AJ "BRED" 13 returning JAN 12, 2013

Well I have an 11 in the bag. Just can't check out

the story of about 98% of all people who try to cop off of jj, then if you do get through, you have to wonder if the order will go through bc you hear stories often off jj canceling orders
I think theres a better chance getting them in stores. Online is too tough. I dont know any tricks either so im done.
i had my 2 sz 10.5 in cart at 10 55cst on jj and i still was not able to complete an order, hopefully they will be an easy cop in store tomorrow.
thirst is real.resellers drink the cool aid 
It was the same with the bred 11s. I think the problem was that no one could check out. I was on there trying to check out since like 10:50 cst
Hey guys jump on size.co right now !!! They got sizes !!! I just grabbed my size !! Run don't walk.
I got a weird message though, it says processing order. Usually when I order anywhere it just goes through. I never saw this before, I am kind of concerned.
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