that hard seeing as i know alot of upper classmen and they would buy for me, Why
Her: well I was trying to get some today and walked up to a guy infront of the liquor store and i asked him if he could buy us some
Me: What was he like a cop or did he walk away
Her: No he was going to buy it for us but he said it was a holiday so the liquor store was closed

Maybe it was a holiday and the liqour store was closed.

She told me they walked to the liquor store... the lights must have been off. LMAO
 this happened to me again.
Leno Jaywalking stuff

Coworker: Kansas City is in Kansas
Me: Nope. KC is in Missouri. Like St Louis.
Coworker. St Louis? That's a state right?
Me: Lol You need to step up your geography game.

Me: Yeah Mark got that whole European vibe.
Coworker: Where is he from?
Me: Vienna
Coworker: I thought he was Austrian though.
Me: Once again check out a map haanh
Originally Posted by bauercans

Leno Jaywalking stuff

Coworker: Kansas City is in Kansas
Me: Nope. KC is in Missouri. Like St Louis.
Coworker. St Louis? That's a state right?
Me: Lol You need to step up your geography game.

actually it is in kansas and missouri.
A little story.. involving a airhead chick..

She wanted to show me her brand new watch..

She gave me her right wrist..

There was no watch on her wrist..

She said oops..

Show me her left wrist.. There was the watch..

She forgot the watch was on her left wrist..
"we have to.count the.change before we go to.coinstar"

"what if I wake up dead"

"they played some team that started with an F...o the Phoenix Suns"

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