have to agree...with 90% of everyone else. They look ok...but just too much like the REAL THING. It looks like you are trying too hard. Easiest Pass thisyear....

how can you rock those...knowing these are around?
They pretty nice compared to the rest of the fusion garbage commin out but like said before i'd rather just get the OG V's. But as far as V's imalready prob gonna get 2 this year the black UNC blue retro n the pack ones.
Can't wait til these drop. These and the black/red V are the only Fusions I will be copping
These fusions have grown the most on me... but if these Vs r gonna b n the pack then this is a pass 4 me but I mite cop the the blue ones doe
I see alot of people asking when they are coming out and no one seems to know. Anyone have a release date?
I'm coppin for a few reasons: I'm not droppin 310+ (if I'm lucky enough to get 'em for retail) for a pair i really like and one that's
. The retros don't have the Nike Air which is something that I feel makes these special. Not to mention if there's little to no hype for these ican get 3-4 pair for the cost of one CDP.
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